The Battle For The Undercity quest is BUGGED (WOTLK)

currently the quest is bugged on both sides
there are several bugs: can not use the portal from StormWind to teleport to Undercity,you have to walk to there,also same applies to previous quest. some layers varian wrynn is not even there to interact with. other layers varian wrynn is stuck in the pathways .
4.often times the big worm mini boss called engorged blight worm is either dead from the start of the quest or respwans several times at the same time.
5.horde and alliance guards are hostile towards each other and go on a frenzy to kill each other but neither side wins. some layers even guards are dead.
7.Putress yells every 2 seconds the same dialouge seems he is bugged aswell.
please fix this bug its so annoying i tried everything i could.

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