The Alliance Bumble Bee Mount - More information

In case it has not been posted already, more information on how the bumblebee mount can be obtained in 8.2.5

FYI: the first part (obtaining Bumbles) can be done already so you should get started, particularly as it involves 7 dailies at the end of it.


thanks! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hype train! Stormwind will be conquered by bee mounts!

To bad this mount is not faction wide ‘yet’, i’m hoping for a change so i can also enjoy this content.

My Gnome has been waiting for this.

No! Horde will not enjoy this Content and thats the way it should be so long till the faction imbalance is restored :wink:

I guess you’ll have to wait til we’ll be able to do the kua’fon quest.

Again, u can still ride that mount on alliance side.

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Technically the alliance can use kua’fon they just need to have a horde character and finish the questline on it. If the mount isn’t rideable on horde then that’s a bit stupid since you guys can ride our “exclusive” quest mounts.

Who cares about Kuafon :smiley: you will NOT get the Bee :smiley:

I hope it is faction wide just for the sight of a huge Tauren riding a bee…

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Can’t w8 for that :slight_smile:

The thing is People relally think Blizz will Change it so that Horde will have it too.That will not happen.Mark my Words :smiley:

Well it’s only fair the Alliance gets a faction-exclusive mount too. Of course if you have an Alliance character and get the bee you can still ride it on the Horde the same way you can with Kua’fon and Child of Torcali.

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Do we seriously need pets for this again? Getting abit sick of needing pets for everything lol

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Small guilty admission: I found out that our raid leader was terrified of bees. So I made a point of getting this pet some months ago so I can distract him in raids… Bzzzzzzzzz Bzzzzzzzzz :smile:

Haha sounds like the kind of thing I’d do! Really cba with pets though, looks like I’ll have to beegin doing pet stuff though

With enough whining anything can happen little dude :wink:

From the available info, it doesn’t sound like you need to do anything pet-related, just quests to get the pet. Certainly no indication that you need to level up a pet, take it all over Azeroth or any of the other silly things you had to do for Falcosaurs.

That’s 100% correct. Its a quest chain that rewards a pet, it does not involve ANY pet battles.