The case of the fur-getting disaster

Please feel free to leave your comments here on the quest of getting Gizmo.

Personal feedback: The fact that the pet interacts/bugs out from other players is a horror show. It took for ever, including going to warmode, backwards slow walking and waiting in place for what seemed ever and more often than not it cast bugged out at 90% or, even though I stood on top of him, the game told me I was out of range. This needs to be fixed asap.

I just left, this is just bs. And players said even with stealth its a crap show since other players run around plus their pets.

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“Let’s put a quest jn and forget this is an MMORPG.” This is a rookie mistake to make folks, don’t put in an NPC that is affected by EVERY person close to it, so that NO ONE can interact with it. I mean I know we want to make the anniversary event memorable, but, no, not like this.

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I have a comment: This is undoubtedly one of the worst designed quests they’ve ever made, it’s complete and utter garbage and the problems in the quest is entirely foreseeable and easily tested. The complete lack of any type of testing or thinking that went into this quest is mind-boggling.

If I wrote what I actually thought of the people who designed this quest I would get banned. I want to play the game to have fun. This wasn’t fun.

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