The best ever city for Night elves

And I remember no such thing happened in the end. Funny that huh.

And racials… That’s what people, always on the horde too, say when they don’t want the alliance improved.

Improve the image and coolness of the alliance and it’s races, players would join it. The alliance suffers from a poor image due to terrible and bad development. The horde’s been invested in, developed, buffed, always and consistently given cooler and done cooler stuff, to always make it win. Develop the alliance, people will go back.

Super buff the alliance racials, you imbalance the gameplay of the game, that is’ unfair, more people might move, but that’s not how you want to address the balance.

And if you want to hasten the imbalance, remove from the horde and give to the alliance, that will speed it up - accompanied by endless crying from you no doubt - should it happen, would I remember your cold indifference shown when the alliance was robbed yet again to buff you and make your faction look good?

Which just proves no fancy night elf city factored into people swapping to the Alliance.

The Alliance story isn’t relative to people wanting to play the faction for end-game Mythic raiding or high end pvp.

You need racials. Hell, remember Cataclysm PvP…or even MoP PvP? Every person and his dog rolled Human and failure to that, Night Elf. (Primarily just for Druid.)
Even PvE - yes their was Troll racials which were the leading race in PvE; but Alliance wasn’t slouching. Draenei passive racial (increased hit rating) and Worgen passive racial (increased crit rating), were also a great combination.

The Alliance and Horde racials always had some that were OP.
Humans and Trolls reigned supreme for PvP (Humans) and PvE (Trolls) for the longest time.

Legion was actually the first time more people rolled Blood Elf for the AoE silence, which wasn’t attached to the GCD.

So - night elves get everything, that you demand (the majority of which, they already have)…but blood elves and nightborne are stripped and turned into something else, which isn’t core to them. Now that is hypocritical.
You: “Night Elves need to have full showing!”

Also to Brigante: “Blood Elves should lose their Arcane and Light focus. Change it to Fel instead! It’ll be so cool!”

Everything is about “change” but only when it comes to Horde races.

I tell you what, if these ideas about changing blood elves and nightborne are so cool, then maybe Blizzard should trial it with the night elves first. Test the waters and see if that can be replicated to the blood elves. Night Elves have lost their city, so that’s one change…but we need more change, but don’t worry night elf fans - what you’ll get is cool and you’ll love it.

Lets be fair, it is Nightborne, not Night Elf. Yes, they -were- the same people, but then so were the Blood Elves, Architecture changes. Sometimes by cultural mores, sometimes aesthetic ones, and sometimes by necessity. Thing is, that doesn’t seem to be who the Night Elves think they are anymore, otherwise, I am sure they would have kept that up, instead of the much more nature orientated style they went for, why?
Because of Necessity. If you look at the grand Naga cities, which are sunken Night Elf ones, the location of Suramar and such, it does look like the heartland of the Kaldorei Empire was ‘Ground Zero’ when The Sundering happened. Which we know is the case in lore. Weirdly(But not really weirdly) Arcane massively went out of fashion, and remained so for almost eight thousand years or so (I can’t remember when exactly Dath’remar and his Highborne were exiled, but Silvermoon is at least 7,000 years old,) Even those Night Elves who -weren’t- exiled, such as the Shen’dralar, were massively marginalised and played no part in the cultural paradigm of the Kaldorei until the last decade or so. As their focus shifted from Arcane, to a much more natural look, the Night Elf architecture did the same, as we can see by their fixation on World Trees, which hadn’t really been a thing before the Sundering. I know I keep banging on about Black Rook Hold, but that too is an example of -Pre- Sundering Night Elf architecture, albeit a fortress rather than a city, and yet this too is a style that we never saw the Kaldorei try to replicate in all the thousands of years since.


We don’t know. It could be that they wanted to distance themselves from the hubris of the Highborne and eschewed their style, it could be that those cities had a magical element to them, a magical element the Kaldorei had exiled or marginalised (If that sounds too fantastical, remember, there ain’t any bricks and mortar involved in the construction of Silvermoon, it literally was rebuilt (After the Scourge razed it) overnight with Arcane.)


Now is the perfect time for the Kaldorei to undergo another cultural paradigm shift. They have reintegrated Magi into society, and they have seen repeated examples that, really, building cities on top of world trees is a bloody stupid move, so perhaps a future Night Elf Capital -would- be something more akin to their Pre-Sundering architecture, with some nature stuff thrown in as well, so as not to upset those who now -are- the traditionalists of the last thousands of years, so your more rustic types.

It could lead to a very interesting aesthetic incorporating the best of both worlds, yes.

Let’s be fair, if it ain’t Stormwind or Orgrimmar they don’t give a monkey’s about other playable in cities. Sure, Suramar -looks- nice, but it’s not like the Shal’dorei character actually gets Suramar. Nothing weirder than levelling your Nightborne though those quests only for Elisande’s forces to go “An Illusion, what are you hiding?” "Umm, you what? I live here, I look like I should live here, so I don’t even need an illusion? (Obviously it’s game mechanics, but it still tickles me!)

Realistically all the ‘Allied’ races got a bit stiffed, but Kaldorei are one of the ‘core’ races, as are Forsaken, so would likely get a whole city to play around with, which is fine and dandy, who knows, they might even make Silvermoon 3D and allow Flying there. (Yeah right!)

I think the reason there, and we have seen it in this thread, it wasn’t you, but it was a Night Elf Fan, is a bizarre belief that Night Elves should have it all. The best Warriors, the best Rangers, the Best Druids, the Best Mages, and (And this -was in this very thread-) That they should be powerful enough as a Race on their own, that they would leave the Alliance, and that both Horde and Alliance combined should live in dread of their wrath and be terrified of them.

That was their serious suggestion. (I mean, sure, do that, but all Night Elves get a free transfer to another Race, as Night Elves would then be an NPC world threat)

That was legitimately their serious suggestion, you can read it yourself, it is…depressing reading that somebody could actually think that was a good idea for a playable race, and also that it was even remotely viable in an MMORPG.

Now, the reason it tends to make Horde elf fans cross, is that we’ve been here before. We’ve seen how it pans out.

Remember the High Elves as playable thread? The list of demands was endless. So fast forwards to the creation of Void Elves. Fair enough, no one expected those.
High Elf Fans wanted Pale skin colours, then they’d be happy.
Blizz gave them pale skin colours. Everyone was happy.
High Elf Fans went “Oh, actually, we’d also like normal hair colours like Blood Elves”
Blizz gave them that. They were happy, but there was a growing unease in Blood Elf fans, one that proved justified…
High Elf Fans went “Oh, and we want Blood Elf hairstyles”
By this point, -actual- Void Elf fans are (Rightfully) unhappy, because the actual -race- has been hijacked, Blood Elf fan are (Rightfully) unhappy, because they got stiffed in the recent wave of customisations and now High Elf Fans want all their stuff as well?

Then ‘Mission Creep’ got even weirder “Oh, and Void Elves should get Paladin Class” “Why? There were only three in existence, one of whom is now a Blood Knight!” “They’re iconic!” “They’re not! They never were an iconic part of High Elf culture!”

“Oh, and we should also be able to toggle any Void stuff off, and rename the race ‘High Elf’ if we choose”
By this point actual Void Elf fans are incandescent, Blood Elf fans are thinking this is an elaborate joke, because it has shot way past the mark of ‘reasonable’.
“Anything else on your list of demands for High Elves?”
“Yes, They should retake Quel’thalas and Silvermoon”
“Wait, what?”
“The Blood Elves can be exiled and live in Outlands, the High Elves get their city back”

They meant it in all seriousness… It was such astounding arrogance that they wanted everything.

That’s probably why it is mostly Horde Elf fans kicking up a stink here, because it is starting to sound like a repeat of that. Especially when you add the lunatic fringe who actually want the Night Elves to be able to fight both Horde and Alliance combined.

So put it this way, how it currently ‘appears’ and it may be bad wording or something, is as follows:

‘X’ Race is renowned worldwide for being the masters of Y
‘A’ Race is renowned worldwide for being the masters of B

Because the two are related, ‘X’ Race players feel they now should be masters of B as well as Y.

This leaves ‘A’ Race suddenly not being masters of anything, and destroys their major ‘thing’.

‘X’ race, masters of Y and B suddenly can’t understand why ‘A’ race players are aggrieved.

That’s the point. Mastery of Arcane was the entire -Point- of the Proto-Thalassians being Exiled! You’re essentially rewriting another races selling point because you want it as well. Which leaves them with nothing that -their- race then is renowned for or excels at.

-Surely, Surely- you can understand why, after having seen the exact same scenario play itself out before, Horde Elf fans are just like “We’re actually getting a bit fed up with Alliance Elf fans wanting all our stuff until we’re left with what? Nothing.”

Does that explain the exasperation there?

You might want to check your own thread. Someone actually did state that. They wanted every conflict Night Elves were involved in, to be a Night Elf Victory…

I think you got the wrong end of the stick of his comment there…

This is rubbish. Improve the coolness? You have humans ‘meh’, Dwarves, which are always good value, Savage Wild Elves led by the Avatar of a Goddess and an -actual- Demigod (Personal thematic favourite of mine) The most analytical genius minds in the world led by Tony Stark, just 4 foot tall, Immortal Aliens with a personal relationship with WoW’s version of Angels, Freakin’ Werewolves, Elves who dabble with Cthulu type powers, Fire Dwarves, Space Marine Aliens and humans who inexplicably are the size of ogres almost.

What precise brand of ‘Cooler’ stuff is the Horde getting there?

Which is weird, because I don’t remember any Alliance only fans shedding any tears or concerns about balance when their racials were sick (Especially EMFH), they were quite chilled about it. Seems that Cold Indifference works both ways…

He won’t tell us that, only that it will be really cool - but we’d have to wait 2 or 3 expansions (roughly 9-12 years)

You are the die hard horde fans, please tell me why a topic made to discuss a night elf development should also provide for the horde. You are literally better at everything, most of what I suggest is catch up and you know it.

Your opposition semes to be largely to prevent that, which I conclude as petty factional rivarly amongst fan s. But you are entitled to your opinions. However this isn’t about waht the horde should get, you may want this to digress into comparing and contrasting. That is not what I wish for this.

If you can’t contribute positively or with regard to the topic, then why do you keep coming onto threads about alliance improvements talking them down, and telling the fans this can’t be or shouldn’t be, then making suggestions that are always worse, knowing full well you won’t switch to the alliance to play that. Because for you, it’s not about improving the game or the alliance, it’s about making sure your rivals don’t get anything as nice as what you’ve got

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Alliance story progression shouldn’t come with Horde story regression.

If one faction is made to suffer, then so is the other faction.

The fact is, both suffered in BfA with Sylvanas going nuts.

That may be well and true, but I’m not making a topic about the horde, stop trying to redirect it to that.

The topic mentioned nothing about horde regression. Unless you see alliance improvements as horde regression - might explain why you oppose alliance posts and always try to minimise or cut down things they ask/want

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When I see nonsense that everyone should fear the mighty night elves, because they are all like mini versions of Xerxes - then I step in.

If I see alliance fans wanting to step onto lore that is Horde story now - I step in.

I mean - you can talk about Alliance progression and demanding all areas of the night elves are covered, when you told Brigante, that you’d like see Blood Elves stripped of their core areas. Maybe - if this idea is so cool, then we should trial it with the night elves first.

in the end the Draenei should get more lime light they are better then all you elves :stuck_out_tongue: Space Goats > Devolved Trolls Yrel should come over and join the Alliance to defeat the evil horde once and for all … Deus Vult!

It’s only alliance obsessors who actually think things like this can happen

and only horde sycophant think otherwise

Because your just a little alliance player…

i’m sure if you lick ion’s boot for xmas you’ll get your wishes little hordie after all him and his whole inept team are team horde

how i wish blizzard goes down in flames and someone else picks up the ip

Again - your just an alliance player.

and your just a horde player a faction that has been a cancer to wow since vanilia

Likewise. Your just an alliance player.

so basically a “no u” oh well enjoy your trash faction :stuck_out_tongue:

Enjoy your trash faction as well.

It’s not the Horde that’s dying :woman_shrugging: :rofl:

the alliance is great its not being systemically killed by inept devs and writers your a joke at this point as someone who was horde from TBC i can’t stand what the faction has become at least for all its fault the alliance is the better faction

merry xmas btw Leíá :slight_smile:

The Horde is great because it actually has story that allows each race to shine and is not bogged down by Humans. Remember when Tyrande needed a lecture from Varian on how to fight?
All we need is an updated Quel’Thalas for the Blood Elves and then we should be on the up.

Merry xmas.