The best ever city for Night elves

Again, your tit for tat.

Once more, it’s not about making you suffer, ti’s writing good developments where they are needed. You are not suffering, nor are you losing anything and you are being developed.

No, what you want is for the horde to continue to always be superior and better because that is what you’ve been force fed for so long, you have your heart on it. My suggestions obviously change that and you clearly are struggling to look beyond this.

So you struggle with any scenario that has anything to do with the alliance looking better. And you are so faction orientated, you can’t even think of your beloved elves outside the confines of the factions, it’s horde this, alliance that… rather than the elven people this and the elven people that.

You can.

Choose a Horde race to enjoy Horde content?

It usually always had been “The happens to this faction, so the other faction gets the same.”

Yes, but a Quel’Thalas update…the Blood Elf fanbase is quite clear on what it wants and “sharing” isn’t an option.

Have void elf infiltrators that are killed in a quest / some quests, but the zone is for Horde players, told from the Horde perspective.
Just like the Draenei Isles.

Right, so more Nightborne and Blood Elf interaction? Maybe restore the relations between these elves and the forsaken?

You really are full of it, in the above proposal i suggested, the horde clearly got more, but you weren’t satisfied.

You want tit for tat.

Horde Kalimdor,
Alliance EK

Horde Zandalar + Lost Isles
Alliance Kul’tiras

Horde Pandaria
Alliance Broken Isles + Wandering isles

Horde - 3/5 of Northrend
Alliance 2/5 of Northrend + Naz’jatar

There 50/50

Horde get most of outland
Horde get most of Draenor except the Draenei zones

Alliance get all of Argus.

How does Blood Elves (the Horde) being the race that gets an updated Quel’Thalas and the Forsaken returning to Lordaeron constitute to all of what you said?

Night Elves get Hyjal and Draenei Isles update. That is your 50/50.

Again, you just seem to want the alliance elves involved in Horde elf zones and the Alliance having a large(r) voice in those zones.
And in case you haven’t heard - the Forsaken’s leader will NOT be Calia Menethil.

Funny, listen to fans parcelling out what neither belongs to them, nor have control over.

Whoever gets what, sharing is also a possibility and one that could also work for the best too if done well. At least for the two elf groups

Nor does it belong to the alliance fans, either.

But it has been confirmed that the Forsaken will not have Calia as their leader.

It’s you that needs to come to terms with this. I’m not the one making demands and saying No, this gest taht and that gets that.

I have merely explored various options brought up in this topic.

Funny I talk about parcelling things that don’t belong to the fans, and your response is “nor does it belong to the alliance”

So faction focsued and obsessed, seeing rivalry and contention where non isn’t even present - because you’re totally swept up by this, It’s like your hope for life and living depends on it… be free man, let go.

Allow yourself to enjoy the story think of possibilities but never be confined or trapped by them, especially something that isn’t real. Enjoy it sure, but don’t worship it, it will disappoint you, and there is far more to life than its confines.

Healthy mind, healthy soul.

I do enjoy the Nightborne / Blood Elf interactions and I’m happy they are both on the Horde.

And you waffle on about the whole faction thing, yet also say “this will benefit the Alliance! We need this for the Alliance!”

Ofc you’re happy, they’re in a good place, it’s the nighte lves and void elves that aren’t, you should be able to understand that.

How would you feel if Silvermoon and Suramar both went back to the alliance and the blood elves and the Nightborne split with most of them going over, then the new home of the blood elves was destroyed and they were refugees in Orgrimmar.

I know exactly how you would feel, try to understand how others view the current situation on the other side, and think about what would be great improvements for them.

Also understand that just as you had better stuff for a while, it’s okay for others too to get newer stuff that will seem better and the ones you like will again come .

If the night elves had gotten Suramar, then the blood elves getting something new in updated Quel’thalas would have been fair right, but they got both Silvermoon and Suramar, so don’t be surprised if the Night elves get something newer and the void elves do as well.

Yes, I know you really don’t want that, but you can’t honestly expect only the blood elves and nightborne to sit good because those ware what you like the most. Come on, rivalry aside, that’s just not good gaming nor good business when you have a fan following that actually cares about such things.

Look Minaria I know you want blood elves to always be the best, but that isn’t a realistic position, nor is it good for the game, the alliance has to be attractive too at some point also, and it’s most intriguing and well loved races most of it’s fans want greatest development for are its night elves and void elves.

Face it, all the alliance races apart from humans need significant improvements, and the elves most of all, as they are in such a sorry state and are the ones most loved by the fans.

How could Suramar go back to the Alliance? It never was anyway.

Plus, why would the Blood Elves go Alliance? This is just a wish that you want

That would been alright with me, but Blizzard kept the Night Elves on Kalimdor.

So long as the Blood Elf fanbase have their needs met after 12 years.

Their is no need for them to lose stuff, just because night elves lost something.
I don’t care about night elves being the first elves. So what - they lost Darnassus…how does that relate to the Blood Elves of Silvermoon and the Nightborne of Suramar?

So, let’s see what it means to have Mastery of the Arcane.
Let’s see their Blood Knights in full action.
Let’s see the Farstriders doing their thing

And everything you want can happen without impeding on Horde races. Otherwise, it’s just the “pity” races, because they can’t do anything on their own with the Blood Elves and Nightborne.

What is realistic is the blood elves being their best according to what their lore is, and there is room for growth their too.

It’s quite fair and good that other races also be their best, even if that would make them look better than yours, and they need to grow too., night elves certainly can do after all that destruction.

Still unable to empthise, you were asked to imagine how you would feel.

You asked to consider many possiblities, it’s not my fault that you can only see what is infront of you. It makes discussing desires and considering possiblities difficult with you.

It’s like you can’t understand the difference between what is and what could be that isn’t now, but could be later.

This is the better solution, but that’s not to say that sharing can’t also be a good solution if done welll too.

Yet no one is saying they should, stop being obsessed with tit for tat. You aren’t losing anything by sharing… is that how you feel when someone asks you to share what you have?

Do you have a girlfriend or hope to get married one day? This involves sharing. And sometimes you have to share with others too, sharing is not losing, it ishelping others gain something without you losing anything.

the world, especially men need to have more of this. These video games should promote helathy behviours liket hat.

ALways back to blood elves even in a Night elf thread :grin:

That has been the case all throughout the thread

Pot kettle black, for those Thalassian threads.

And read what I said.

I said, how does it relate? Not, why should they lose Silvermoon and Suramar?

How does Darnassus’ destruction relate to Silvermoon or Suramar?

Sharing for any race is probably not on the table.
Otherwise, we’d get Orcs and Humans sharing, since they have lore that relates them.

Draenei and Orcs would be sharing, like the above.

So, night elves and void elves are weak then? Well, that’s not my problem :woman_shrugging:

Steve Danuser is your man to complain to.

All well in the past, I stopped doing that years ago… sure I might still mention night elvesfor comparitive purposes only, but I won’t do that any more.

You can’t see that in exploring a hypothetical situation - it’s just a possible scenario on how sharing could be very interesting and spawn an interesting story. Also exploring how you could make the best of a difficult situation.

WE want the best for the races we love, but for a fantasy story to be interesting in a game setting, there has to be more going on, which means messing up the ideal a bit. But you can do it ain way that is still spectacular and shows off the best of your race and it’s assets. Especiallyw ith phasing tech around, tings that get destroyed cna also be repaired t the end of the quest.

Admittedly, sharing is definitely not ideal for two faction of race in different empires, especially, as in the Thalassian case there is bad blood.

But this makes sharing all the more interesting, especially if you’re forced too, then explore the nuances of those that want to reconcile and heal, and those who want to be rid of each other and those who understand the situation is ideal but it is a necessity and we need to make the best of it.

That can be interesting too. And in some case better suited than they idyllic peace or standard situation of us all being in our own castles with little to worry about other than the local pests. Off course we can drum up enough drama to keep us occupied, but the first iteration had that, it can be worth exploring something different like the two elves on opposite factions having to share.

And that means more can become Blood Elves.

And void elves can’t return because they’re a danger to the Sunwell.

But again, the main unity of races in Quel’Thalas comes via the Nightborne and Forsaken and their relation to the Blood Elves. (Which hopefully is improved, especially between the Elves and the Forsaken.)

Well Night Elves moved from living in a tree, to moving near a tree with a large fount of power.

So night elves (alliance) have their fount of power and blood elves (horde) have their fount of power.

So if you want to play a race with the Well of Eternity, then the Alliance is there waiting for you and if your wanting the Sunwell, then the Horde is there, waiting for you.

No, sharing for ALL races is probably what’s not on the table, nor is it a good idea, imo… usually it’s the lazy way out.

However the elven conflict, interest and separation and the fact that the same racial group is on both sides put them in a unique position to have sharing very interesting.

Besides the motivation is really more to needing to create multiple great assets for essentially the same race, when they could make it easier on the artists by having them share which could also be more interesting precisely because of their story and their unique position of being in both factions in the way that they are.

Sure other races sharing can be quite interesting too, but too much sharing loses fidelity of the faction separation, so however a little bit can actually enhance and sharpen the distinctions as well as create familial bonds satisfying both peace lovers who prefer to view fighting monsters and invaders rather than other players more suited to them, without removing the faction rivalry.

After all, void/high elves and blood elves can occupy their lands together and still struggle against each other, in a cold war like setting, subterfuge or politically and ideologically … yet have a need to be together to prevent their allies destroying their home and the void invading their home…therefore they must.

Yet within that setting some would like it and feel their people need to heal, others would not and feel their people have gone separate ways and should continue that.

The lore is at a place that makes this very interesting and well there can be other raeasons outside lore and gaming, like resources for development that makes this make sense.

Night elves and nightborne can also share but they would require a different story and reason as their setting is different, they are also far more friendly with each other than the Thalassian factions are. However that doesn’t mean nuances and intrigue can’t occur, in a city where people vie for power, and their are different forms of belief and cultures mixing together can create all sorts of interesting situations not to mention those that find it really hard to let go of hatreds and hurts stirring up conflict while others recognise the need to heal as night elves are nearly extinct now, and thus a measure of conflict but also corporation exists… as the earlier responses laid out.

And again - it’s not on the table for anyone.

I mean, did you miss the cinematic where we saw the night elves at Hyjal?
Sharing isn’t on the table, period. If void elves are involved in the new Quel’Thalas storyline, they will serve the same as the night elves in the TBC Quel’Thalas. A means to be killed, by the Horde player.

I’m not quoting the rest as it’s a bunch of waffle.

I mean, you’ve had this obsession over night elves interacting with nightborne since 2018. I don’t get it, personally. If Void Elves are serving as their own thing, away from the Blood Elves, then the Nightborne can and should be, away from the Night Elves.
Nightborne are their own thing and have been constantly written as their own thing. Not even being attached to Blood Elves in all settings.

During the attack on Nazmir, the Orcs, Tauren, Forsaken, Trolls, Nightborne and Pandaren were teleported to Zandalar by Thalyssra.
The Blood Elves and Goblins were on ships, off the coast of Nazmir.

mount hyjal is as it will be the new " world tree home "

Could you for a moment consider what is being said? i think you make up your mind after the first statement and never bother to explroe what is being siad.

That’s an indcation of being unreasonable and stubborn. You don’t like the sound of the idea therefore you have no interest in considering how it might happen.

That sort of approach causes you to miss a lot of things. You can still not like or a disagree with a thing after reading it, but if it is nice or interesting, it’s okay to change your earlier position too. You’re not betraying blood elves if you do that - because blood elves aren’t real. But I am, and so are you.