The 1800 Replica armor sets

So i was wondering, is it possible to maybe make the armor sets available at around getting 1600 rating?, i have done around 100 matches on this character, and it is so frustrating to get to around (1615 i think was my highest), and then jumping down purely because of bad luck, should it really be this difficult to get a almost 20 year old armor set for transmogrifiction?

Or would it be a good idea to unlock all the armor sets when u hit 1800 on 1 character?

Please let me know thank you.


GIven that its purely cosmetic I would love if you unlock all the sets at 1600


That sounds great. I have done 231 games on my ret paly and my highest rating is 1722. After hitting 1722 I just lost 3 game in a row. And never get win streak again. Now my rating 1655. If game MMR sucks dont punish people who like pvp or want 20 year old transmog. I hope they will listen.

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Yeah i share your struggles, i myself have done alot of games aswell, and i really hope there can be a change made here, people shouldn’t have to rely on a lucky win streak and or do around 200 games (per character), just to be able to get these sets for transmogrification.

Is there any way to get a blue post on this? i’d really like some feedback from a dev.

Also just to clarify, this is my shaman alt on which i really would like the set.


Yep dev answer would be nice.

No answer is an answer. This is not going to happen.


But 1800 isn’t hard. And it’s Rival tmog.


If you want them on 1600, you can basically just give them to everyone for free.


Same but for 1800. If you can’t get 1800 once after so many years of those sets being available you’re not even putting in the minimum amount of effort and you don’t deserve them.

if you cant get 1800 then thats a you issue. If anything - give dk/monk/dh/evoker new sets at 1800 because they dont even get any to begin with!

You can do it on Blitz. Took me about 15 wins to get to 1800 with my paladin. End of the season they’re just throwing CR at you.