The Anti Social

Is it just me or are there more people that think this game has become an gathering for the Anti Social?
No one speaks in dungeon groups any more, people skip trash only to have it pulled when least expecting, when you try to talk about it your tarred, feathered and kicked from the group.
It used to be great fun to run dungeons, but these days it’s more stress test:" How much abuse can you take?"
What ever happend to some mutual respect for each other?
For me that deserter buff you get from leaving a group is more a badge of self respect then anything else.
Sad times…


Join a guild :eyes:

Most guild runs we are on voice, and when we’re not, we still talk in chat.


I’m in one, just that there are only 3 active people in it, and they are my closest friends.

Get more people to join

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It’s been like this for years now, IMO.

I feel that this is due to the way human nature is trending in general tbh, not much to do with WoW. The majority of Humans at least in the West are incredibly spoiled nowadays and instant gratification is at its highest.

Do the dungeon, get the loot and leave. No need to talk/interact etc.


then take those friends and join a real guild…


Eh well, what to expect when you can just press “Join queue”, automatically teleport to the inside and the difficulty is well…nonexistent so any communication about tactics is not required?

I agree, this is how the world is becoming. I think globalization (the world is just too big now, you’re nothing between 7 billions people) and Internet in general have made a lot to dehumanize people.

Generation wise I’m caught between boomers and zoomers (30y old). I’ve seen the old world and I’m seeing the new one, it’s crazy how different it is. It’s much colder, more agressive and much more anti social like OP said.


I’m sure your name makes you super approachable.


You mean, people skip trash only to have them pulled by the guy watching the phone while walking?

I agree people should be more patient but at the same time, people should not really screw others free time because they cba paying a bit of attention.

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Judging from the people that play Classic, I’d say it’s much better nowadays. :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s like it in general, not just instances.
If I’m doin g world quests and I see someone low on health or in trouble, I’ll always heal them up or stun mobs to help out. People never even respond, say thanks or even aknowledge you just saved em a long run back to their corpse. Makes me want to not bother any more

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Dude what? Did you forget all the years of war, racism, sexism and monarchy?

The world is a hundred times better than what it was before.

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The world is hundred times better than it was before hahah you can’t be serious… :joy:

Maybe provide an argument next time you post as to why you disagree?

People have not spoken in dungeon groups for years I don’t know what you’re on about.

Is there any good MMO game with good social aspect? asking seriously

These antisocial, toxic, ego mill kids makes the world better ok…

I mean… IRL is not that different. Do you really talk to all the people on a train just because you’re going in the same direction?
Players in the game are still strangers after all. Our human nature kicks in.
Then again if someone by mistake pushes you on the train, you say something like “watch out”, or “sorry”. If it does it again then you lash out angrily.
If you wipe once you say sorry, MB, or careful. Happens again and you lash out angrily :smiley: human nature

Still no argument. The only toxic person I see here is you.