Thanks for Wrathion!

Thank you Blizz for new model of Wrathion. It’s awesome.

I always think that Anduin is best bisexual character in any game. Current look of Wrathion (Anduin’s bae, if someone doesn’t know), perfect completes the purity and innocence of Anduin.

Calia is amazing too. In books she is described as female version of Arthas. And it’s so true. She even has the same evil look from her eyes as him!

Keep up good work.


He grew up a lot through the years! Love the model.

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What a handsome devil! :cupid:

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The 8.2.5 Wrathion model az big sh*t uh yay :rofl:

The whole Anduin x Wrathion thing is just weird… besides, it’s Jaina who likes dragons.

The models are pretty impressive but excuse me I Calia’s hair kthx.

So now Anduin and Jaina can switch partners, when they get bored.

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But you forget Taelia, possibly Calia’s daughter, whom if she is will mean Anduin can rule both plagueland Lordaeron and Stormwind! Then have his side piece as they do.

I believe Jaina left Kalec maybe she’s after Thrall again.


Taelia’s last name is Fordragon!
Off to Light’s Hope Chapel with you and do not return until you’ve checked all the memorials!

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Taelia’s mother could be Calia Menethil, who had an unnamed daughter and husband which she was separated from after the fall of Capital City to the Scourge.

She reunited with them in Southshore, before their family was divided again during an undead attack.

Calia believes that her family may have died during the attack, since she didn’t see them again.

Similarly, if her family survived, they might think the same of her, coinciding with what Taelia says about losing her mother when the Scourge hit Lordaeron.

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Carefull. I was banned for saying the exact same thing about Anduin

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I hate it.
It’s a good model but it’s not wrathion. Other than the darker skin complexion it’s a completely different person.

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I’m just adding an extra post as I went off track :laughing:

Wrathion’s new model is fantastic , I’m wondering if they accelerated his Dragonform’s age too
last we saw of him in Legion or Was it WoD is as a whelpling flying off .

Must say he looks like the best looking male in game .
Azuregos had been it for a while after seeing him in Legion (priest quest)

How is it speculation when she gets told after a huge questline in BFA

My too! I’m checking the limits xD


He still has the sultan style with a very mischievous expression.
Other than that of course his new model looks different than the previous standard “human with red eyes” face.
Also we haven’t seen him for 2 1/2 expansions. With that in mind he still resembles his old model the most compared to many others like Jaina, Anduin, Thrall and others.

I’m really wondering if his main role will be leading us to into the next expansion, or if he will just be relevant for one patch and then dissapear again for the next expansion.

Just please don’t make him straight… :frowning:

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Keep your rainbow politics to yourself, please.

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Because I didn’t hear you are calia’s daughter ?
so that is why I said speculation.

I’m not dismissing it I was advocating the post above the paladin that was dismissed.

Keep your narrow minded views to yourself please.


Yes not wanting politics / sexuality in a video game is totally narrow minded.