The addon meta

Why do I need to become a programmer in order to play some decent PvP nowadays ?

I have nothing against addons, it’s been part of the game since a looong time and I always appreciated being able to customize my UI.

BUT ! Gunning for some rated PvP content, I’ve spent days now trying to find the proper nameplate set-up just to understand what is going on in those arenas and I swear I feel like I need to get into a programming school just to get threatplate or plater running the way I want to.
That’s not even counting the sArena and gladius that bug half of the time, the omnicc and omnibar that you need to configure so it doesn’t spam your screen with opponents CD and then you add a splash of Ability team tracker, cause you also need to know what your teammates are doing and at the end of the day you’ve spent 10 hours trying to configure a decent way to know what is going on in this game. And ofc when you think you got something working you realize your fps is dropping like crazy so you look at bugsack and buggrabber who’ll tell you that the nice addon you just used ? well it’s bugged af so you better get rid of it.

It’s honestly too much. At least for me it becomes a huge deterrent to get into the game.


You dont have to.

The issue at hand is that yeah, you do. You can’t either m+ or arena without addons. It’s a must have.

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I mean you can, but most people are dependant on said addons more so than anything else so its more like people complain about them and get rolled anyway, while having said addons. :person_shrugging:

Diminishing return is 18 seconds and make sure you read up what crowd control shares Diminishing return with yours, good luck!

I would imagine a lot of real software developers would be kind of upset that you liken navigating the gui of a lua script to programming

Technically you can. It’s extremely hard but you can. The main issue is that Blizzard doesn’t even care about the UI. Default arena frames look nice but don’t show DRs and… healer’s trinket still shows 2 min. CD which isn’t the case for a very long time xD

In M+ though I just have DPS metter and my Nameplate Auras. I like playing with no DBM/BigWigs because it’s harder and more fun for me. I don’t aim for any world record in M+ - just ports so I can handle this without it.

I agree that addons give an unfair advantage. I know “yOu CaN jUsT uSe It YoUrSeLf”, but i see it as kind of cheating. It Will never stop because blizzard gave up on their own game, and it is too late to fix now, but i think its sad.
If you dont use addons you have to be very aware of your enemy, yourself and your team. With addon you Can focus much more on your dps, because the addon Will tell you Everything Else you need to know. Which is also why this game never took off on the aspect of copetitive e-sport in pvp.

You can do a basic arena config within a few minutes.
One doesn‘t have to do your rocket science setup to play the game.
However new players shouldn‘t go trough this tbh, the blizzard UI should include DR and major cooldowns

I doubt this is the reason. Arena pvp is just not fun to watch, especially for someone that doesn‘t even play the game. It’s just healthbars moving up and down.
If you watch Dota, LoL, Rocket league, Counter Strike, you understand the action and what’s going on and you can see who’s ahead even if you don’t play the games.

Yea but there is also a Big element of equality from the very start. You have the same baseline and then skills is what you compete in. Not saying that addons remove the need of skill, but i surely does make it alot easyer, which also remove the equality.

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Since Shadowlands if you don’t have the most up-to-date WA package, you are at a disadvantage.

In an ideal world, Blizz would fix a lot of the issues that necessitate the use of Addons (better Arena frames, visible DRs, visible CDs, clearly visible CC etc) and make these things baseline, but until then it is what it is


Well I just get sarena or gladius and maybe bigdebuff took about few minutes to config and is enough to get glad x)