The 2,200 range of Doom

In 3v3 at the moment, as someone who was first 2,100, and then pushed 2350 mmr, I gotta say, there is absolutely no difference in the players from 2,2 to 2,3, nearing 2,4.

With a 50/50 winrate, you will not push anywhere. I’m like +100 games deep at this point, and the only time I’ve seen the cr go up a notch is if you get some hail mary insane 10-0 que session. — And the second you lose 3 games, you tank ±50 mmr and get thrown right back down where you started from.

Like this is actually so brutal?

It’s been so bad that I’ve seen multiple people, including current season + old r1 gladiators say that they might as well make Gladiator 2,2k and 50 wins. Everyone who is casual, or a one time glad etc can barely get past 2,100 due to the sudden mount Everest difference between the cr thresholds.

I’m not saying gladiator should be easy/free to get, but I am saying it shouldn’t be r1 / multiglad only lol


Adding on to this, literally anything from 2,4 to 2,7-2,8 at the moment in 3s is completely redundant. There is no reason to ever push past it unless you’re r1 good. xd Most people get 2,4, get glad, then start playing alts to further muddle up the ladder.

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alot of people r gonna hate me, but i don’t see much diff in most people gameplay doesn’t matter their rating, most classes have this gimmick that almost everyone can just do, specially burst macro with a stun

stun > burst macro > burst i don’t see any diff

Nah there is definitive differences between people at given rating brackets, but I’d say much of it is just due who are you playing with, what is OP at that given season, and what is the meta comp.

It’s not a first person shooter for example, where skill plays a big factor. It’s an MMORPG where most of it is just rock papers scissors. I’ve come to find that out myself this past season.

I can see that rival player doesn’t see any difference in gameplay, why are u even talking here. People only hate you because you are an attention seeker.
Let me guess, ur name “Magegød” is just because u want to p*ss people off or ur just delusional & trolling

oh look at that, another lvl 17 talking big on the forum, whats with you people posting with your low levels all the time ?

Might aswell throw the mount in everyones mailbox the second season starts

Most fried 1800 take I’ve read.
Any 2.4 mage will make you look like a beginner.

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yeah, except when it doesn’t happen, and suddently “yeah but that mage was prob boosted”

It hasn’t happen yet looking at your track record. killing someone in a bg doesn’t count(maybe blitz)

yeah nothing counts except the things u say they count.

Damage is too high in the game period, people aren’t even bursting and a 4 second stun is usually enough for most classes to kill someone from 90% to dead.

I met a multiglad mage in 2v2 when I was helping someone to get to 1800.

I was thoroughly not impressed.

Bro is a multiglad and died to mc → ray of hope. He didn’t block the ray of hope, it instakilled him. I was just trying to get him to blow the block so we could go on him with CDs after he leaves block but he didn’t block and just died.

If some one have multiple glads playing ret/war it doesnt equal to skill level of mage
Thats why you met him at 1800, you have same skill level as this mage

We were at 2.1k~ mmr, not 1800.

We were only playing games to get the guy I was helping to 1800.

His mage is what he’s obtained the highest rating on, so doubtful he got his glads from playing other classes.

I play at 1800 mainly. Warrior 1900 with my Pres Evoker healer partner. We’ve faced teams that were 2.2k, that played rather badly. Now I didn’t expect to play 2.2k people with the skill they had. Honestly I’ve fought people 1500 rating that gave me a harder match.

MMR system is quite bad. On all Blizzard games I’ve noticed this. Looks like they need to really work on their match making system.

Played a solo as disc. Won 5 games, I ofc got around 40+ rating. Their druid healer won 1 round, and still gained +9 rating, and he was 1700 MMR. (around same as me). A Ret paladin won 2 rounds, but lost 30 rating (same MMR as druid). I can’t make sense of it. It’s just a very flawed system.

2,2k is not free? xd

i mean 2k is just as free as 2.2k if you play the easy classes, aslong as you have a solid duo atleast in 2’s you cant go far off wrong. Having uunga bunga damage tends to trump playing well atm it feels like.

Imo theres too many cds in the game so even if someone makes a mistake its hard to punish them. Game needs pruning. I’m probably clueless cos i havent played retail since i got my +1 mount months ago however the only difference between people is imo how much dmg they do.

This is fried take. Why? Because not every spec is truely competitive in 2s. 2s are more “rock, paper, scissors” than other brackets and as someone mentioned someone who is 2800 on Holy Priest isn’t 2800 exped on Fire Mage. My friend mains Holy Priest but he plays Fire Mage for fun in shuffle and LFG and he always laughs when he get rage whispers from people flaming him for his Mage gameplay that he is boosted because he is on current season glad mount. Of course it happens the most when he faces “multi challengers” on fresh char. Let’s begin with that being boosted to glad in first month of the season is extremely hard and expensive as then people push it on main teams and to do it you face all AWC players. Also if someone is a multiglad then most likely he has a vast friend list so he can play 3s with many people and with 3s being more competitive and overall balanced (not perfectly but more) then these players just play 3s. They don’t really play 2s and don’t know what talents to even play in 2s (if they are different). Not to mention they might not know the cheese plays with Ray of Hope of whatever. Ray of Hope is quite rare in 3s for example nowadays.

Also keep in mind that you never know in what conditions he played. Maybe he played alt or he was a bit tipsy so he played his alt not to lose rating on main. Maybe he played with random LFG guy with no voice while you were both on discord trying the hardest. There are many conditions here that influence the outcome that by beating someone once in 2s isn’t an argument “that there is no difference between 2100 player in 2s and mutli glad”.

It is a double edge sword. It might be that he got higher mmr few season ago when the playstyle on spec was way different and then he plays this chars few seasons later. Maybe he is rusty on it. The fact you beat someone once doesn’t matter. Even I beat Jazzgg or Kaioxx for example or other very good players. The difference is that they might lose 1/10 games to me but they win 9/10 and that’s why they push rating. You might have a game where you play flawlessly but it happens once in blue moon. They are more consistent.

Damage and Kicks. Kicks became more and more important with addition of precog and with lowered duration on CC. Kicks have never been so important.

u have clearly no clue what you are talking about and I can see why you can’t see any difference :clown_face: