Thanks for the Stormstrike buff

Matter so much.
I crit now for 15k in pvp
big dmg much wow.

awesome defs
Thanks again

The dmg isnt bad I thibk but enh shammy is really squishy which makes it unplayable in pvp…

My dmg isn’t super bad, although i couldn’t kill a healer till 100% damp, BUT all my dmg is basically frost shock and ele blast, followed by flame shock, lightning bolt lava lash.
stormstrike is somewhere at the bottom.

and yea if you play phys build it is further up but that build is unplayable as you get kited anyways

point is that a 30% buff on something that does no dmg is absolutely meaningless if you nerf the dmg of a spell that does 50% of my overall dmg by also 30% or how much it was

Where’s the information on the buff?

I think they mean the 30% buff from a while back after the EB / PW / MSW nerf

was a while back then, but couldnt bother logging on my enhance till recently and the result was as expected

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