The Ancient Trolls of the Dragon Isles

You guys remember Blizz saying we would meet the ancestors of the trolls on the Dragon Isle?
What if the Drogbar are those guys?
hunched and tusked, rocky growths from their backs and joints.
We know that Azeroth had the elements rule the land before the old gods and the titans, what if the Drogbar are the first half elemental half flesh ancestors to the trolls?

more likely the proto trolls was scrapped after some thinking


It would be a bit weird to say we’ll “meet the ancestors of the trolls”, when we’ve met Drogbar before (In Legion).

I think the idea just got scrapped, i’m not quite sure what the connection between the Dragon isles and Trolls would be, anyway.

Seeing how trolls are the literal “humans” of azeroth.

They should just say that ancient trolls were dinosaurs, more fun than titan construct 200.


I know we met the drogbar in legion, but we know very little about them, and they kinda look a bit like trolls, i just wanna pose the question, as not Even the chronicles told os where the trolls came from

There are no ancient trolls. Zandalari are the ogs and they have stayed the same for 16 thousand years.

Drogbar aren’t related to trolls, they’re failed Titan project, while Trolls became who they are naturally. There were some hints in Shadows of the Horde and Chroniclers, that there were proto-trolls before they became actual Trolls, and the first trolls were Zandalari, who were the OGs.

I see no reason why would they remain alive in this form, especially on Dragon Isles. It would be cool to read some records about them, but meeting them alive at this stage would be super strange. So in hindsight, it’s good that it was scrapped.

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I don’t want any more troll content until Blizzard gives gurantees to not harm them any longer.

There are many ways to harm playable races and one of them is homogenisation.
Initially I was happy with troll druids but I disliked the execution - they were lumped to CC while they should have different branch.

In fact preferrably there should 3 druid factions.
1 - neutral - with nelves and Tauren. Focusing on emerald dream.

2 - Horde only - with trolls who research wildlife, serce the Loa and are focused on beasts. With base in Un’Goro crater where they could minitor all these dinos.

3 - Alliance only - with Worgen and Kul’Tirans, where they focus on spooky stuff, connection between nature and death, on witch harvest and witchcraft. And located in Duskwood(?)

I would LOVE IT. But forget that it would happen. Even now, nelf stuff is dominant and everyone has to aid them no matter what, even if they have no reason to.

Whenever trolls show up they get beaten up and are reduced to a rubble. So don’t give them any attention at all.

search your feelings Erevien you know that as a true son of quel’thalas that we need another massive troll raid to wipe our ancient enemies … Blizzard knows this too

Seeing current state of things, I can see Forest trolls becoming playable as customization option. If we have Man’ari of all people going blue, and we get Scourge leftovers, then Forest trolls will likely be playable very soon.

Man’ari were possible by just allowing a new skin tone. Forest trolls would need a whole new playable model. I don’t think the chances of that happening are any higher now than they were before.

Body bulk options were added to Dracthyr, so I could see it being worked around. I see the bigger issue in them still being technically labeled as Darkspear trolls. Regardless, if you start on Echo Isles or in that new starting zone which ends with racial summary.

The question isn’t if they could do it, but if it is worth the investment for Blizzard. Dracthyr were a major expansion feature that couldn’t be allowed to fail.

they already failed since the new evoker spec ruined the class balance.

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