That mechanical dragonriding mount is RAD

I love it, and that’s what I was hoping for, my dream mount. I hope they go full bananas with it with lots of customisations! Having worked with military aeronautics, I look forward to try and recreate all of the fighter aircrafts I’ve worked on, in a steampunk fashion.

I won’t use any other mount up until a better version replaces it :joy:

That Arathi zone looks really promising!

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There ya go.

Yep, it looks cool.

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Be neat if its modules gave different effects.

So annoying how they gives us mounts, pets, profession and races technology based but don’t bring out a class. I just don’t get it. The war within is the perfect venue.

A class is harder to design than mounts, etc.

Well hero talents are the new “classes”, hopefully adding another interesting level of depth to what we already play!

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I honestly feel wow has enough classes as is, and DF just gave us a new class so be prepared to wait a few more years at best for the next one, which I believe wow doesn’t need. It’s bloated enough as is.

Looks like Eggman’s flying machine :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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