Thanks for Fixing paladin finally omg 9 seconds divine stead!

hyped for 9 seconds divine stead templar Prot ret paladin

And trashing my priest to finally after 7 years decline play my paladin

Thanks blizzard for fixing the problem Now I can zoom in and have fun again!


my build!

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Hahahahaha 4 freaking talents to get 9 sec, Dks get 1 hero talent and does more even when you spent all steed talents.

Btw… they even nerfed divine steed back to 3 sec?? xD

What is this disparity of treatment between the classes?

  • You cant have what others have because… reasons
  • Others can get better versions of what you have because of same reasons

At this point steed is TWWs version of consecration, DF pala tree was filled with consecration talents. Steed is now filling that placeholder role only its not a placeholder.

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Were being sarcastic but I’m gonna enjoy the spirit while it last.

Nine seconds? My thighs hurt already.

Why is requiring FOUR talents? Surely that sort of volume of investment should be limited to throughput talents…

very interesting indeeed :frowning: :confused: its weird but exciting. I hope they give some ideas.

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