The ancient technique of Tank Griefing. Share your wisdom

For griefers the holy grail is the Tank. No other role has more griefing potential than the Tank. The griefing techniques of the Tanks is ancient, it was created from combined sources of 2004 internet scrolls. Since then it has evolved into a very sofisticated technique. In this thread we share those age old secrets. My favorite wisdoms are:

  1. Leaving a PUG group: This one is obvious, you join a PUG m+ or similiar and leave before it is finished. The closer the final objective you leave, the more satisifying. This is very easy to do since you can find a new group within 4 seconds, while your group has to wait at least half an hour to find another group.

  2. Act out your worst self: You are needed. People want YOU. Noone is as important than you are. Act out as if this is true. DPS make a mistake? Call them a retard. You die? Call the healer a “paid dump”. Your fantasy is the limit. Go all out, since you are a tank (god status) your word is TRUTH.

  3. LFR griefing. Queue as a tank, join LFR, leave instantly. Take enjoyment of the fact that 19 other people get their free night off ruined. Yummy.

  4. Get paid for tanking PUGs. Take the gold and leave. But not before you /spit at your client. Easy to get away with with cross realm technology.

You can grief as any role, but you will never get as much enjoyment per hour as you will as a tank.

Tank griefing is getting increasingly more effective as long as modern gaming keeps evolving. BFA has been heaven for tank griefing. It existed in vanilla but the amount of enjoyment per hour were lower. Why? Blizzard knows, nuff said.

:thinking: hmmm am i the only one who says sorry when we deplete a key when I’m the tank? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: oh boy I got it all wrong…

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This is so sad but true :rofl:

It’s surprising to me why there’s so few tanks in the game when being a tank is easymode. You get invited everywhere, even if you’re undergeared, because what other choice do they have? Everyone puts up with you, because replacing you will take half an hour. The only time I’ve been kicked for messing up was on Skittra and it wasn’t even my fault, I didn’t have raid assist and couldn’t drop the marks on the floor lmao

Griefing in wow is so pointless and small, griefing lite if you will.
So you screwed someone out of 30 minutes (and yourself too), amazing, you’re a regular doctor evil :yawning_face:

But since you phrased it well in an earlier post, I’ll use your words.

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This one seems to happen a LOT…

It’s almost at the point where the debuff for leaving early needs to be more like the debuff for using the spirit healer; i.e. a real bugger if you want to do anything for the next 15 minutes.

And it should leave a big “deserter” sign above your head so everyone knows you did it.

Not just for tank players; literally anyone who bails on LFR before the wing is finished. Name and shame.

Who in their right mind does that?

That is not tank ,that is just someone who queue-ed as tank.

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