The 2,200 range of Doom

I would argue kicks Are actually not that important cos every class have multiple schools (except sp and aff ofc, actually you can cast something as shadow even if youre kicked i believe). + People sometimes dont kick at all and rather press some random triple dr random stun or something into your cast actually if i compare cata with df in cata i’m able to Juke most interrupts just cos they’re actually forced to use interrupts cos they usually have no other stops while on retail people dont have to kick at all since they have other stops.

you are not facing 2200mmr teams if your mmr is 1900.


what was his CR?

there is no way we have the 4th season of soloq and people still dont understand how MMR/CR works… astonishing.

Actually I did face a 2.2k team. And my MMR was 2k.

Because it is? Quite obvious.

Did you not read the post?


Actually I perfectly understand. It’s a messed up system, period.

suddenly you are 2k mmr before it was 1900…

thats not an argument. If its so obvious you can explain it no?

you dont say a single word about CR? Do you even know what CR stands for?

you dont, period.

I mean’t MMV… Thought that was quite obvious.

The fact I need to explain it says a lot. People with 1800+ rating playing people that are 2.1k rated. Not hard to understand. Sure I lose no points, but still, no 1800 should be playing 2.1k people.

Checked the SS stats with the druid and I. Both have a MMV of 1762. Rdruid won 1 round, gained 9 points. I won 5 rounds, I gained 40. Our rating was around the same. Proof of a dodgy system.

I do actually. Clearly you’re having difficulty.

The reason you have start having trouble right after 2.1 is boosting nothing else. Up until 2.1 you get a very organic difficulty increase right after 2.1 everyone suppose to be 2.8+ gate keeps at 2.4k for RMT. After you pass 2.1 you expected to be at 2.8k level. That’s the main issue imo.

i mean this doesnt happen. You can have placement games in 2s and 3s and during your first few games in soloq it starts to find your mmr but after that your mmr difference is never 300mmr especially not at 1700 lol.

send the sceenshot in here we both know that your MMR AND CR wasnt the same.
if your mmr and cr is the same mmr and cr as the rdruid is isnt getting rating for winning 1 round.


show me the proof? you talk about proof? shot it.

you are yapping because you dont understand what CR and MMR is and how it works.

Clearly the mmr system is holding you back at 1700 lol. so cringe wow

I am spitting facts. Blizzard have had problems with match making for a while now.

The only cringe one here is you buddy.

Tbh they messed up with mmr in like s9, bfa s1, sl s1,2 however overall its not that bad. Personally i havent noticed anything weird past few seasons.

SP in fact has 3 magic schools. Shadow, Shadowfrost (Mind Spike that you can cast while kicked on Shadow) and Holy. Affli has currently 2 schools if you really try hard to find it. Death Pact is on Fire School. I know it’s not that you can ignore being kicked but what you say is true. Still I believe that with CC duration being lowered landing at least range kicks is more important than before.

Factually correct.

And this is either because

  • You’re not playing the best comp for your class
  • Your teammates, or one of them, or you, or all are consistently failing at adapting to something you lose to often
  • You aren’t trying anything new

The reality is just as you said, there’s very little difference between 2100 and 2350 games. In fact, nearly every team that’s getting Gladiator now, excluding the boosting groups, is simply just playing a meta & easy comp.

Many people play semi-viable or less viable comps and aren’t able to push simply due to poor execution, so they require playing something stronger, easier, dumber.

Is RPS (Assa Rogue, Shadow priest, Resto shaman) a viable Glad comp? 100% it is!

But does it require some execution, does it lack panic buttons? Yes!

So why play this comp when you can play Assa Affli, Assa Fire mage, literally press 3 buttons per game on repeat until you win? Add a Resto druid to the mix for bonus free win factor

Bottom line is:

Play your easiest, best comp, get titles and experience, then experiment with higher-execution requirement comps once you’ve improved. This is the reality nobody is telling you

Yes, you can win with a Resto Shaman, but why play with one when you can get a Resto Druid or Prevoker, the top 2 healer specs? One of the examples

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