The best server for WPVP? It's ZT RP-PVP. Right here

Kaitel. he was always on the isle in TBC. annoying sh*t

Oh boy I remember that name Kaitel… got ignored by him at one point, because apparently I somehow questioned his annoyances… :thinking::sweat_smile:

That was the annoying little dweeb! He wasnt even any good, just used to sap or attack when you were at <5% only :smiley:

Xuthi <3 my ganking partner (Cadmus here)

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And look how the RP-pvp servers on retail turned out.

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The GL is a great guy know him for years.

//King Destinite leader of WPVP

Why do you still linger around the Defias/ZT forums if you dislike these realms so much?

Just scurry back to your carebear PvE realm. :mouse2:


he likes the attention obviously.

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Funny how you directed that reply at me and not Destinite.

Hypocrisy much?

Also I find it incredibly touching that people care where people post.

Get a perspective :clown_face:

I would never post on or read a forum I don’t play on, but each to their own.

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Who honestly cares?

Oh yeah Mcmourning does :clown_face: