Thinking back… Just to make sure I’m not misunderstanding things…
The anima draught happened, because the anima the realms of the shadowlands get come with the souls they put there.
All souls go to the Maw by default, which is why deactivating the Arbiter sent all souls there instead of doing nothing with them.
Souls don’t go to the soulstream by themselves, they have to be taken there by Kyrians.
In principle, the Kyrians are perfectly able to bypass the soulstream and just put souls where they want, like with Arthas.
Did I get that right? So… the whole of the Shadowlands plot hinged on the Kyrians preferring to create the draught and feed the Maw instead of changing their modus operandi while they investigated? Without the Kyrians’ assistance neither would the realms of the Shadowland have been weakened, nor would the Jailer have gained the power he needed? Or did I misunderstand something here?
Also… what role did Denathrius have in that? I get that he hoarded Anima harvested in Revendreth, and gave some to the Jailer’s agents in other realms, but the draught had nothing to do with that, did it?