The best server for WPVP? It's ZT RP-PVP. Right here

Hey there.

Server queues getting you down?? Wondering if you should re-roll some where else?

Let me tell you about this server.
Historically speaking RP-PVP has been the no1 place for wpvp in wow.
WPVP died in every single server apart from RP-PVP throughtout the years and it’s all because of the great community of people right here.

‘‘Well that is great Reavan person but what about RP?? that is scary’’

The RP ruleset means you must respect it, which means no twitch chat rubbish in the /s channel. Also your name must not be godofpvpttv.
Have some common sense and you will fit in, as for actual RP?? I’d suggest to anyone to give it a go but if it’s not your thing do not worry, RP is not forced at all on these realms, you just have to be mindful of the people that do it and respect them. If you come here trolling RPers because they are too nerdy for you, you will not be welcome.
As I love to say have a little respect and you will be golden.

I hope to see even more WPVP guilds join our realm, if you are worried about which side to choose I may sound biased but Alliance is underpowered compared to the horde due to streamers right now <3 but either way the fight is here.
Join ZT now.


griefing rp-pvp events is what wpvp guils do, lol

Not really, there are a lot of places in Vanilla where you can reliably stir some sh*t up and see what the other Faction can muster and have more fun than kill some Night Elves in RP gear in Ashenvale.

But some of you guys are really just asking for it at this point.

One of my biggest regrets with retail WoW was never going to DB back in it’s prime, going to roll here in hopes of this server being similar.


So far its looking that way, you are in the right place for sure.

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Yeah, server que is getting me down… 6500 (roughly) and estimate is 175 minutes… In ZT server :disappointed_relieved:

Other than that, hope to see good WPvP action! And got some events in mind too, for later, once there will be a bit higher lvl toons running around with more FPs and means to get easily around to get into those events, to die! :smiling_imp:

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They will boost server cap soon they said so should be okey.

We just had the first large pvp battle in westfall, was awesome. =

Oh man, I’m stoked for some WPvP. I still remember the good old days on DB, where we crashed the server several times. Biggest one I remember was the battle for the Shimmering Flats.

Where can I get updates about upcoming battles?


I wish there was legit moderation in the server. you say no twitch BS yet general chat is filled with weebs


Nixxiom-followers? Personally I have no feelings about streamers, but just wondering how anyone could enjoy WoW with a lot of people running around them spamming all kinds of “SEE ME!” nonsense :flushed:

Got a feeling it’s gonna be kicking off big time this weekend


We knew about it here near an hour in advance.

/join wpvp in game

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Unfortunately this will be a dead server in about a month or so. the big 5 will always have many more players and more activities

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Hahahaha wait you aint joking???

Reavan, did you used to play an alliance NE rogue on Ravenholdt back in TBC/WOTLK? Always getting in the way and being a nuisance?!

From tbc on ward i was a belf but in vanilla i was a nelf male

Your name is soooo familiar, I think we use to play together!

Trying to remember who the annoying NELF rogue was that only ever used to sap people and run, he had every +stealth gadget going!


possibly, it was a long time ago, and my memory is fading as i get older!

It will not because zt is the only rp-pvp realm.