The Cataclysm Classic PTR is now Open

We’ve now opened the Cataclysm Classic: Hour of Twilight PTR.

This patch will include the Dragon Soul raid (and its LFR mode), 3 dungeons (Hour of Twilight, Well of Eternity, and End Time), the legendary dagger set: Fangs of the Father, and a new iteration of the Elemental Rune Dungeons.

We’re planning to have two Dragon Soul raid testing weekends on the PTR:

  • Friday January 24 - Monday, January 27
  • Friday, January 31 - Monday, February 3

We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

Geez guys, for real? Why one day notice? Is it really that hard to have like a notice a week before or so or are is the development team really that terrible at planning project timelines?

Also…LFR? Well glad the dev team talks so much about Cata to talk about such things. :clown_face:


Honestly, I couldn’t agree more with the above comment.

It’s disappointing to see the announcement regarding the Hour of Twilight PTR and Dragon Soul raid testing. Once again, this shows a blatant disregard for the community’s feedback and a lack of respect for players’ time.

First and foremost, providing just one day’s notice for such significant testing phases is impractical and unfair. Many members of the community have lives, jobs, and commitments outside the game, and scheduling with such short notice alienates a large portion of the player base. It feels like you’re asking players to drop everything to participate. Why couldn’t this schedule be communicated with more lead time?

Secondly, the inclusion of the Looking for Raid (LFR) mode in Dragon Soul is a direct contradiction to the community’s sentiments. Time and time again, players have voiced their dislike for LFR in Classic iterations, as it diminishes the sense of achievement and community that Classic was meant to preserve. What is the purpose of including a feature the majority of the player base has outright rejected? Have you truly listened to the feedback provided by your community, or is this a decision made purely for metrics and convenience?

The lack of transparency and respect here is troubling. These rushed announcements and ignored feedback make it clear that the community’s voice is undervalued. Classic players are passionate and loyal, but when their input consistently falls on deaf ears, it creates an environment where players feel unheard, unappreciated, and ultimately disconnected from the game they once loved.

We urge you to reconsider your approach. Communicate with more notice, and take the time to genuinely address the concerns your community raises. At the very least, explain the reasoning behind decisions like LFR inclusion so that players understand where you’re coming from, even if they disagree. Engagement and respect go a long way.


Well that community had fallen off the game after TBC and Wrath Classic. Sure there are negatives to LFR like players beginning hopping into the game for a even briefer period of time that they do with regular raids. LFR made players lazy, not looking for raids and learn their classes and encounter tactics. Everything in tried to be zerged by bashing their empty heads against the boss.

However some player would never learn and maybe LFR is for them. Besides it is easy starting gear for alts, so why not?


Well Done Blizzard,

Hope you have apply correctly patch some bug inside DS no like old retail ^^

No I Joke, I hope this DS is better then Retail on 2010 ^^

Tranche-Spécimen and Gurthalak IAM CONNING

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While I do agree that lack of transparency and community interaction for classic realms is abysmal, I dont really see the problem with LFR. In my opinion it was always meant as an option for more casual players to try raiding without being too demanding. And from what I gather classic has a few of those casual players. And well there’s alt gearing too. It doesnt take away literally anything from hardcore raiders that will skip LFR and normal difficutly entirely. Also I dont notice this “majority of the player base has outright rejected” just dont interact with LFR if you dont like it?

There are honestly more pressing matters in Cata Classic than removal of a mechanic most people simply dont care about.


You guys are great planning things over there arent you? Give us 1h notice next time.

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Why even bother giving us a 1 day notice… just launch ptr and maybe people will find out

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Please do not add LFR to classic. Dragon Soul is a good enjoyable tier, there is no reason to reduce its difficulty. Furthermore, Pandaria is fine without LFR.

Devs said earlier that they weren’t planning on adding LFR to classic. Why the change of mind?


Im glad its 1 day notice that way we dont gotta w8 to test it very long.

Im gnna have to het a shift on lvling this char as well, currently i need 13 more lvls to partake in the fun of healing end time dungs :slight_smile:

ORIGINAL CATA had LFR with DRAGONSOUL so its CLASSIC ! … play p-realms if you dont like it


Pretty sure they said the wouldn’t add LFR during the run up to Cata release which people were pretty happy to hear. Why add one of the most controversial features to date.

It’s not the end of the world, just slightly disappointing.


nope, google “World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic Devs Talk Changes from the Original”

why would you even care? i mean one of the major reasons i quit retail was the forced group loot in LFR, i was an altoholic since Legion and it affected me big time, how does the existence of LFR affects you? it doesn’t, those who raid now will keep raiding on higher difficulties

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I am fine with it if they remove tier and trinkets from LFR. Then raiders don’t have to do it during the early gearing process.
Would still prefer if LFR wasn’t there at all. If people can’t do the raids in a guild group or a pug due to time restraints or whatever, the raids are right there in retail and they can be soloed easily. Go see them there.


you’d rather not have a piece of gear just to take away an option from the casuals? :laughing:

People play this version of the game casually for anything but raiding? That’s crazy
If you don’t want to raid normal or heroic, then you don’t need the gear either.

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unless you are a hardcore RP guy, the game is about powering up your char, what people do with their char is not for us to judge, personally i won’t be needing the lfr gear anyway because pvp is my thing now but new tanks and healers will gear up faster with lfr, why would you be against this if not for pure spite?

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I dont understand how some people see an option for gear and feel forced to take it, even though they dislike the content. You will do just fine in DS normal/heroic, even without the lfr trinkets / tiersets.

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You say LFR doesn’t affect you, so why are you saying I shouldn’t be bothered about LFR when it does indeed directly affect how I play the game?

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it affects you in a positive way, you have another chance for a tier piece or a trinket, you just don’t wanna “carry” the nabs