The blood brotherhood

NO! ,Megorn screams. I WILL NOT OBAY YOU! he screams at the old god,it has been weeks since the whispers started. We must succeed,listen to the loa! we have to find the lorewalker, cho,was it? Megorn almost forgot the goal…

but he is NOT one to mess with,if he could at least temporarly stop the old ones…

i have to look harder,ill have to wait at the dreamers pavellion.
my team will find me today,they HAVE to! 8:00 PM, and Elune help me if this continiues…

Quest:The cure for madness
Objective: speak with megorn at the dreamers Pavellion at 8:00 pm today (wednessday)

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Unfortunately I will not be able to make it, because of somewhat unforeseen circumstances

(which I should probably have been able to foresee, considering past events…).

I hope you all fare well!

the old gods meddled our plan,making sinya dissapear and rendering our new friend,sedric ,unable to continiue, we will meet again next night of madness(wednessday) at 8:00 pm neer the shrine ofthe seven stars for our mission

Next time, I shall tell you to break a leg. Hopefully that will make you fare better.

sadly,due to my brother (who broke his leg)I couldn’t be with you tonight,we will meet next evening Wednesday at 8PM

i honestly forgot about the event lol

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