The best ever city for Night elves

But where do you think the Lor’themar / Thalyssra novella takes place?
The Regent Lord arrives by boat and you can’t access the Nighthold by boat.

Lorewise, Suramar City is a Horde location, but isn’t updated in-game to reflect it.

I mean, we could easily say that the other side of Telogrous Rift is Horde with Blood Elves, Nightborne and Forsaken taking residence.

You should know better than not to over-interpret a novella that only gives you a glimpse of a handful of locations, and discusses nothing outside the narrow parameters of the interaction.

In other words, everything that happened in that novella could happen in s Suramar described in earlier replies without making one word of it untrue.

The novella could have happened in the palace section alone, we just don’t know… they just dont’ go into those sort of details in books.

I really hope they’d seriously develop this aspect of the elves, in a way that is satsifactory to us all. NIght elf fans in particular who I feel have a few “fan injustices” concerning their race that needs to be made right.

It wasn’t right to have shown the night elves so badly for most of wow, and then show a great aspect of their race, and then not have them have it - it was cruel… they need to fix this, and now without rubbishing the horde either. But bear in mind they need to make the alliance more attractive.

Either by some really good story that will make both fans happy, and make the alliance night elves more attractive - either by sharing Suramar or giving the night evles their own city.

If resources permit it, I would prefer them to give the Nelves a new city, that’s even more amazing. Don’t want crap.

Although Leia, I do fear that any new city, if it’s going to be great will have to be an expansion focus.

For what we are asking

Night elves, forsaken, draenei (and thus lightforged too) and Blood elves (thus Void elves too)

Would have to be major parts of the expansion. I would say for blood elves to get an amazing capital, and void elves too (with recolouring for the other, which ever is the focus), they need to be primary initial focus of the expansion.

Night elves and draenei to get new architecture would need to be an expansion focus, but to get a great capital, they’d need to be a patch focus, like a major raid + dungoen + quest zone - this is because the architecture for them has already being renewed once, and the newer versions for both these races is pretty good, so you wouldn’t need to do new stuff, just piece together and a little extra decorating to make it happen.

This is because the best cities, temples, and locations look great because they are used as raids and dungeons too, not just there to have a city… they have a questing a long term use of revisting constantly, and need to look that good if they are going to be a raid focus for constant playing for about 6 months without people getting bored

Allied races are not likely to get anything - so let’s forget void elves.
The main focus are the core races.

Blood Elves don’t need to be a major race for a Quel’Thalas update and neither do the Draenei. We don’t need TBC 2.0, with the expansion revolving around these two.

Lordaeron opened up in Cataclysm, but the expansion didn’t heavily involve the Forsaken.

I mean, the whole of Azeroth got a revamp, barring Blood Elves and Draenei, and most of them weren’t the focus. Look at the Darkspear Trolls. They reclaimed their isles and that was it.

From a resource/quality point of view, and even a story point of view, using Suramar as a joint capital for night elves and nightborne is both the more interesting, lore affirming but also resource efficient thing.

how good it turns out depends on the writing and how this is achieved.

It really should become the broken isles go to centre and Dalaran moving back to Northrend or moving about the place in any revamp.

I don’t think there is any issue with it being open to both factions and standing as the capital for both night elves and Nightborne. I ofc would write how both races interact with it differently. Many Darnassians are from Suramar, however I think many won’t care… yet, those who have families who had trade and businesses and finally want life to move on and do something besides hunting the legion, would welcome it. Highborne will be at home, though they’d be looking to restore Eldre’thalas as soon as possible. Priestesses of the moon would be keen to restore the temples to Elune, those belong to the goddess afterall and are sacred ground. Besides huge population centres interest them

Click here for more detail of possible views of night elves based on lore

and I reckon the Order would feel any arcane heavy society needs a strong morality and discipline base, something which the priesthood provides to the people.

One of the strands should more deeply explore the Order of Elune’s and how it operates in kaldorei civilizations, further more magical orientated rather than sentinel orientated developments, and ofc a sound belief that the addiction and broken balance would not have been possible if there was a priesthood the people were open to - so they’d feel they have a duty.

We can explore Nightborne who welcome them with open arms (much to our surprise), but for them it’s more because it’s one of those things they missed from the past and something akin to a tradition , more like a homecoming or a completion of themselves. Where you would have expected stubborn conflict, because we tend to associate nightborne with blood elves rather than night elves, you get wide acceptance and veneration. Afterall it was Tyrande’s lead that saved the city and there would be shame from those amongst the nightborne who choose to follow Elisande and stay behind - though they would have no regrets…

this is al interesting to show. I think the interactions would surprise people but ultimately please, them. For once a horde race would not be seen as difficult and conflict endearing, and the kaldorei fans would get their happier union. It would ofc not be without issues, and some hatreds flaring up… especially with Maiev…but then, this is also a homecoming for Maiev, who had thought the city lost and has had to confront many of her prejudices since the events of the Legion expansion.

The rest would obviously be all around the broken isles and Kalimdor would be their warfront, claiming back their territory and the opportunity blizzard can use to show them dangerous and powerful.

Void elves problem is easily solved by duality with Silvermoon. Different story, but again a horde and alliance place, two halves of a city, and I like the idea of a void realm version. again it’s easier to use the one location rather than do two, and also more interesting…

The story proposed above is excellent for a major plot line that can involve a dungeon in the void realm version and instance in the normal realm version too - and would easily justify a Silvermoon and Quel’thalas update as a major zone for the revamped world. and level 70

If you want something really amazing, you kinda need to be the focus of new architecture, the broken isles, WoD, BFA - each of these had the main architectural style set in place at the expansion start, patch ones don’t do such a good job, and are usually far less art intensive as work on the following expansion is being designed at that point.

Lordaeron whiles luckier than Darnassus, Dire Maul, Thunderbluff, Ironforge, Gnoemragan, like Stratholme, did receive a visual update - knowing how much fanboys Kosak and Danuser are of the forsaken, it’s no surprise. Yet they were not done well… the development went into Skyhold and the 4 elemental plains. The new zones

there wasn’t a major unifying architecture like most other expansion because it was a revamp, but lots of things were not updated.

Clearly you can see by what later on came in both WoD and Legion, Night elf , Draenei architecture were not updated.

Orcs did get an update, and then yet another one in WoD. So why anyone will complain about night elves getting a 3rd update given teh frequency of humans and orcs whoare not as loved, or blood elves getting a serious update or being a focus who are also liked by the majority is beyond me.

Feralas, Un’goro, Mulgo, Zu’Gurub, Swamp of Sorrows and many more all look at you in condemnation at such a statement.

Arathi high lands shows you want properly and fully updating a zone is like. Many of thosezones only received Tree and water updates. Architecture, models, bestiary and land items were not update. For what an update should look like see Arathi highlands in 8.0.

Some zones received nothing, some receive partial updates. Making flying possible in the world received a lot of attention in broken areas - repair work, not redesign work.

For redesign update, see WoD for Draenei and orcs, see Legion for Night elves and Tauren

All boring, to me.

I play a nightborne. I don’t want to share with a bunch of failure mages and tree huggers.

And maybe those little zones you listed didn’t recieve any new lore because nobody actually cares about them. I mean, Swamp of Sorrows… :rofl:

Again, blood elf fans aren’t expecting a Quel’Thalas update, where it’s shared with alliance races.
Why is it just Horde lands that must be shared?

I mean, if that’s the case - then Forsaken should move into Stormwind. Orcs and Tauren, move into Night Elf lands.

Seeing how easy it is to destroy Teldrassil with just olympic catapults (with a range of more than 50 kilometers), it is preferable that the surviving elves live in a safer place.

Would it matter ? Why would I hate a Silvermoon that has a void shadow that void elves occupy ? If the story is amazing and exciting, I’ll be down for all sorts of interesting and unexpected developments, and that would certainly qualify.

From a development efficiency stand point, it is a good move and I’d just be happy to have an updated Silvermoon - as long as it remains a home for the blood elves, - in fact elven unity might actually appeal to a lot of people, and sharing a city and zone doesn’t mean there isn’t friction and rivalry either. so it really depends on how it is handled.

That toxic conflict lore really needs a balance, so i think more examples of corporation would be good, and the two most popular races night elves and Thalassian elves would make the best example to use here - why? because of how many people are interested in them, if you do it with them, you don’t need to do it with humans, orcs and others, there’d be enough “balance” between corporation and friction in a way that doesn’t erode the lore.

Maintaining a faction divide, but just enough corporations in key races and the occasional collaborations

I think this is the better position to take, have both friendship and enmity exist in a share situation. something powerful enough to unite the elves, but still have friction as they both have different allies.

Elves choosing that their identity is more important than the enmity of their friends is something I think most players willbe down with as well as rivalry.

Why is it only alliance cities that are destroyed? And alliance cities shared? (Shattrath, Dalaran.) Let’s not forget alliance cities like Lordaeron and SIlvermoon that instead went full horde - I mean we could endlessly argue, couldn’t we tit for tat doesn’t produce solutions.

That mindset isn’t helpful, what they should ensure is that they ahve a great story that races come off better, as long as each race has a great home and their is agreat story .

Sure it’s better if they build a separate capital for both night elves and void elves., but if they are short on resources, it can be a good thing for some sharing to happen - and those who think it’s some sort of slight or negative thing really need to gain some perspective

It would be nicer if they got separate cities - at the very least for better racial appeal, image and sense of scope of the world

However sharing could also prove to be exciting - players just want great stuff for their race, to be proud of and enhance the fantasy. A separate city would make the alliance too, but only if it’s also better looking than the horde counterparts - and this takes resources .

Having any capital at all would be an improvement on the status quo, however having a non-elven capital (like sharing stormwind) or a new one that is not as nice as the horde counterparts won’t solve anything. Sharing Suramar and Quel’thalas certainly kill all the jealous sentiments, and could be loved if the story was good and had just the right amount of corporation and rivalry (friendly or hateful).


Worgen - get Gilneas back, complete with portals
Goblins - get Kezan back, now expanded too with Undermine opened

Lordaeron & Undercity - also shared, humans above, undead below, tense political situation
Forsaken - also get Icecrown and floating necropolis cities, one in Dustswallow marsh, one in Blasted Lands, one in Dragon blight and one in Howling Fjord

Gnomes share with Mechagnomes in Mechagon - Gnomeragan is still a thing though
Darkspears share with Zandalari but Echo Isles city is still a thing, either that or Zul’Gurub becomes a new capital for them in the revamp.

Mag’har actually build an orc city around Warson Hold in Borean Tundra
Vulpera: Either end up sharing with Goblins , or gain a moving caravan city, or share with teh Sethrakk in developments that may lead to them being playable.

Draenei build a city like Shattrath, with the main city metropolis being a temple like Auchidouin
Lightforged Draenei - get Tempest Keep, Mechananaar, and Botanica ships on Azeroth now or they can be based on Outland

BLood elves, Void elves and High elves - get Quel’thalas shared. City is in two halves, blue and red, but also a void dimension version where the colours change, the city has some minor modifications like void elf wings instead ofphoenix, the trees and bestiary also have a different look.
In the waking, there is no “blue” version of the Sunwell Plateau or Magister Terrace cities. While some “blue villages” are around the revamped Eversong Forest (previously Ghostlands) and Eversong woods, most are red. Even though the blood elves lost about a 3rd of the population to void elf/high elf ideals - it’s more a political thing primarily now, and no killing of elves is allowed.
Blood elves and high/void elves control the zone for the alliance and horde, who only get access through these elves.

Blood elves have 4 new cities on smaller scale (using new models). 1 on the Dragon Isles, 1 in Azshara zone, 1 in Hellfire Peninsula and one in the Netherstorm

Void elves have 2 new smaller cities based on the void versions of the same architecture:
1 in Telogrus rift and 1 in Nether storm where the old human city ruins use to be.

Night elves and Nightborne share Suramar as a capital - this can simply be a sharing of the current city or a better thing of using magic and time to rebuild the side of the city that was on the other side fo the bridge. Cathedral is restored and an exact replica of Suramar stands on the broken shore (now Thal’dranath) - this is how the original city was, half was lost in the legion invasion and sundering sunk it, until raised, and the elves have restored it

Hyjal has it’s forest restored and small city where the Firelands zone invaded.
Eldre’thalas receives a revamp too and is opened up.

Nar’thalas, Ambervale, Tel’anor and Meredil are restored (because they have the original models and it’s easy. Both night elves and nightborne live in these 3, although Nar’thalas is mostly night elven.

Dalaran is the alliance city that is shared
Shattrath Outland continues to remain shared.

There you go, everyone has a capital city that fits their race and lore as designed by blizzard. You can sit down and try to calculate who has more or less, but face it over the years a lot of alliance stuff has eithergone over tot he horde or being destroyed…

Let us alaso not forget, we don’t own cities because we like or play a faction, neiteher do the factions in the lore. Most of these places actually belong to the races that hold them, not the faction, and ultimately they are neither horde nor allinace they are blizzard’s.

Well I’d like to be proved wrong but they won’t give you anything, they hate kaldorei for a reason than i don’t get.

Necropolis’ aren’t Forsaken orientated. They are scourge.

And what we need for Lordaeron is to fully return to the Forsaken and the Horde. If the Night Elves get Hyjal as their home, then Lordaeron (Tirisfal and Silverpine) should fully return to the Forsaken.

Forsaken do not belong in any other land, other than Lordaeron. So no - no to living Humans or Calia leading them (Steve has already said that she won’t be the new leader of the Forsaken.) Humans have Stormwind - they should be grateful with that.

Why? What relation do they have to Boraen Tundra that they don’t have in Orgrimmar?

Auchindoun is a mausoleum?

No - Void Elves should get these and build a city on Telgrous.


Blood Elves, Nightborne and Forsaken primarily share Quel’Thalas.

Dark Rangers, Nighthunters and Farstriders work in the Ghostlands, with the Magisters and Blood Knights working in Eversong Woods.


Suramar will stay as it is, as it’s part of the Legion expansion questing experience. The Nighthold will just remain as it is, for Nightborne / Horde players.

Night Elves have far more scope for their city on Kalimdor. They don’t need any part of the Broken Isles. They’ve got Hyjal, where they are already settling - they should just stay on Kalimdor…otherwise their whole arc in BfA with Darkshore was a waste of time. Humans fans would have a right to say, “Well once again, night elves are a waste of time.”

Right, so we’ve got Elven unity with Nightborne and Blood Elves being located in a revamped Quel’Thalas.

It’s imperative that Quel’Thalas is just a Horde questing location as the Draenei Isles aren’t likely to share.

And I want more Nightborne/Blood Elf interaction.

Night Elves can interact with Void Elves, since they are on the same team. Maybe have their unity in a restored Eldre’Thalas or Tempest Keep.
The latter would be most interesting - especially if the Ren’dorei took up the work of Astromancer Solarian.

I’m sorry, that’s nonsense, the undead are the undead, i’ts like saying banshees, ghoul’s and abominations aren’t forsaken orietnated, they are scourge.

I’m ont your enemy, everything I suggest is based on waht is in the lore and what blizzard has shown, it’s just merely expanding the vision in ways I think players would like and appreciate.

Would be nice if they got an upgraded Necropolis model. I think floating cities are cool, and I think that the forsaken actually being leaders foall the undead is actually a greater development.

I’m not one of htose people who feel that we must cling to the smaller vision… the full undead is a faction level and faction grade level. When they took the forsaken horde, it was having a glimpse and a small portion of the full scope of the undead… so the orcs could remain on top.

i think the vision should expand.

The scope of the Forsaken should encapsulate the entire scourge,
They should have more than one old human city
THis includes terirtories that envelope most of Northrend and strongholds through floating cities

I also feel Night elves should be king pins of the lands and areas designed after them, and encapsulate the bigger vision - they are also a faction grade race that was nerfed to fit into the alliance as small, so much of what was attractive about them either not shown, or recast…this should be remedied.

I think the trolls should also expand to capture the fullness of what they are, this means all the Torll races and their zones, Stranglethorn, Hinterlands, half Quel’thalas (I would expand the zone to include lots of islands, some Thalassian and some troll. Zul’drak, and I’ll add to that Tanaris and Un’goro as they fit the troll theme.

Dwarves I feel are worthy of faction grade too, with the 3 hammers, they have a huge scope too, Searing Gorge, Blackrock Mountain, Badlands, Burning Steppes, Loch Modan, Wetlands and TWilight Highlands and their tiny slice of Hinterlands to

So that is basically raising up an extra two races on both the horde and alliance to join orcs and humans

Whiles Draenei and THalassians aren’t faction grade, they can also be expanded considerably.

It’s an extra city to have, it was etablished by a Mag’har orc, orcs have lots of fortresses and bases around th world, why not Borean Tundra, why should they share whent hey can have one based on a more wintery /forzen theme?

We have all that Iron horde assets and it does look a littel different from the Azeroth orcs.

Not in WoD it wasn’t, and it’s the style I’m looking at forthe central dome of the city, so it’s part of a city like a huge building - one can be used for a mausoleum … if they had completed Shttrath city and we had raided it, the inside would have been an expanded version of what we see in the Auchindouin instance in WoD, which you know is only part of the full thing as it has many levels sections and areas.

No, that is not elven architecture, nor technology. It is Draenei. THe lightforged were in a ship like that. It is fitting they have those ships, void elves do not have anything to do with that… that is well out of touch.

No, we are talking about expandind developments, stop being small minded. Don Whether you like it or not, Thalassians are Thalassians and they all come from the place, it is acceptable for them to share that place, and also good for them to be able to expand beyond.

Nightborne can be visitors, and have a quarter somewhere, I don’t expect them to move into Quel’thalas anymore than I expect Dwarves to move into Stormwind just becasue they’re close to humans. Furthermore, humans are not the only race dwarves are close to. They’re clsoer to Dark Irons and Gnomes even if the relationships aren’t always peachy. that is more far more tumultous than kaldorei and shal’dorei.

No? No? this is a suggestion, of what it could be like…

no? Why? becasue you don’tw ant to share?

There is no yes or no - and you haven’t provided any compelling reason beyond "this is how it is now (and I don’t want to share) "

Is this how you c lsoe yourself off to improvements.

Listen to yourself - Forsaken shoudln’t expand because they are not scourge?
Void elves shoudl have Draenei technology and ships?
Night elves shouldn’t share Suramar with Nightborne … because…

I am looking at a much bigger vision that fits the scope and situation of the races. Night elves should expand across all their kalidmor rleated zones AND share Suramar too with Nightborne also a night elven sub race and part of their bracket. Just like highelves and void elves arei intermixed with blood elves and their intertwined histories. Tehses opposite faction factions all come from teh same city/zone. Night elves and nightborne we play both originally come from Suramar, Blood elves and void elves both come from Quel’thalas

As different factions though they can have additional holdings and areas that are just their own, like the Blood elf cities I mentioned in places like Azshara zone and Dragon Isles, Netherstorm and Hellfire, and void elves in Telogrus and Netherstorm… I feel this would be far more interesting and actually the best of both worlds

You get to ahve the interesting dynamics that sharing story development could enable and great capitals for both, but then you also have them expanding tpp.

There is development for all.

Now, this might not interest you, but to me, what I have suggested is far more interesting than the bug standard status quo, and it expands every single group offers many interesting scenarius - with scope for conflict and corporations and all the maneouverings that could lead.

I can easily see night elves fighting the warsong clan in one area (Morshann ramparts, Western barrens/Eastern Azshara, and then in anotehr trading and totally atpeace even interacting with Tauren - even though they are horde.

Because it’s not black white - that’s just not realistic also the two empire concept of the horde emprie and the alliance empire is tired and old, and it isn’t flexible the beauty is int he nuances and details of the story of the zones and the races that offer every changing stories , scope and capacity…

The elven situation offers a unique opportunity to explore faction sharing in a way that is interesting and new to warcraft, for the skilled, it can provide an easily more interesting set of stories.

But for us players, I do admit, it would be nicer for our fan wet dreams to have something of our own that’s totally ours.

Thing is to get things they have to have a purpose for the function in the game. This is why every neew city since WoD has had a powerful gameplay fucntional purpose - housing massive quest chains, dungeons and doubling up as raids.

Just having a city for us to be proud of and go “ah, ooh” while it serves little useful purpose for gameplay or story development is just fan naivete. All our beautiful zones have purposes - we quest in them. without the extra functionality of intrigue or dungeons/raids/questing - there is no justification for a city to be huge and incredible from a resource perspective, landscape is much easier to design.

Think please. I believe what I have offered is more realistic, but I know what I’d prefer to have.

Right of the bat you’ve missed it. Elven corporation is not full unity. There is corporation and their is friction too - both friendly and enmity based. The situation is nuanced

Not everybody likes it, but there is a necessity for it, different groups and people ahve different ideas and are working towards the goals.

In the Quel’thalas situaiton, the sharing happens to end a faction war that could destroy the Sunwell ever happening again - as these elves recognise that if they let it, the factions will destroyt heir homeleand,which they allw ant to save, so they decide they w’ll truce up and it will remain tahalssian and because each of hteir factions belong to one of the factions so to both factions have a stake and thus war ended, no one can access Thalassia except through their faction elves.

As it to rub it home, there is a void threat from the void realm which necessitates void elves who take position in the void realm of the zone. Which is a recoloured and retextured veersion of the same place, and have a reason to be based and station there, but not limited.

You get riads and quests that foloow theentire story arc, culiminating in a void invasion in thevoid realm section that is hlated and stopped by us, thanks to the hhelp of the void elves. This justifies a revamp, as there will be quests, dungones and raids in the revamped section.

In the night elf situation Suramar is already built and already has raids and dungoens and a masisve questline, so it’s just a story development outline in replies above, that show the various factions of the city, tells and shows the kaldorei and shal’dorei interactions and outlines what it is. Even if a mirror city is built on the broken shore as the restoration of all of Suramar and that’s where the night elves live, it’s the same situation, this politcs and intrigue, ther eis scope for conflict and a need to strive to keep the peace or promote harmony…

It recognises that there are both players that want corporation and players who want conflict and both ahve good cause for investment.

The situation isn’t new for Suramar, it ahs never been a full horde city (only the hNighthold was ever established as horde in game), the city was helped by both factions and the Nightborne and local night elves worked well together both before the factions arrived with the Kirin’tor and contiued to after they arrived.

The situtaiton writes itself, and isonce agian far more interesting than what is on offer

I think everyone want to go beyond the total hatred and segregation of the factions, and there are certain areas this can be explored. The elves are the best template to do so.

No it’s not.

Forsaken are called “Forsaken” since they broke away from the Scourge and became their own thing.
What the Scourge did after Sylvanas freed them was their own thing.
What Sylvanas did was not continue with “Scourge” like buildings.

They can be, without the Arthas / Scourge stuff.

Just return them to their rightful homes of Lordaeron and we’re on a winner.

Why waste time? Not everyone - especially allied races, need a huge city.

They have Orgrimmar - their is no need to waste resources on a 2.0 of Orgrimmar.

Yes it was.

It always was a mausoleum.

And a group of them live in a void planet and the others live in Quel’Thalas

Well, why shouldn’t Void Elves have it? You were desperate to have Blood Elves move to a crap place like Hellfire with no blood elf architecture.

Plus, every Void Elf fan would jump at Tempest Keep, especially with the lore surrounding the Sunfury’s use of Arcane and Void magic.
Tempest Keep was a Blood Elf raid - it can be a Void Elf capital.

So night elves get the “I win” button."

Night Elves can stay on Kalimdor. Otherwise, I’d simply delete and change all my night elf toons, because they really are a waste of time, as a people and as a race.

8.1 was them taking back their Kalimdor settings. To them move them to the Broken Isles…they really are a bad race. To be fair, maybe they should even be removed from the Alliance, if they do that. Took Alliance resources and then not even remain on the continent that they wanted.

Where is the proof that all night elves come from Suramar?

What about night elves born after the Sundering - like Delaryn Summermoon?

No - cancel the “sharing” and just give Blood Elf fans their updated Quel’Thalas, just for Blood Elves and Horde players.

Void Elves can have your suggestions of Netherstorm. I don’t really care.

Seems to me that what you want to say to blood elf fans is that:
“Yeah, you can’t have your updated Quel’Thalas. It must be shared with the Alliance races. Sorry, blood elf fans - but you have to share.”

THe Forsaken, scourge ist eh same racial and faction templte, … just like the DArkspears are a faction of the trolls that are friendly, the forsaken are a faction of the undead that are friendly.

I mean surely you see this. If the darkspears were to take over the reset of the trolls as leaders, it’s not some impossible situaiton, neither would it be if the forsaken were to take over the rest of the undead as leaders.

Your too focused on clumping everyone in their own little groups and calling it “development.”

That, is so boring and bland.

I don’t care about where the Forsaken or Nightborne come from. The point is, they are their own thing and now, have strong ties with the Blood Elves.
Forsaken aren’t dependent on the Scourge, for lore developments.
Just like the Nightborne aren’t dependent on the night elves, for lore developments.

Stop feeling so threatened, accept changes when a vision expands… what is important is that people get great developments.

We’ve had a lot of destruction and tragedy and having some is part of a great story, but so is building up and recovery, the tragedy is smoothed over by reaching a better place, this also gives humans hope from the fantasies they read.

Without it, it’s just stupid and soul sucking, providing cheap thrills. I want better quality, I’m not saying all my suggestions are, just presenting ways that would be interesting and a step up from what we’ve gotten.

Clearly though I am wasting my efforts expanding for you, you seem to just nitpick at every thing, and not constructively either, never opening yourself up to actually considering something fully. So going into detail for you is a waste of my time. I shall return to brief statements.

There is a lot of inconsistencies, incompletions, and wasted opportunities for great story developments in wow, I think fans are owed better quality all round form a team i Inow is capable of delivering it when they focus on something, not just on Sylvanas and the undead whom we know are huge favourites of the current development team.

And everyone gets great developments, that they want.

I consider what I want, to be great developments. Just because I focus on Quel’Thalas being updated for the Horde, doesn’t mean I’m wrong or bad. I am just consistent. Void Elves and High Elves haven’t changed my mind on the Quel’Thalas update.

It should just be for Blood Elves in the main, with Nightborne and Forsaken assistance.

Updated Hyjal for night elves…? Alliance fans don’t need Suramar.

I mean, if we’re denying the Blood Elf fanbase their updated Quel’Thalas in the way that we want, why should a few night elf fans get Kalimdor + Broken Isles?

Night Elf fans aren’t more important than Blood Elf fans.

I’m allowed to express what I want, just as much as you.

Again, you just want to clump races together with very little wiggle room.

Nightborne want to speak to Blood Elves.
Well, Nightborne will speak to Night Elves, Night Elves will go to the Human group, the Human group will then go to the Void Elves, the Void Elves will then pass the Nightborne message to the Blood Elves.

Seriously try to think outside the box.

There is no reason why void/high and blood can’t live together or corporate, they can be written to do so willingly or forced - in diverse interesting situations.

Failure to explore new possibilities, be creative do interesting things, is what leads to stagnation and ultimately a project dying.

there is no reason why you can’t write a good story to make use of the current situation you have created with night elves and Thalassian elves being in both factions and use it to write interesting developments.

Just because it’s not what you’re use to is not a good enough excuse, nor is thinking selfishly.

Developers must write improvements according to the vision they have, but in ways that the fans will thoroughly enjoy, whether these are expected or not. Write a good story and good developments and people will love it, even if they have to share things for a while.

And yes for a while. cos while they can share now, who is to say they won’t totally fall out late and create or move to one of their other strongholds or cities - it’s all part of the story.

Cooperate - with blood elves in Quel’Thalas, high elves in Stormwind and void elves in Telogrus.
But primarily cooperation is between the Blood Elves in Quel’Thalas and the Nightborne in Suramar.

That is what we mainly see.

Just because the alliance writing is crap, doesn’t mean the Horde races need to suffer as well.

I mean, it starts with “sharing” but we all know, when it comes to you, that it’s about Lordaeron, Silvermoon and Suramar being primarily, in Alliance hands.

You wouldn’t suggest other locations for the races of those places, if the agenda wasn’t to drive out the current natives, so it can go to the Alliance.

You seem very focused on tit for tat, when I observe your responses it’s a lot of “what do the horde get” , or “they get this, then we should have this”. That is a secondary concern , weave a story that has great results for everyone in the end.

It’s never going to be even in the lore, and it doesn’t need to be. WE don’t need to have every faction the same, on the same level , the same attention etc… it’s okay for it to vary.

When you seee a need, like currently the alliance needs to be more attractive and get more players you can shift developments to enhance it incredibly to draw such changes, and write stories with that mindset.

As such other factors can influence what you choose to do - but if you’re creative and skilful, you can guide it well and do something everyone would enjoy.

Why shouldn’t horde players enjoy what is on the alliance, and alliance players enjoy what is on the horde - it’s the same product, affection through enmity and affection through friendship is still affection. You want to draw more people to your product/game…so you need to make it good and interesting.