That last Carbot video

Hit me right in the Azeroth Necklace :frowning:


I think Iā€™ve butt dialed texts to people that were more descriptive than your post.


Do you need a link?

I cant link anything, it wont let me

Youtube links are permitted so you just need to go to the video, hit the share button under it and copy that url and paste it in.

Was it this one?


Holy cow. That video is so sad but so true. :sob:

The Carbot animator guyā€™s videos got a lot of promotion from Blizzard. Guess his partnership with them is now over. Heā€™s got balls.


yup! That helps :smiley:

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itā€™s perfect


I like how this video shows natural progresion you know from a stone age to a present where we have so many cool things :smiley:

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Content creators that work with Blizzard arenā€™t obliged to always say nice things, some of the most negative content creators still retain their relationship with Blizz.

I wish tanks were as plentiful as that vid makes out though. This is a more accurate representation of trying to get a tank in Classic atm.


I like how Savix was looking specifically for prot pala :smiley:

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Prot Palas are very nice in dungeons, when weā€™ve been looking, spamming LFG endlessly weā€™d have taken anyone though. The last two nights running we had to give up trying to do any dungeons because there just arenā€™t any tanks.

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i have three level 60 tanks in shadowlands that just do dailies and covenant stuff , i dont raid or mythic + any more as both are just a nonecence now


Well damnā€¦

I am on this side which donā€™t enjoying melancholy. When was tbc patch i was younger, i was student i had plenty of time to waste. This were also a ppl who i meet, they have now families and less time also.

During those years culture of gaming changed and expectations too. And ofcours market competition showed up. Years ago i would walk half continent on my feet cause i didnā€™t have enough money for riding, now walk through one land on my mount itā€™s a pain. Df tool itā€™s a great tool in my opinion meybe not perfect but letting us safe a time after work to find party then walk to dungeon.

You saying boters and tradersā€¦ yeap but years ago they were either.

In many ways WoW is a wonderful reflection on how gaming has evolved over the past two decades.
Iā€™m not sure if the evolution of the game is something to begrudge. The nature of a Live Service game is that it changes. That is how WoW has stayed compelling for so many years.
The journey of the game is only so long because the path ahead keeps getting paved. Few other games can boast of such a long adventure with so many cherished memories. And that is rather uplifting, I think.

Robert Frostā€™s The Road Not Taken has a wonderful line that summarizes quite well the heavy-hearted view people sometimes have on their WoW experience. That it is a fleeting, changing experience.

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

But great video! Always love Carbotā€™s stuff. :slight_smile:


Gaming changed, the players changed. Things were never going to be the same and frankly it will never be the same again.

Ainā€™t like itā€™s something new, games I loved have long died.

For all the issues raised in that video, itā€™s the players in part that facilitate that change.

Yes, sad and true video :frowning:

It hit a lot of people right in the feels!


So many of my friends have left. Only lobsty that is one of my friends that there were a part of that group is still playing wow but he betrayed the Alliance.

Capitalism :