THE BEST AI ADDON FOR WOW - GPT Voiceover all Quests & NPCs


1.07GB addon, no ty.

They are sound files, thats why its that large.

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It’ll likely get shut down by Blizz. They’ve done it to other quest voiceover addons in the past.

Its all AI done and is just a show case for classic at the moment. Blizzard could do the whole game.

Oh, I would love for Blizzard to do something like this. Surely it is doable now with AI :slightly_smiling_face: :pray:


Yeah, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s more than a GB. Any addon updater will have to download the full 1GB each time it updates. Only TOC changed from 100007 to 100100? 1GB download.

You do that with world of warcraft. Here you can get updates with changed or added content. The only issue here is you.

WoW doesn’t redownload the entire game each patch lmao

Yes if one person can do it for classic then a small team at blizz should be able to do it fast. Personally I don’t care if it is perfect just put it in game as a beta, and if you don’t like it you can disable it in options.

The latest update separated voice data and the add-on. So addon updates, not including audio changes should no longer require redownloading over a 1 GB of data every time.

Only has classic now it seems, and it says only a few hundred kb, which can’t be correct.

Audio content and addon logic have been separated into two separate add-ons.

Blizzard should really really implement this in the game at the same time as immersion

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They only shut down addons that violate the rules.
Those addons you are referring to, probably violated one of these:

  1. Changed game files.
  2. Hurt the game experience - lag, high client cpu, etc.

I can’t see any of these issues with this addon. Not yet anyway.

Nah, they were perceived to be infringing on Blizz’s copyright.

Sad to hear that.

Would love to see this in retail. Love the roleplay element it provides. Besides why not voice act quests in wow? Other mmo’s do it

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