I am amazed to say that after my last post regarding the state of botting in this game a team member decided that post was so offensive they had to remove it.
Imagine if they spent as much time banning the bots as they do deleting any form of criticism, we’ll see how long this one stays up.
Bot conga lines from Thorium Point to BRD.
Bot boosters spamming chat for months on end flyhacking around SM, BRD and ZG using the same path for phases straight.
Bots buying up undercut AH mats to repost.
Now all the bots have been consolidated to mostly 1 realm we see the BM price of gold flatline and all enchants and consumes are crazy expensive.
Bots in PvP running to the nearest fight to leach as much honor as possible and contribute nothing.
You cannot go 5 minutes without seeing a bot in this game. There is so little repercussion for running a bot they don’t even care about hiding and many will just openly admit they are botting knowing there’s no ban on the way. Even if there was another character can be made and it’ll be safe for another 4 months until the quarterly report comes out. I wonder why?
I can assure you most of your customers who are playing SoD have conversations with other players about the sheer amount of bots on an almost daily basis. Pay attention long enough in any popular channel you’ll see someone commenting on it.
There are solutions, the company just doesn’t want to do anything about it.
2 People on minimum wage could sort out a majority of the problem in a matter of days. A world where bots are not in the game is delusional however at the moment there are too many and some have been running as mentioned for literally MONTHS.
Please do something. We pay a subscription and this is not fair.
Employ someone, make player mods, give us the ability to report without being within 10 yards of the bot. Anything.
There is 0 effort being made at the moment and considering the only new content isn’t being released for another 6+ months I’m really at loss as to what else there is to do? Can we not dedicate some time to improving the player experience?
Can’t wait to have this removed, can’t criticise these guys at all. They actually believe they are doing a good job.
i just reported 10 different hunter bots while sitting at the orgrimmar bank mailbox crafting silk bandages for about 20 minutes.
the frequency of their appearances is frankly flat out outrageous.
maybe its time to lock the server so they can’t keep spamming new bots.
i remember back in phase 1 and 2, living flame was a paradise because botters could not get access to the server, which in turn resulted in a bunch of disingenuous threads made by obvious botters, complaining that they “couldn’t play with their friends”.
ahh wonderful, just went from org bank to the zep tower to go get 300 first aid skill in arathi highlands, and on the way to the zep i reported 6 more bots.
there’s literally 3 bots standing next to me on the zeppelin, right now… no other players.
that’s a 3 to 1 right there, in this one example.
i constantly get mails from blizzard saying action has been taken, which IF TRUE - imagine if i stopped playing… like i am legit convinced i am singlehandedly helping blizzard clear at least 30-40% of the bots on this server… without my reports, they’d probably duplicate in number overnight.
another fun fact that i have noticed, is that whenever i target a bot, a lot of them will instantly target me back (likely to report me in an attempt to dissuade me from reporting them).
i am rather sure my account has at least 50-100 current, uncleared, false flags against it at this point, all from bots.
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I have had posts removed for helping people with customer service issues
They had their posts removed for asking for help and green posters where not helping them.
I gave them clear instructions on how to get a refund successfully due to the legitimate issues they where having with the game
Blizz nuked whole thread
The is Blizz town though, their rules
I buffed a bot at a zepplin one night, I tend to buff lower lvl players and thought hmmm…
The thing turned straight around and looked at me directly in the eyes and invited me to a group, it was very late/early and we where the only two there.
Won’t lie I was little scared
hopefully I will be senile/ one foot in the grave when the AI becomes fully sentient and decides humans are too much trouble to put up with.
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Blackrock depths full of bots once again… Ban waves from time to time doesn’t work at all… Bots will destroy fresh servers economy like they always do in wow…
Believe it or not , a couple of weeks ago I was doing the daily BRM on my priest and the path of corpse leading towards BRD was just … it was just so so so bad the situation was really getting out of hand.
When players get out of a dungeon during BRM event you wont see them for 16 seconds and one day im standing there after PVP hours and my spy addon caught like 50+ (only alliance counted) in only 4-5 minutes of time.
I was just so disgusted by the situation, it demotivates me from grinding.
Same goes in felwood or winterspring any high lvl gathering zone, trying to gather some flowers and u see nothing else but bots around you… really demotivates the player and you almost start thinking bout gold buying urself…
Now a couple week later ( and a couple of weeks to late ) Blizzard actually banned a lot of bots.
In BRM the situation is so much better at the moment that I dont even see bots anymore.
But again these bans comes after letting the bots farm for weeks, if someone creates the char with a name like : ghiweogew please for the love of god insta perma ban them.
Banning the bots after being active for weeks if not months does nothing after they earned their gold… You’ve been doing it for years like this and its clearly not working, don’t you think it’s time for another strategy ??
Where is Saneko with his copypasted post?
on a serious note, yes, this is disgusting. The bot problem is so extreme it erases the whole will to play this game.
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