The best ever city for Night elves

Apparently, Alliance are trying to negotiate in getting some items from the Blood Elves. Those specific to Alleria, with her return.

Adds to the reasons of what takes place in the Bazaar. Unlike the Priest who would use shadow magic to manipulate those who opposed the the current status quo.

And we can all agree, that’s not good enough.

Lets just say no.

And again no.

Aye, would’ve been nice to see the trial of Garrosh in-game, but it would’ve been pretty dull I think, so it would’ve been better as a book.

But we’re talking about a new world revamp.

Garrosh’s trial would have served the same as the “revamp” that took place in Darkshore and Tirisfal Glades.
Two small zones, that have been altered in the Cataclysm time zone. I mean, once you enter Silverpine and Ashenvale, it’s back to Cataclysm-based zones. Hell, this has been in far longer than the Vanilla-world.

Exactly. That’s a lot more than most races even get.

They will. Be patient. We’re currently in the afterlife.
If we have an Azeroth based expansion that will be the perfect time to roll out some more heritage sets.


Yep, which is why I think Orc/human/nelf/undead will get their heritage last.

The sooner we get back to Azeroth and out of this wild spin-off take of what feels like a bad episode of Doctor Who, the better.


Seems likely yes. And to me that’s fine.


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Agreed, I just find content about the races I like and Azeroth more interesting.

I want to see development, progress. I loved that Warcraft actually continued the stories and it felt like we would forever get advances.

Unlike other series, the main film/episode wasn’t the last. I loved that WC3 wasn’t the end of the story of the night elves, WoW gave them a new start and a chance for me to see so much more about them, the things that excited me the most after playing the opening areas was seeing the pre-sundering civilization return in splendour, them controlling their magic well without addiction or corruption, i also wanted to see a lot more about Elune too. The star culture, star/moon magic I felt was fascinating, it made them feel so lofty, and I particularly loved that in direct contrast was the humility and simplicity of the druids.

For me night elves were always this great contrast of opposing ends and i loved both. the high society and majesty or arcane power i read about, and the simplicity, wild forest of the lifestyle.

I loved that the irony was that the druids most races would ignore as simpletons or savages were actually quite the opposite and in fact were the once held in most regard for their wisdom over the legendary Highborne mages who’s magical knowledge everyone else prized so much. you can imagine them coming to the new night elf city and fussing over the Highborne thinking them the leaders only to find it’s the quite guy dressed very simply, living in the forest outside the spectacular new city or in the woods of the park in the middle that people most listen t o.

I love that

High and low, serene and savage, Intelligent and wise… .benevolent yet vengeful, nature yet arcane.

So much to explore -

  • exploring the revelations of the Legion expansion and how that must finally lift a burden of the last 10,000 years - it’s huge - and can be explored
  • Revelations Illidan never betrayed them either would change a lot of things, it will change how they view the Well, also completely change how they regard demon hunters too, I can even see them being appealing to many a young night elf male especially coping after Teldrassil
  • Addiction completely cured and responsible Highborne would have an impact
  • Suramar’s return also would inspire the artists and the builders amongst them to restore their civilization and rebuild, while at the same time the experience of the nightborne will ensure they operate in balance (druid), discipline (priest) but ambition (mage)
  • They would still never use fel, but they would trust those that train as demon hunters to use it and rely on them though they’d keep them at arms length.
  • I’d love to see more Satyr interaction, so far two have been restored by Elune
  • Farondis o was an amazing story, they definitely need more of him, his Highborne group would be respected by all night elf groups, they never joined Azshara’s mad scheme, they fought from the start too, could they be restored and Prince Farondis lead the civil side of the Night elves and the Highborne with Mordant in charge of the mages?
  • I’d love to see how they interact with Queen Azshara, we didn’t see much of that in 8.2, but Zin’Azshari (aka Elun’dris) is the birth place of the night elves, where they discover both arcane magic and Elune, it is also in the forests their the very first encounter with Cenarius happens and he teaches them natures way as they study the well and Elune.
  • What happens now after the events of BFA and Shadowlands
  • The new Night warrior power Tyrande can finally control is perfect to see both a new class (or a class skin for either Paladin or DH) and teach others.
  • Would the void elves have night elf friendship - they can connect with the Highborne, as well as be very curious over Elune and Tyrande’s new control of this power which could help them as well as them help the more scholarly priests.
  • The druids also need void help too, so the void elves are great partners there. .will this relationship be developed?
  • The Well of Eternity can now be used - no more legion to hide, no more arcane corruption, and responsible night elves that now need all the power to develop and defend themselves, would be so exciting to see
  • Would immortality return too, you mean when they finally stop seeking it, boom, well in use, immortality returned - that would be super exciting.
  • Would the Emerald dream lore be expanded too? Druids using the world tree and its’s power to heal the forests in Ashenvale, Hyjal and Val’sharah while Highborne and Ancients use the well to magically build a new great city
  • That same power can also improve their defences and make them formidable.

Night elves really are owed a lot after being made scapegoats, victims and the go to race used to be destroyed to show others great, after wc3 they were weakened and constantly shown on the brink and losing, whether it was Garrosh attacking, or blood elves, or Sylvanas, they were shown so weakly in total contrast to their novel and Wc3 manual description - yet having such access to power in their demon hunters, their well of eternity, the emerald dream and freaking Goddess on their side, yet none of these were employed.

I think it’s high time they do extraordinarily well and they flip them from being the go to victims to basically unbeatable - with everyone relieved they have no interest in world conquest because they’d win.

Seeing how they develop for me is far more interesting than the Dr Who trip to SL and other places. There is so much not concluded, so much not developed, so much to tell. nuances and growth.

The different orders interacting again. We can have priests with druids, priests with Highborne mages, druids with Highborne mages. Wardens with demon hunters friendship it can be really cool

the same I’m sure goes to fans of every race would love to see things for their race and continue their story.

Why don’t blizzard do race campaigns, and focus the revamp on the main races with appended sections for their allied races, sometimes combining the stories where possible example Zandalari and darkspears could have a combined story, actually so can most allied races and their main races except for Nightborne and void elves.

Nightborne could have a story that explores their blood elf relationship further but also how they interact with the night elves on the broken isles and their heritage they seemed to love so much, what they aim to do now their city is saved and their new mandate.
Void elves could explore the human /elf relationship too, but also strike up a new friendship with night elves and explore the difficulties and prejudices faced in human communities by being void users, counteracted by those that love seeking the void coming to them as well as connecting the high elves to the void elf faction.

There is something for every body.

I wonder what everyone would like to see?


Thank you for admiring our city, and posting the screenshots of it, however, do not forget the nature of the Nightelves, they are lowborn commoners.

You are not a Highborne to live in a city like Suramar or Zin’Azshari.

Those were built by the nightelves indeed, but the Highborne ones, not the current country elf ones.

Kaldorei resistance have fought against everything the Highborne have had, therefore, if you want to be a Highborn, royal elf, the Nightborne are waiting for you in the glorious city called Surmar.

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Well some of us much like to see improvements and the best a race has to offer coming out. So yeah I’d love to see the night elves grow to achieve the best they managed in the pre-sundering era of their race and the best of what they did in the Long vigil era.

I want to see it come together to basically have them be the best they’ve ever been. It’s frustrating to see all the cool bits in the past and the present just a shadow of incredible things your race did. It’s not fun for a fan to be honest.

You read about it, play it in Wc3, see it in Azshara warbringers or Suramar, see it in NPCs like Illidan, Farondis or the Moonguard and Nightborne, the Night warrior - but have no access to it. You never see the magic of the Well of Eternity used or the Emerald dream to do anything spectacular for your race… it’s super frustrating and full of potential that does excite you greatly.


Does anyone know why blizzard doesn’t use the really good models of cities they’ve already done to give the race a new capital?

Goblin - why not just revamp and replicate Kezan?

Draenei - why not just copy Shattrath from WoD

Lightforge - why not just copy Auchindouin from WoD? Just recolour the outside into golds and whites - the inside is fine

Void Elves: - copy of the revamped Silvermoon, but modified for a void wings, different colour scheme etc

Night elves - as above combination of the best they’ve done for the kaldorei

Gnomes - move into Mechagon?

Darkspears - replica of Atal’dazar or Zul’Gurub

Mag’har orcs - Expand warsong hold in Borean Tundra

I feel, rather than just have them all magically standing in the revamp expansion, instead let players work to open them up and fill them with power their races have access too - could be a rce expansion, and racials are boosted, you get NPC followers from your race as well as unlocking your race’s capital (either server wide thing or local client or both)

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Night elves built every building and city in the pictures I linked. Blizzard should be able to do a phenomenal city with the style and volume they have.

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We built our own city, we were the Highborne of the Kaldorei Empire.

Peasants like your kin were playing in the mud when our kin were building the cities and prospering.


The night elf cities were built by night elven highborne mages wielding arcane magic alongside Ancient druidic trees wielding nature magic.

It was night elves who built Suramar - elves and their tree allies, priesthood of Elune built their gorgeous cathedral - the architecture and style of their cities are easily seen in Darnassus and the ruins in kalimdor (old models) and in Suramar, Zin’Azshari (warbringers) and the ruins in the broken isles (new models).

The nightborne didn’t exist as they are now. Some of those who built Suramar left to war to put an end to the source of the Legion invasion in Zin’Azshari and others stayed behind. The ones who left to war make up the bulk of the Darnassian night elf faction you play, and their kin who stayed behind eventually became the sub-race we call nightborne.

As Nightborne, nothing in Suramar was built or changed. With limited resources, the night elves there used the Nightwell to conjure clothes and eventually used the energy source as food - which is why they are altered so compared to other night eles like the Shen’dralar who didn’t quite take their use of magic to that extreme.

The city and culture of the kaldorei remained unchanged for the millennia under the shield, what changed was the appearance of the night elves and some advancement in magic.

However we are told the advancements were slow, life was an idyllic constant pace, and Occuleth complains just how slack and complacent authorities were at upgrades. Thalyssra points out they stagnated too - off course they would, in a bubble, where the only challenge was resources for food and clothing the nightwell solved.

Just like the architecture and style of the high/void elves and blood elves are the same, the highmountain and mulgore Tauren are the same, the Lightforged and Draenei are the same, etc so to are the Night elves and the Nightborne.

But you knew that didn’t you?


The Nightborne are the Highborne of the Kaldorei Empire, we have changed our name to the Shal’dorei due to the fact that we have been isolated for 10,000 years without the moonlight, and without the sunlight, we became Children of Night.

Genetically, the Nightborne are the Night elves, moreover, if the Highborne of the Kaldorei Empire would not fail, the appearance of the Nightborne is what they would have become.

You cannot claim the Suramar is Night elven, it was Night elven during the Kaldorei Empire, when WE were the Night elves, now it is the Highborne city of the Nightborne. You talk as if the Night elves built the city and the Nightborne took over. WE WERE ONE RACE (Highborne) BEFORE THE SUNDERING.

Modern Kaldorei are lowborn commoners, unable of building cities and living in the woods, savages like the trolls lurking in their forests. Meanwhile, every citizen of the Suramar was considered as the Highborne, and they still do consider themselves as a Highborne, maybe even beyond being the Highborne.

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Suramar is both Night elven and Nightborne. Silvermoon is both blood elven and high/void elven.

appreciate the enthusiasm for conflict, but last I checked Nightborne and night elves generally get on well despite being on opposite factions.

Furthermore, as 10,000 year old people with far stronger ties and bonds than siding with baby humans and orcs, I don’t think faction divide is a defining

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
10/10 ROFLMAO this is hilarious, should read that strip more often

In new book World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth - Kalimdor [Lore and updates so warning *** spoilers***

The night elves:

  • The Alliance has retaken (most of) Darkshore, except for Shatterspear Vale, but has abandoned Bashal’Aran , its base of operations after the Battle of Darkshore. Ameth’Aran, the other Highborne city in Darkshore, is also in ruins. The Night Warrior, or the “Avatar of the New Moon" empowered the Kaldorei Empire against the trolls in pre-Sundering times, and there are other avatars also, but undescribed, for each different phase of Mu’sha. The night elves still somewhat patrol Darkshore’s roads, but seem to have their forces and attentions diverted elsewhere (perhaps other parts of Kalimdor). However, post-Battle of Darkshore, most life in Darkshore is seemingly gone, or essentially dead, and much of the land seems abandoned or uninhabitable. Onu, the Ancient of Lore in Darkshore, welcomed the Horde representatives to the Grove of the Ancients, and even shared some of his ancient wisdom with them.

  • Ashenvale remains heavily contested between the Alliance and the Horde, or rather the night elves and the Horde. The night elves control Astranaar, Stardust Spire, the Howling Vale, and the Shrine of Mel’Thrandis, and successfully reclaimed the Mor’shan Ramparts (the Horde outpost entrance into southern Ashenvale). The night elves and Horde are still fighting fiercely over other bases, such as the Splintertree Post and the Warsong Lumber Camp.

  • Azshara, or at least some parts, is also a point of perpetual conflict - with the night elves of Talrendis Point constantly attacking the Horde base of Valormok , and it is feared by some in the Horde that they might seize control of the base, the Horde Council is to be contacted for reinforcements.

  • Mount Hyjal and Nordrassil are not really mentioned (other than an ancient owl creature Ban’thalas being Malorne’s ally and having stood together in the War of the Ancients) but the Cenarion Circle is confirmed to still accept druids from both factions. No new capital of the night elves is discussed.

  • The Cenarion Hold has been re-established in Silithus, Staghelm Point is also restored , with a new Sentinel Tree planted by the druids like they did against Ragnaros in the Cataclysm.

Sadly, no mention of a capital. However nothing is metnioned of Feralas or Azsuna, so maybe there?

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Well no, nothing would be mentioned of Azsuna since Azsuna isn’t part of Kalimdor. :woman_shrugging: :rofl: