The best ever city for Night elves

Draenei definitely should, They did get 7.3, were present throughout WoD and had a portion of TBC too, but everyone is dwarfed compared to humans, and it’s funny how even in the diminished capacity, night elves are still quite popular.

What an asset, the alliance has in Night elves - with the kaldorei pre-sundering and long vigil aspects combined
In the Draenei - witwh the ERedar technology and crystal power
With the Dwarves, the mountain kings and the blood of the titnas still running strong.

What cool fantasies they can develop -

  • Mystical night elves arcane power, moon and stars, a goddess with arcane, light and great void power, the deep forest, wilds , walking trees, Emerald dream, world tre, powerful well of eternity
  • The Draenei - interdminsenional ships, freaking spaceship technology, the light in dimensions never thought of, crystal technlogy, prophecy and destiny
  • The Dwarves - and that cool warrior, undustrial, mountain group with the connection to all that titan lore, Golganeth, Khaz Modan, mining, exploration
  • Gnomes and technology
  • Worgen and the supernatural
  • Void elves - the dark side of the stars, void energy, the dracula-esque vibes, and the lovely contrast of nobility handling dark powers. - sort of reminds me of the Witchers from that series, they use dark powers but to save lives. Expect the void powers are so much cooler.

and yet, 9/10 the focus is humans, great.

This topic may focus on bringing an attractive aspect of the night elves to the player faction as a new capital city, but we need this sorta stuff for all the non-human races in the alliance.

They’ve been focusing so much on bringing out the cool in the horde, and even felt the need to take more alliance stuff over… and we get it, the horde is very cool, that’s why it’s the most popular faction and heavily out numbers the alliance, but there is cool stuff in the alliance sitting buried, unused, barely showing… if only.

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The penny has finally dropped!

What you’ve got is a lead narrative designer who wants to push her love for Anduin and Jaina onto the Alliance. Get rid of her, the problem might be solved.
Why do you think 3/4 of the Alliance presence in the Shadowlands is Human with 1/4 being Night Elf.

Where are the Void Elves and Alleria? This is her sister that’s gone bonkers…

Erm…Cataclysm era had your “Alliance over to Horde” (whatever that means) and the Alliance were literally the kings of PvP.
Humans, Dwarf Shamans and Night Elf Druids were the go-to.

And your telling me it’s all a coincidence that all of Golden’s favorites are in the Shadowlands?

Reminder: Alliance presence - 3/4 Human, 1/4 Night Elf.
0/4 - Alleria Windrunner

thrall is not a golden favorite check mate :stuck_out_tongue:

No - but Anduin, Jaina and Baine are.

Check mate. :woman_shrugging:

Seems to me that your in a bit of denial, regarding the Alliance situation.

and alleria is done with sylvanas she already told her how she felt about her last time they met

Ok - but that’s not addressed the core point.

also drakka got be a the leader of the house of the chosen of the Chad Alexandros “Ashbringer” Mograine

Right…but what’s that got to do with the Alliance story, already stated by Kalibas, being over-saturated with Humans?

This is what I’m eluding to.

Again, avoiding the elephant in the room screams denial about what’s going on with the issues surrounding the Alliance story.

Well you claim sl had human bias but mograine’s human potential didn’t help him get to be leader of the chosen a orc got to be 2nd in command to the mighty Primus the military leader of all the shadowlands over Alexandros “The ashbringer” mograine who’s only feat was dying and surviving being born weak clearly orc bias

I never made that direct claim.
I’m talking about the current Alliance presence within the SL.

But carry on with the way you are. The longer you deny the problem of the Humans within the Alliance story, means that Kalibas won’t get his Kaldorei wishes.

his wishes was never going to happen anyway the devs clearly hate the night elves and use them as a punching bag :stuck_out_tongue:

So, just carry on with the overuse of Humans then?
Because that’s not the issue, obviously… :woman_shrugging: :roll_eyes:

that is up to Ion “I used to be a lawyer and it shows” Hazzikostas and Steve “I can’t write if i had a instruction book” Danuser at this point there is 0 faith they this inepts will save wow at 10.0 since they are proud of the work they are doing in sl -.-;

though i would argue that your playing in the Horde a orcish organization and the Alliance of Stormwind there a reason why the alliance symbol is a Lion so why would you expect anything but this two have the spot light

tyrande already told anduin where to stuff it in bfa the elves are free to leave the alliance and get slaughtered by the horde most likely no one is being held hostage under the alliance banner :stuck_out_tongue:

unlike the horde where baine feared for his people’s lives if he moved against the warchief

The issue here is that even in BfA, the Horde story was quite diverse in it’s focus of the races. For example, it started out with a heavy Forsaken and Troll focus. Then we had Orc, Troll and Tauren focus, closely followed with Goblins.

Then 8.2 comes and we go to the ancient capital of the Night Elves. Blood Elves and Nightborne, descendant races from the Night Elves, are involved with this.

Then, all Horde races, barring Zandalari and Vulpera, are involved in Sylvanas leaving.

What do the Alliance have, all expansion? It’s again - 3/4 Humans and 1/4 Night Elves.
The rest of the Alliance is nothing. Dwarves, Void Elves, Draenei, Worgen - nothing.

I’m a Horde Elf fan - I’m not asking Blood Elves and Nightborne to have everything, but I’m content with what I get. 8.2 was enough for me, because it made sense for the Elves to be involved.

Yeah and guess who was being made out to be right, because it certainly wasn’t the night elf priestess.

Even the new Explorer’s book paints the night elves to be idiots, as they continue to fight against the Horde, despite Teldrassil

No wonder, when he bends over backwards to ensure Anduin and Jaina are happy.

Tauren should just be an Alliance race at this point.
Maybe swap them with Dark Iron Dwarves.

in bfa we spent 90 % of the time as a horde helping a bunch of inept trolls fix their stuff i’ve never liked troll stuff i hated the endless raids and troll dungeons and then you have a whole expansion that is about trolls ugh puke not to mention that city was a nightmare to navigate who designed this crap

And Humans…and then Old Gods…

Trolls, Humans and Old Gods with some Highborne Night Elf stuff in the middle.

I don’t like Troll stuff either, but Troll fans certainly welcomed it. Especially the home of the most powerful Troll tribes.

about that when is the horde being executed for their crimes against the innocent people of Brennadam :wink: this vile attack makes Camp Taurajo that you people keep going on about look small in comparison

So the Horde is deleted and Alliance players level up by singing “kumbyah” in the right places? :rofl:

You sure a game called “WARcraft” is for you?

i’m not advocating for the deleting the horde though i think both horde and the alliance should disband and reforge as the Grand Horde Alliance we keep getting attacked by this cosmic universal threats we need to band together every expansion is another “War” its just not against etc other and everytime they make a war against another no one can win because that’s the nature of a mmo … its pointless

bfa was the devs ego thinking they could do a better job then pandaria at wraping up the faction war forever and they failed they don’t have the talent to write faction war expansions they should quit while their ahead