The Bi-location of Anduin Wrynn

Now this may be more appropriate in a theology forum, but while chilling out in Stormwind tonight I visited Stormwind Keep. Low and behold there was Anduin Wrynn sitting atop the (not so iron) Throne, he looked alive, hail and hearty, and greeted me amicably.

Yet it was only last night that I saw a person I believed to be Anduin Wrynn, seeming undead or at least something similar, in the grasp of The Jailer, and being whisked off to lord knows where.

So is Anduin blessed with the gift of bi-location, or is this a total lore mess up by Blizzard that Stormwind Anduin isn’t properly phased out at present?


You might have some old quests in your log or uncomplete questlines which gives you a pre-Shadowlands phasing of Stormwind Keep.


That’s Pod-Anduin… he is in reality a shape-shifting, alien reptile lifeform, who has eaten every single duck on Azeroth, due to the Void Lords’ irrational and obsessive fear of the ‘Void Bane’ prophesy, that a duck will bring about their doom.
:skull::duck: :skull:


Even if phasing isn’t the answer, you can find dozens of other examples. A Wowhead poster explained it well: “It’s like flipping back the pages of a book.”

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As a sufferer of anatidaephobia I can confirm those ducks are up to something and it’s best to not have them in the game at all.


In the meantime, if you get the quest from Shrine of Seven Stars you go to the beach in Krasarang and meet up with a very alive King Varian Wrynn. It’s all part of the whole of this game being a mess lore wise.

The way this could get fixed is to make all content older than BFA some sort of “timeway” in the Caverns of Time, and then just leave the game as it exists presently in terms of lore there. It would mean that Chromie (for Chromie time) teleports you to the Caverns of Time to her “personal hidden timeway she’s fixing” and then selecting the portal puts you in the timeway relevant to what went on for example during MOP.


Yeah, imagine a Horde Pandaren leveling back then. You get to Azeroth from the Wandering Isle, to be greated by a maniac shouting Garrosh explaining the war situation regarding Pandaria. Then you start questing, where you might meet a Garrosh as the new war chief, acting all honorable in Silverpine and Stonetalon… and then you travel to Outland where you meet young Garrosh and yank him out of his depression.

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The fairly recent one was where as the starting Blood Elf, you kill Dark’han Drathir, and Lor’themar goes “Can you travel to Undercity (Well technically no one can) and get Sylvanas to append her letter, and then deliver it to the Warchief”

You do that, then are sent to Orgrimmar to deliver Lor’themar and Sylvanas’ letters to…Sylvanas.

Seriously, are you yanking my chain? Did you just send me to an entirely different continent to deliver a letter from yourself, to…yourself?

Are you OK Sylvanas? Do we need to buy you a diary or something? This isn’t Rotbrain syndrome settling in, is it?

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That’s logical way of looking at it, I agree WoW is full of things like this.


Maybe the next expac needs to be called “World of Warcraft: Paradox” :smiley:

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I know there are lots of those, especially if you go back to old areas, but SW is still more or less a major real time hub and well it just doesn’t feel right seeing him sitting on the throne there right now. Especially as given he was stabbed by Frostmourne he is probably more undead right now than even human.

I have a few characters where I didn’t complete any introduction to any expansion but I have the quests in the log.

So I see him in like 3-4 places. Quite funny, but it also reduces any immersion into SL story.

When you do old content, you essentially time travel. Or at the very least you are ‘recalling how you went about things in your adventures from days past’.

It would be great if the world actually evolved and changed after you did certain content, but meh… I suppose that’s too much to ask from a 17 year old game engine.

Capitals have always been tricky because we pass through them at many stages of storylines. Ideally we wouldn’t ofc but excessive layers of phasing often comes with its own issues.


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