The arcane dream is dead

Wtf is this? Who designed this mess? I try playing by myself and do no damage whatsoever.
So I look up a guide on trusty WoWhead. 24 steps and this is just the opener? I thought games are meant to be fun, what is this chore list? Fire isn’t any different either, the only easy to understand spec is frost and it’s so mind numbingly boring to play. I unironically ended up deleting my mage after seeing this mess. Whoever is the dev for this spec needs to touch grass cause no way on earth any new mage comers are going to learn to play this overcomplicated abomination of a spec/class. I saw the changes they plan to introduce for Arcane in 10.1.5 and this is so far from being enough. If anyone deserved a ret sized rework it was mage.
There are like 8 things I need to manage before I can actually play the class and do damage? Watching a video guide straight up gave me a headache. Idk who you are arcane player but I wish you nothing but the best cause this seems masochistic to me.


Mages overall are way to complicated, one mistake during rotation is destroying whole damage ( which with arcane should be still buffed, not much tho, 10-15 % should do ) , im waiting big time for some make rework as i love this character and really dont want to switch but will see…


I think the best thing is to not watch videos when you start a new class, especially if it’s for mythic content, as you will just be handed a list the length of your arm in terms of rotation…

Pick the spec you want to play and read your passives and learn your spells, then you can already do most of what is required to perform well. If you want to be competitive, then go watch that mythic YouTube video.

I personally do not find mage complicated at all, especially Arcane. Though I do agree the “rework” is nowhere near good enough, but there are some good things in there now.

Why you wearing a healing trinket bro?

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I think he answered that with:

hum… you don’t find it hard, as in, you have played it and did well in what content exactly ?

Arcane is good for raids, but on M+ only idiots struggle with it, those types who think they are better than others if they play with a class unsuitable for the kind of content. Currently my mage serves as an Alt character, becuse its not that fun as its use to be for me. Maybe after 10.1.5 but i dont really care about arcane, only frost and fire.

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