The Burning of Teldrassil was awesome

It’s just a stupid tree made of pixels in a video game. If Blizzard decided to bomb Stormwind or Orgrimmar I wouldn’t care in the slightest if anything the character that did it would be now interesting depending on their motivations and we’ll have a good reason to eventually defeat them etc.
Blizzard said they decided to destroy Dalaran because it’s neutral and they basically don’t want to hurt people’s feelings because of all the rage over that stupid tree meaning Blizzard’s creativity in any future lore is now potentially gimped forever just because they are scared to hurt the emotionally fragile part of the community that plays their game.

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It was awesome… because you don’t care?

Okay then.


I agree. The Warcraft lore really needs some drama and impactful events otherwise it’s just boring.

We can’t really just be all friends all the time and discover new islands. lol

Imagine if you watched something on Netflix and every episode was about some dudes befriending new people in different countries. Would you watch it?

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Do you really believe that if you look back at Sylvanas?

People are just tired of losing cities and it’s not as if they don’t care about a neutral city either. Dalaran us a memorable central city from WotLK and Legion.

It’s now officially a common wow trope to destroy cities at the start of the expansion for the “shock value”. Don’t you think it’s boring too?

it is the second turn actually. Actually I like to see Silvermoon burned down before high elf rpers and their human paladin friends can ruin it.

It’s the third turn. If we consider that they started to use it since MoP or let’s even add Cata to the equation, because I’d assume the partial destruction of Stormwind was also supposed to generate shock value, then it happened 4/8 expansions, so it’s 50% of the time the case in a retail expansion release. So yeah, I’d argue that it is a common WoW trope by now.

Many Dark Iron Dwarves want to see the world burn.
Perhaps you have Dark Iron Ancestry.
Redrawing the maps, New territories lost or claimed. Have to rehouse the allied races and vagabond races.
Vulpera don’t know what homes are. They just pitch their tents anywhere. Darkspear don’t have a place also Maghar.
Gnomeragon have been ignored by Blizzard for over a decade.
High Elves returning to Quel’Thelas.
North Rend could have Alliance settlements and more.