THANKS for finally fixing BGs

I almost forgot how cool BGs can be, thanks for making it fun again

BGs are utter garbage now. If you enjoy meta where you cant kill ppl becouse of healers go back to retail.

Revert dmg reduction !!

Bring back burst meta where every class is OP ( exept warrior sorry).

People like you have PVP at Retail.


does any this matter, your all going to still play the game no matter what blizz do


These posts look like troll, if you really want a pvp where noone dies till 40% healing dampen, there is Dragonflight to play.

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PvP should be for everyone, not only 1 button burst classes. You are supposed to CC healers, not faceroll healing by extreme damage. Even if your group is full of noobs who cant CC anything, healers will go oom.

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Tell me how i can cc healers as ele shaman with 20 yard earthshock?Elems ARE MADE to burst people,this is what they do since vanilla wow,wake up bro.

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Purge and shocks are extremely powerful against healers. Ele sham should work as a support class, step in with 10 purges, shock some casts, maybe offheal a bit and then help with nuke when someone goes low.

It’s pointless, bro, they just gon keep crying.

I bet they dont even have those spells in their action bars.

Thats your vision of the game im not playing ele as full suport class, earhshock doesnt work because enemy heals stand 40 yards and if u move to your 20 yard range you will be way ahead of your first line and die.I ranked to r13 in classic and elems always were burst dmg on premade, your main focus was to purge and kill enemy front line of warriors and put wf+viper+tremor for your grp.

yes lets do that so people like you can cry about the burst meta again.