Don’t put words in my mouth, I don’t want to use time on a boring raid mode when I could be doing something much more fun.
Besides, the “noobs” and the “new tanks and healers” can get decent gear from the Elemental Rune Dungeons, that will give Firelands loot.
if you don’t want the extra chance for that trinket or tier piece you can still go do something more fun, the fresh tanks/healers will now have another option, there is nothing wrong with options
You have 2 options, youre either minmaxing doing stuff you dont enjoy for slightly better parses in the first weeks or you dont do that and instead treat it like a game, its that simple.
When classic was released, pve andys who hate pvp grinded 10 hours a day to rank14 just so they have better parses in BWL, I dont feel bad for those kind of people.
I am treating it as a game, and LFR is barely playing the game. People go in, interact with no-one, stand there afk or auto attack the boss until it’s done. Where’s the fun in that?
If people wanna get geared, the dungeons are a far better and interactive option. I’d rather they don’t introduce boring and pointless mode to the game that was a mistake to begin with.
Also, enjoy people needing on every single piece of gear, whether they need it or not. Personal loot doesn’t exist in classic.
Thats not the point, its totally fine if you dont like lfr, but instead of removing (or not implementing) content you dislike, how about you just dont play it? Just like I said, you dont NEED the lfr items in the first weeks to clear the raids, you WANT them to parse.
Why are you assuming things? Not everyone cares about parsing and if you check my parses, they aren’t even that good lmao
Everyone who cares enough to prepare their character for the upcoming tier will do just that. Dunno if you have raided before, I am not going to assume anything.
Okay so you dont care about parses, yet you feel forced to do content you dislike so you have slightly better gear in the first few weeks?
you could say the same for 5 man dungeons, in the average dungeon the most common interaction is with that kick dialog
As I said, raiders will prepare to best of their ability?
I also farm pots and food for raids even though I don’t necessarily enjoy it. It’s to have fun inside the raid and be useful. Does that make sense to you?
This is like…the worst argument ever. Are ya noChanges fools still stuck in 2019 or what?
Put LFR in, i dont care really. Just dont force me to do it.
Make it share lockout with nm and hc.
This. I don’t care that much about it being in the game, but sharing lockout with normal/heroic seems like a fair tradeoff. And that also means that I as a raider am not missing out on possible tier pieces (yes, DS tier bonuses are that good for certain classes).
SP Set Class 4P Its INSANE
100% chance to have 3 Orb to Cast Mind Blast ( With pet and Shadow Form )
Again, if you wanna do everything to be as prepared as possible then thats cool, but lfr is a part of this. Thats like asking to remove flasks because you dont enjoy farming herbs / gold to buy them on the auction house.
dOeS tHaT mAkE sEnEe To YoU?
No reason to be so upset about my opinion. Why do you care so much?
You don’t get it because you don’t raid and that’s fine. Enjoy LFR.
Thanks, you too
i raided in vanilla, tbc, wotlk, mop, draenor, legion, bfa, shadowlands and about half of dragonflight (i skipped raiding in cata and i am skipping it again) and I’m aligned with his logic, i probably have raided more than some who disagree with lfr
There is no logic behind his argument, you either go all in and do everything to improve your char, or you dont. You cant say u wanna prepare the best you can, but there is something you dont like so that should be removed. Thats not how it works.
As a heroic raider i dont want to be forced to do the same raid twice in a difficulty that doesnt interest me or wasnt made for me, roll against people i dont know and potentially have my item ninjad. So i would rather avoid it completely, cause i am not really a fan of any kind of fomo.
Is that logical enough for you lil bro?
Yea, so lets remove content because of your fomo.
I love arena, im forced to do pve to compete at higher rankings (and unlike lfr gear which is only nice for the first few weeks, pve gear in pvp is bis the whole season), lets remove all pve content because i dont like raids. I mean, I could either raid aswell or accept that I wont have bis gear, but why should I when I can just cry on the forums about it.