Thanks blizzard you can flush your new "loot" system in the toilet

Okay?Firs tofff all, How am I going to level properly in a steady level to around 197 if not lucky with GV?

Seconth off all, Are you even the slightest bit aware that mythic 6 and less well be made useless upon week 7, along side LFR willk be made useless too?

Well I can agree that conduits shouldn’t be part of loot table.

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There’s literally no gear whatsoever. In the last 24 hours I’ve done 5 raid bosses and probably about 12 dungeons and I’ve seen only one piece of gear drop and I couldn’t use it because it wasn’t an upgrade.

The whole point of an MMO is to progress and become stronger which is proving damn near impossible right now and that, to me, is not acceptable.

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Conduits arnt. They are on top. A seperate loot table.

And you totally didnt address my post.

And in past you could easly go several weeks without getting single item. So?. There was no great vault, no spamable mythic+, 4 raid difficulty levels and guess what. Players enyojed it and nobady quit over it.

You had more loot.

You mean itemlvl increase from renow or something? Hope you realize that you have to be first close to 200itemlvl in order to get 200 itemlvl rewards from WQ. You wont see 200 itemlvls as 154 itemlvl player.


PVP honor gear vendor upgrjades a peace of gear if you know what to do to 197 i nmerly 3-4 epic bgs.

Thats, 1 hour tops if your unlucky with the timeframe of how long bg’s last, and how much less effort it goes.

Meanwhile I have to spend 6 hours to possible get a peace of gear that I need?

No, Not motivating me and not giving me a sence of progression when I am clearly in the leveling phase of gear.

I dont even care for BIS stuff.

Well everything is possible you know ? especially the number of loots.

You do realise that Titanforge and the added loot made gearing incredibly faster than now?

Same thing for me. Like Imagine if i can finally play 10+ keys and access the most challenging part of the game faster what a misery.

It means you’re lucky or you’ve grinded for way too long.

The difference of 3 ilvl between M0 and M2 gotta justify the lack of loot.

Because all these people heard the interview made by Ion and eated is corporate lawyer excuse for dropping less loot ( you know the part about meaningful loots)

Yeah sure, like i kinda feel the loots here, raids takes as long and give less too btw.

It’s not the old design. A raid is irrelevant as soon as the next shows up. (unless they do something different this time and if they do they again managed to be ridiculously bad at communicating basic stuff regarding progression)

Well just look how shadowlands is. How they managed torghast with 2 hotfixes in 2 days changing drastically the experience. They’ve no idea what their audience want.

do they mean rings and necklaces with bad stats too? xD

So it’s fine to be locked at M0 ilvl when the game offers raid and M+… and a catch up system that will make M6 and less useless in about 3 weeks, that’s pure amazing genius in design gotta say well done blizz.

Well the won 3 won of sub from us, that’s all there is i guess.

And the game did not reset progression in every raid because they’re scared people wouldn’t see their last cool raid (like naxxramas and black temple that were basically empty in term of population playing them)

WQ ? like seriously WQ ? that thing gives -20 lvl after one covenant upgrade. We used to know when we would get gear now it’s completely random and we’ve to spam those callings to maybe get something… That’s amazing !

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No it isnt. Becouse there is certain pace what has to be maintain in order to game be healthy for long period of time.

It’s actually not based on your item level in SL, it’s based on your renown level.

How does the fact that 15 years ago when the game was significantly less difficult than it is now justify starving the people paying to play this game in 2020?

I don’t understand how the devs jump from one extreme to the other between expansions like this.

No there isnt, There has to be enough content in an game to begin with so that people feel attached and timegates are just lazy game design.

Precisely. I don’t need to be timing 15s in the second week to feel like I’m progressing.

so you said ?

Becouse of classic and its sucess + players complains about BFA loot drops how there is just too much gear everywhere?

It means you have no life and Blizzard has extended play time to progress significantly while most of Europe is going into another lockdown to bolster their metrics for investors…

Tbh I think there is a simple solution - add something like the titan residuum or seal of fate system back. Or increase anima gain. Even if there’s no actual armour drop in a run, at least it’d feel like you’re getting more out of a mythic dungeon than from a WQ. 35 anima for both is just nonsense. I liked titan residuum bc it allowed you to collect a resource that you knew would be useful at some point. Even if you didn’t have enough to buy sth on a given week, you still knew that you could get what you wanted the following week. Something similar could work, perhaps.

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No, players complained about many different things during BFA but loot drops wasn’t one of them. It was perhaps the only part of that expansion that wasn’t a complete dumpster fire.

Omg its insane. Game developers desing game with certain pace and life spawn of expansion. OMMMGGG so insane. Not like literaly every single game and even movie studio creates their products around certain time frames.

Wow classic is as close as WoW retail than the popular battle royale of the moment is to wow.

Now you’re going for different industries to try to justify your mindset, at some point we can discuss how potential aliens do enjoy space travel in regard to how we should design WoW. Wait that could be fun Oo forget that, we’re playing WoW fun is not allowed anymore :slight_smile:

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