The best dummy in arena

Shadowpriest since BFA the same thing. you stand hardcast everything tank every single kick stuns mico stuns dmg. like dummy more useful at this point doesnt die.
the desgin of shadow its just so bad everything i need to cast even my burst damage 1 school magic no mobilty at all its just bad design. how is this class even playable

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Wasn’t sp god tier entire SL and BFA? Remember it being an actual brick wall endless defensives killing people with air point click cc 3 dif drs.

Sp Arms in SL and shadowplay in BFA were like the most braindead comps for free rating almost RMP level.

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SP was kinda tonky, but then again—can anyone really be tanky in a meta where dh, ret and ww can run at you and sustain god tier dps the majority of the match.

if you know you you will be kick, then Precognition have value

it is hard at first to know how to fake kick but when you see certain spell people have a trigger interrupt on it, fakecast it

i learn for example many players love to interrupt living flame, so now i fake cast it and many dps fall for it if they melee me

for ranged dps i noticed sleep walk is more kicked, so by looking on who have interrupt left, i can fake kick like that knowing they will interrupt.

i believe it is the same thing than arcane mage, just need to get the hand of it.

SL season 1 was good first two weeks then got ground nerfed season 2 was good only with warr and infaltion was too high. then we got nerfed in season 3 and 4 was unplayable. dragonflight season 1 with first reset we got ground nerfed season 2 sp got rework badly and been bad season 3 same season 4 same mindblast doing less than 1% of enemy hp.
our toolkit is very hardly nerfed shield 75% nerfed in pvp VE 50% nerfed mindblast 120% nerfed. mindgames 50% nerfed in pvp off heals ground nerfed endless of nerfs on pvp.

if you play shadowpriest you need to cast every single spell on the book while enemy can just play on you like a dummy test their rotation .

with a demo lock in the team, and currently many shadow priests are queing, most likely with a Demo lock or Boomy

was completely overpowerd, u only saw assa rogue shadow nothing else, every player rerolled to shadow priest, even main hunter players

but yeah shadow priest gameplay looks kinda cringe into double meeles

if u mean the gameplay of a Shadow is bad i agree with u, but the dmg in the current season looks really good

This season you can’t really do anything beside dot everything and wait for dampening.

Try to kite away and survive while maintaining triple dot and you can win, sure you are doing great on detail but you can’t score a kill like the other with huge dmg in a cc chain this season.

Doesn’t feel that squishy tbh, the problem is coming up against the more “advanced” melee cleaves that just aids you with micro cc all game, and only kick as a last resort. Precog helps very little against that.

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