who is forcing you to do it? i don’t like playing arena, i hate the constant kiting, i settle with regular ruthless gear instead of elite ruthless, you don’t want the extra chance for gear? don’t queue
The same mysterious people who forced them to grind to rank14 in vanilla or farm archeology during the cata prepatch.
It’s not. We’re not in #noChanges mode anymore, haven’t been in years. Stop living in the past. It’s dumb, raid difficulties are exclusive for a reason.
We already changed the lockout system for ToGC in Wrath for the same reason. If you crave to do the same raid even more, good on you, make alts.
If people need LFR because they cannot raid otherwise so be it. There’s no reason however to push regular raiders into it at all
(Same goes for transmog btw. just unlock all recolors if you do the highest difficulty)
Again, no one pushes you to do lfr just like no one pushed you to to the archeology grind. Mop will be released in the summer, so you have atleast 5 months of DS. Youll survive the first month of it without the 4p tier set.
Also im not against changes, there were many unused opportunities to change and improve classic, but removing lfr / making it share the ID because some people just cant resist shiny items (even though they hate the content in which they get those, just like with archeology) isnt one of them.
If you cant control yourself and feel forced to play content you dislike just because you wanna have slightly better stats for a few weeks (even though you dont care about parses like that warlock above) then maybe lfr isnt your biggest problem.
This argument has never worked in the history of WoW nor will it ever.
Yes, nobody “pushed” me to do RDF either. I could just form groups manually and fly to each dungeon. You can do that if you love gimping yourself for no reason whatsoever while everyone else just takes the normal path. Is that a satisfying experience? No
It’s a dumb exception to the rules for no reason, that’s it. Keep LFR for what it’s supposed to be…a way for bad or time restricted players to enjoy the raids. I don’t care about LFR being in the game, making it share it’s lockouts doesn’t do anything to it’s actual target audience.
So your stance on the matter is that as soon as an item exists that is better than yours, youre forced to get it (even though its not bis for the phase/raidtier) because otherwise you would gimp yourself for a few IDs?
Maybe I cant comprehend that because I treat WoW like a game, idk. There are so many more things I couldve done in my time playing WoW to either boost my parses or push higher arena rankings, and I never felt like it was worth it so I just didnt do it. But then again, maybe i just dont take the game that serious.
Wow, this would be a perfect solution that would keep everyone happy.
I wish Blizzard would implement this.
good players will still top the meters without that 1 item from lfr, not having a 3-5% upgrade won’t put someone at the bottom of the meter, no?
it’s not about “nochanges”, it’s about taking away options
Yes you indeed cannot comprehend it because you go in with such an attitude.
So if WoW is just a game for you (which it is but I know that “hurr durr” undertone) and you don’t care about it why is it an issue for you if LFR would share lockouts like every other difficulty and raid size does?
How come? It works like this for every other difficulty and tier sets/some trinkets not scaling the way they should with ilvl is an exception as well. We literally did this change in Wrath for good reason and it was great.
Who is forcing you to do Raid twice in different dificulties? No one.
First of all, if you were forced to do same raid twice in a difficulty that doesn’t interest you. You wouldn’t be able to clear normal mode, before you are missing 2-3 items from LFR mode (which would take quite a while).
Secondly, if you can clear normal mode from day one Dragon soul is released, then why would you be forced to clear LFR? Drops from normal mode are much better and you can only receive loot once per week from LFR (so no, you won’t be able to spam LFR and gear your char that way. Unlike heroic dungeons, you get locked to LFR bosses and won’t be able to roll on drops more than once a week)
Thirdly, all trinkets and rings are unique. If it wasn’t done when LFR first time was released, it most likely happens now. That means you won’t be able to wear LFR and normal or normal and Heroic versions of same trinket or ring, you can only mix Tier pieces.
You aren’t forced to do LFR, LFR is one method of catching up, not something people have to do, unless you have to min max, in which case even 0.00000000000000000000000000001% increase in your dps, healing or survivability, is thing you must have.
Because I dont see why its necessary to either remove or restrict content just because some people feel forced to play everthing the game offers for a slight boost.
do you know what’s also great, “flexing” in LFR…and maybe get a mog in the process or trade the item to someone in need, I’m sure many enjoy it, i did lfr runs in retail when i was bored even tho i did not need anything, you are taking away this option with a shared lockout, at some point you just gotta “finally play the game”
It’s necessary for the same reason why lockouts are exclusive in general.
I guess youre right, good luck getting it on a shared ID, im out
The PTR is now open.
Just chiming in with a similar sentiment to many others: is there a chance you fine folks at blizzard would consider giving us a little more than a days notice for PTR testing?
It’s been thematic throughout all of Cataclysm Classic, that the return of Joyous Journeys is a kind of cryptic warning that a PTR jumpscare is incoming, and without fail it is a jumpscare with barely any notice.
Many people are eager to test this content, but not on such notice. Please consider a change in policy for Mists of Pandaria Classic.
It’s now Friday the 24th of January, and no realms are available. My window would be very glad if I’d had to pay a subscription to it for staring out blankly.
If you don’t like LFR don’t use it, it’s that simple. It’s a catch-up system for alts or players who can’t compromise theirselves to a rading schedule right now and don’t want to fall behind to pug raiding.
A Few Vendor Are Founded Inside Dalaran, But Missing : Gems / Jobs / Enchant Vendor
nothing new on ptr, just old things we got baited