The absolute state of raid drops

Sit in que for LFR 45 minutes … spend 45 minutes in the raid sit in the top 3 dps dealers the whole raid only to roll a 2-10 for 5 pieces of gear you need and the 5kdps andys roll a 99 when they barely done anything … its stupid and i could throw my PC out of the window, why even bother trying … ill just auto attack and watch netflix what is the point when there is no reward for effort

If they did less dps they probably needed the gear more than you.

And sure, you were bestest damages. Funny that people have to validate themselves in their own mind every time this comes up. If you want meritocracy go do master looter in a mythic guild, you’ll surely get all the gear if you can be in the top3 in lfr.

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im sitting at 250 gear level ive just returned from a 2 year break in a 20 minute youtube video you can master your class rotation for peak dps, there is times im tenth + down the dps list the same applies your putting in nearly 2 hours of your life for no reward , funny that people comment utter nonsense with no facts which they base their opinions just to get their skitty 2 pence remark in like it matters. the fact of the matter is its a total joke and a waste of time i have sat every weekly raid instance 3 weeks in a row and i still have greens i bought from the AH when i returned to buff my Ilvl up for entry level it is WRONG for someone to run 31 bosses 3 times … 93 kills and to come away with 1 pair of slippers and a ring it is a sheer JOKE . most of the time people dont even need the gear they just need for transmogs and they’ll win it and scrap it while your sat there still in greens.

Your post is utter nonsense. I did more dps I deserve the gear more.

Irony in action.

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yawn im stating a fact its terrible for anybody to do 90 bosses and get 2 pieces of gear im not arguing with a child sorry


THIS SYSTEM IS S*** only a few drops…

never forget they did this on perpess so u will need more gametime until u get max ilvl
we are money for them they timegate evrything

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Im also farming old transmog sets for the utterly broken legion raids they are scaled terribly i had to pop every CD and go mad just to down the fallen avatar by myself its what 5 years old why am i not one shotting everything on top of that when i killed him i didnt get the shoulders i want or any pieces from any other boss in that raid just pieces for a priest , why am i looting gear for a priest when im a warlock … this game is infuriating i have been playing 3 week after quitting 2 years ago the game makes you want to quit due to the total pain it is to play and ive had an account since 2005 or so so ive seen this game slowly go down the toilet, they think designing it this way is a good idea to keep people hooked but it doesnt work people just get sick of the time sink week after week waiting for lockouts to refresh to get NOTHING for your efforts rolling dice on gear even farming old mog sets is a total faff due to the gear you loot not being dedicated to your class its a massive joke the fact they are a AAA company they are all totally stupid on how to make a good game for everybody, everyone good quit the dev team and we are left with this incompetent goon squad that ignore every issue instead release 140p lizard wings for 74.99

They should totally just post it to you when you log in.

This having to play the game then it has the audacity not to drop everything you want after 5 whole minutes of effort is unacceptable.

Ffor lfr yes, for a guild group its good tbh

I agree with the LFR system changing but saying you deserve loot cause top dps is just not the right way to go, The roll does not take into account how much damage or healing you done it is random but i do swear it is bugged, i done 36 on 3 chars got like 4 pieces of loot consistently rolling under 10 when they roll above 90, but the worst thing is waiting 5 mins at a boss to see you rolled a single digit because they decide to wait forver to click need or greed, yes it gets mailed but again that is also stupid, system should not exist in LFR makes it worse than it is

So you say.
You have no logs.
And no achivements to show anything

Gonna call bs.

still bad nothing changed they dont even read this forum

I only play wow to raid, Not M+, I am now sad because i bought Dragonflight when i came back to then find out personal loot is gone and now i cannot refund the expansion so i just wasted my money on Dragonflight + Faction transfers but because i found out this loot system exists i do not wish to play anymore

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