The Blood Elf Customization Thread

I’d take tattoos/runes over red eyes, personally, as the former are more of a blood elf thing, whereas dark rangers are affiliated with the Forsaken. On the other hand, the undead high elves are representative of the blood elves’ gruesome past.

All in all, the more options the better!


My pretty hunter boy needs a proper beard. WITH BEADS!

Thank you, I have finish.

Some of the main issue in my opinion ,that are easy to fix, especially regarding male face option 2 and 3 , are the eyebrows. these set an expression that does not reflect the original TBC models on which they were based and kinda ruin them. An easy solution to implement is to allow eyebrows options in the character creation, controlling their position above the eyes and nose bridge. Really hope they will do that sometime. :upside_down_face:


Body Jewelry was nice but it got cancelled behind the scenes, you forgot about it I suppose. I guess it is was found offensive.

I’ve found the link :smirk:


I don’t see why you should be forced into choosing one or the other. I think Blood Elf fans should be given both, because you’ve got two core sections of Horde Thalassian society.

The facial runes could be a more “Magister” thing
The red eyes, a more “Farstrider” thing, when we factor in Dark Rangers.

But let’s go one step further. Red eyes for Blood Elf Mages, Warlocks and Shadow Priests - that opens up the idea of being able to RP a San’layn Blood Mage or a San’layn Shadow Priest, plus having facial runes as well - that can add a “former Sunfury” touch as well.

All Blizzard needs to do is implement it and the Blood Elves would feel far more complete.


While I totally agree about that, sadly there are other horde fans that believe red ‘dark ranger’ eyes cannot and should never be added as an option for the Blood Elves, as they only belong to undead elves. Others tried to make the point that Death Knights retain the original race’s name and skills but it was answered that that’s an exception to be reserved to hero classes only.

So, to them it would be either a new hero class (won’t happen) or an undead allied race (very unlikely as Blizz seems more keen to allow customization rather than adding more races at this point) or none. :frowning:


Well, let’s not forget that the red eyes were in the data files for the new Blood Elf features.

It’s just something that takes time, but we’ve got to push them.

It’s like the new Nightborne features. That is proof that if your persistent, then they will listen…eventually, but better late than never.


Were they really?

That changes a lot of things. May be a feature to come with a later patch according to the storyline!

Not a problem to me… I have started this thread for a reason.

And I suppose that having someone argue against a few options only grants us more visibility after all. :wink:


I remember there was a quest line datamined in BFA that involved the dark ranger Velonara (if I’m getting her name right), though it never made it into the game. Basically it involved going to find her in the Scarlet Monastery and helping her somehow (which seems a bit weird for Alliance characters given her part in certain things, but … eh). If something like that made it into the game one day, it’d be a good sort of quest to be able to attain red eyes on your BE characters, like the NE night warrior one.


As a lore pedant I can’t see it happening either . It would be problematic for a couple of major reasons.

One of which is that would drive the ‘Enough with Elves!’ crowd absolutely insane. I could actually see that perception for once, We’d have Sha’dorei, Sin’dorei and Death Knights, We already have another Hero class so exclusive to Blood Elves in Demon Hunter. If Dark Rangers were released as a Hero class, that would seem kinda unfair on the other Horde races, you’d have two types of living Elves, two types of Undead Elves, and one type of demonic infused Elf.
The other problem is lore… Technically there should only be Female Dark Rangers. Nathanos was created differently, and only Female Elves can become Banshees, male Elves become Spectres (Or as Blizz apparently jokingly called them ‘Manshees’.
Reason that is problematic is that Banshees can possess people, Spectres can’t.

So logically only female Elves who have died can be Dark Rangers, as you need to possess your -own- dead body, and Spectres can’t.

Now, given the current climate at Blizz HQ can you see them being in a hurry to release a Hero class only playable by one race and only females, especially the race some people find ‘sexy’?

Of course, this is Blizz, they’ll probably fall over and wake up having forgotten their own lore anyway!

The last is a trifling one, but is bound to annoy the perpetually annoyed.

They’d have three language slots, Thalassian, Orcish -and- Forsaken. I know, petty, but some people would get annoyed, I bet you.

I think the red eyes customisation is your best bet.
And as Mentioned…

I’d forgotten that until you reminded me, but yeah, they were definitely in the data files…

So all hope is not yet lost!


And as much as I personally love elves, I would have to agree with them. :wink:

How about the males we have seen in the game since BfA? Darkshore I believe. They have been in the game for a while now, so despite the contrast with the previous lore there can hardly be any arguments against them any more. The original narrative has already been changed.

I believe there are screenshots at the start of the other thread.

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Might just so be the Irishman in me going “No, that’s not what the word means! For a start it’s Bean Sidhe, but yes it is pronounced Banshee, but the Ban bit explicitly means ‘Woman’ Stop with your cultural appropriation (I’m joking here) of my culture, and just take the easy step is that -Spectres- can possess people too!” :stuck_out_tongue:


Was it not just a NPC-only feature used for Kael’thas?

Awesome. Too bad I can’t seem to track down any old links about it.


Just thought I’d leave a link to the US thread for Blood Elves. Much bigger than this one luckily!


No news about customization in 9.2…

Guess they’d save it for a 9.2.5 patch in order to hold subscriptions till 10.0.


In any case, we must keep hoping and (especially) talking if we want to catch Blizzard’s attention! Let’s not give up on this. :slight_smile:

MMO Champion seem to be of the view that red eyes (Dark Rangers/San’layn) should be given to Void Elves instead of Blood Elves, because red is also matching with common colours that the “void” uses.

Just a themed Twitter post from another Dark Ranger fan.

Pretty Dark Ranger art included!


Which came as a surprise to no one. “We could give Blood Elves some of the customisation we promised them…orrr, we could give it to Void Elves”


Blizz! Seriously, I can work from home, but do you need someone that knows your own Game Lore to point out these howling mistakes?


That yeah…ummm, did that come from our cousins across the Pond? Sometimes they’re not great at lore.

You can’t -Train- a new Dark Ranger. They either are, or they are not. It isn’t a thing someone can learn to be!

How about we stick to the lore friendly ideas for Blood Elven customisations? :stuck_out_tongue:

Now, if you say it that way… :wink:

I thought it was purple? :upside_down_face:

I mean, sure, N’Zoth also had yellow-to-red snake pupil eyes… but that doesn’t seem exactly the same to me.

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