The best ever city for Night elves

Did a huge topic once on cities and how they could all be useful, in fact in this they were tied in to thee expansion progression sysgem, and you could basically build them up by unlocking new sections and upgrades to them after gathering resources… buyou did so by seeking ways to empower your race and each race had several things they sought to unlock.

As you unlock race power, you get access to new abilities and extended racials, but also your race gets stronger and is able to improve it’s capital city. It’s a shared space like legion class order halls, however how extensive your unlocks are are local to your client…

in the next expansion you can still continue to unlcok more buildings and expansions the devs would provide, bu ofc there would be no power system tied to racials, there woudl be something else that expansion, but at least you won’t lose your city upgrades.

every race would have natural home city teleport too, so you can eaither spend time in Org/stormwind or your racial capital (just like you did for order halls) except a capital is niicer.

Examples of things night elvs unlocked.

  1. Well of Eternity
  2. World tree and increased emerald dream magic from it
  3. Font of Elune light side and dark side of Elune in the form of arcane star magic and void magic of the night warrior.

Every race has something different.
Blood elves have teh arcane side of the sunwell, thent he Light side, finally they have the Ban’dinoriel and blood crystals

Dranei have
The atamal’ crystals including crystal technology, the Light Naaru and the void naaru

Dwarves would have
The path of Golgannoth, Khaz’Modan and

The Ancestors, Legacy of the Gronn, Shadowmoon

Loa of Kings, Loa of Death, Loa of Life

Etc etc, basically every race has something. Allied race follow the main race though but sometimes have minor variations, like void elves will have a void star instead of the Ban’dinoriel.


I mean, I undestand why they wouldn’t make something like this due to the huge amount of work (which I wish they still would, as it’d be awesome. It’s an RPG.) I’d love it.

Would be better as ‘‘Legacy of Grond’’, since Grond is the origin of the:
Earth Giants > Magnaron > Gronn > Ogron > Ogre > Orcs. ^^

Thank you for the correction. I thought it was something more than Gron. I wonder if Orcs shoudl have something to do with the sentient plant life thing they fight to boost their race - could give access to orc druids or should it remain an enemy?

Suggestions for the others?

I really like the two main styles of the night elves, the urban style with all those lovely marble buildings, and glowy magical effects, but also the rural style that has such a cosy deep forest feel.

Night elf architecture off course depends on where you are building and what you are building.

  1. Camps, Campaign bases, villages, remote lodge, forest homes - all use that wooden architecture - they are quickly erected by wisps and/or ancients - so make for excellent mobilse bases, - during hte long vigil, this is how the hunting parties would travel around to prevent anyone geting close to the Well of Eternity and hunt satyrs or anyone using any magic that could draw the legion back

  2. Cities and towns, temples, academies and embassies - this uses the gorgeous marble greco-roman style buildings we see in Suramar, CoEN, Zin’Azshari (in the warbringers video), Darnassus - this is for cities and urban centres like towns od small towns. While most of these are in ruin (yeh thanks blizzard) There is enough material to restore them all.

I’m hoping they do a really good city, but also restore smaller ones like Nar’thlas, and restore towns like Meredil, Tel’anor in addition to the temples. But I’ll most look forward to the magical effects, stars for the arcane and elune, moon glows for Elune, wisps for nature, floating windsept leaves for nature. Then ofc creatures. elves, Treants, ancients, critters, animals, constructs too and some new arcane wonders from the Shen’dralar.

The Night elf architecture for cities is beautiful with white marble, having either vines, gems or star arcane constellation rune markings - you can see this in Darnassus, Zin’Azshari and Surmar to beautiful effect.

I would like to see one tree home in the capital city, like a giant tree in the central park that has many levels of rounds for people. I think this is the only structure that should be there for druids in the city - as they would administer the parks and gardens.

the reason is because druids prefer to live in the forest, they prefer the beauty of nature, whiles priests and mages love their ornate temples and marble buildings, with nature in the form of gardens and magical effects off course.

Druids prefer to sleep in the earth like the barro dens, where they have simple but neat beautiful carved implements like beds, pitchers , stands etc.

Druids want nature undisturbed as much as possible, like the beauty of the emerald dream, so I think they would prefer most elves live in the city, especially other kinds, and bring a bit of the forest to the city via gardens and parks.

I also don’t think druids like building homes out of wood, preferring the night elves in population centres to use magically enhanced/crafted marble so the trees are as undisturbed as possible, only using wood where absolutely necessary - like for the base mobile camps necessary for patrols or for the homes in deep woodland villages of some of their families.

I love that night elf lore is so detailed and I love the variation. You have their

  1. Arcane origin, great civilization and expertise
  2. Great priesthood and temples
  3. Nature love, gentleness with forest, animals and druids.

All 3 are very magical and provide some startling and impressive imagery. I also like that it’s different from blood elves. Blood elves also have a great forest and a great city with towns too and villages, but they’re different, the colouring is different and culture is different.

night elves are night focused, so silver and stars and moon, while blood elves are sun focused,. They do forests differently and cities differently too.

Blood elves have like a modernised, but also simplified version of what the night elves have, it’s less detailed and intricate, but it has some more features the Night elves do not, like floating spires and the architecture has changed a little.

Yet they do have similarities, which we should expect and applaud, because they’re both elves, and Thalassians do come from night elves.


I mean, Orc druids isn’t particularly farfetched since they have Shamans (some difference, sure), so I would be all in favor for it. Just some different shapes like Wolf Form instead of Cat (as they’ve revered the Wolf spirit of Draenor and Lo’Gosh, it’d be perfect).

I’m Rokkar btw, just changed posting toon

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next time build a town of bricks what cant be burnt down :rofl:


Especially with the Sylvanas storyline.
Not to replace the current Ranger General, but be the Sylvanas that many people, including myself, fell in love with.

That close link to the Sin’dorei and to Quel’Thalas.

I must admit, seeing Sylvanas in her former Ranger General armor has me excited about her character development and I do wish it will involve Quel’Thalas and the Farstriders.

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who cares bout elves, undead need new hole in the ground

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i can hire a homeless Nelf from the streets of SW have her work for her rent :rofl:
building a own city for the homless Nelf is a waste of war resorses

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But what would it serve. There needs to be a practical reason to give them a city again. Also if night elves get one the Forsaken need to as well.

This would take development away from current content.

The current regime it’s not happening. A paper bag is more likely.

And a big plastic bag to cover the body.

Or maybe… a bowl of fruit.

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Nigh elves can live in our garrisons maybe.

Sure, then we nuke 'em.

Job finished.

I think night elves and a lot of races have had enough nuking.

time to rebuild something.

And I think it would be cool, if players could contribute to some part of the rebuilding.

when they revamp the world.

Design everything.

But rather than just give the capital zone of each race the complete revamp, design it such that players have to unlock the improvements in stages.

1 zone per race is like this - even if the race has several zones. You’ve already designed it, so it’s just a matter of the players unlocking the improvements so they feel they have built their zone… tie it into gaining power for their race like Night elves unlocking the Well of Eternity, World tree and Font of Elune, or Draenei recovering the atam’al crystals, the power of the light and dark Naaru, etc etc. Blood elves (Sunwell arcane, Sunwell Light, Ban’dinoriel and blood crystals.

Make it fun. You also learn lots of things about races that were in lore materials or books and get to see a much broader side of them too, rather than one thing focus which killed a lot of their lore in other areas for many.

Even after that expansion has gone, the next expansion can have further improvements to the capital zone or a neighbouring one the players can then also unlock. You’ve already designed the revamp off course, but whatever new expansion system is in place allows the players to use resources , improve their character but also upgrade their zone.

The beauty about it is that once you’ve unlocked everything, your zone will forever look like that, even in the next expansion… so it is one reward that doesn’t reset the next, and gives players a portion that actually builds up the race while they adventure.

I was hoping this would come in some race expansion where would get racial campaigns like we had class campaigns, and every expansion would or patch would give new quests for the racial campaigns.


But wheres the fun in that?

Fine, grampa.

Wouldn’t a fair thing be like Isle of Quel’Danas/Thunder? The server/region has to do enough dailies/quests around it to progress the building process, which then unlocks for the next progress to unlock?

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DUnno, how well that could work. It could actually work quite well.

I was thinking that it would be a bit like Legion class order halls, the capital zone/city is a shared space, but the building and city improvements, zone improvements are local to your client. So while you can see other players in the space, your city/zone would reflect your progress in it. Gives you a sense of achievement, and a cool space to look at for your fave race.

Server wide could work too I geuss, It also has some merits, community building etc.

ANother option is to have a bit of both, some bits are server unlocked, some bits are personal unlocked… The city size growth could be server unlocked (based on corporation like Quel’danas and Ahn’Qiraj), while the buildings and features in it are personal (i.e client based). That could also actually work best.


I don’t see the fun in that - especially where Quel’Thalas is concerned. It’s been locked in it’s TBC era for god knows how long yet we know things have changed, drastically.

Magister’s Terrace serves as a Museum.
The Tailoring Shop, ran by Blood Elf Warlocks, is now closed.
Civil political discourse has returned to the Bazaar.

Surely, things like this should already be given to the players. We shouldn’t have to work for Blizzard’s laziness in updating.

Well, there could be a ‘‘personal’’ area (kinda like Garrison, but not as locked in), where region wide you make the city and all that, then theres some personal areas where you place things you might want.

Why tho?

Why? Wouldn’t this be a perfect place to have scholars, magisters, and the like?

What’s the point with this?

wow good post but sadly blizzard devs are only catering to horde. no dev time left for alliance


Because -Kael’thas and Fel-.

It’s why Blood Elves are not that big on the whole “Warlock” thing. Don’t let their green eyes fool you.

Probably does both, but legendary weapons and armor are also placed within, such as Thori’dal and the Coif of Alleria.

Manipulation was the big thing during TBC, but since Kael’thas - the mood has changed.

Again, we’re only reading about this now, but ever since TBC, big changes have come to the Blood Elves and it’s Horde players that should get to see these changes.

Many things that players should see that we don’t, because books!

The current Ranger-General has Thori’dal tho. And why would a helmet of Alleria be important?