The childization of WoW might possibly really be the final nail to the coffin for the game

Wait what? They changed burp? I didn’t know that lol

Well, technically you are completely right… But it is still just text. The person is not spiting on you but your digital character.

There are several ways to go against such behavior. One would be to just make a chat tab without emote text. Another one would be ignoring the person. If someone spits on you in a game, that person tries to provoke you. If you then respond offended, you are basically giving into the harassment, making it work.

One why should I make a seperate chat window when I am on am RP server and kinda need to be able to see EMOTEs for the RP… Also as stated in my post ignore do not remove static emotes some one spaming emotes can be seen even when ignored.

Well, wouldn’t it be then the right approach to also block all emotes from visibility for blocked users?

For the THIRD time Ignore to NOT block or hide Static emotes (/wave /bye Etc) It only remove Custom emotes like “/e picks her nose and cleans her finger on the wall” So No the only way you can hide emotes from someone whom are spitting on you are to deactivate ALL emotes on your chat window which shouldn’t be needed to combat one idiot from spamming you.

You misunderstood what I meant. I mean that blocking/ignoring someone ingame should ALSO block default-emotes like /spit and /flirt from such players.

When I say LGBT community, I don’t mean gays or lesbians specific. I mean on this political b.s that starts with radical left wing. It is extremely naive to think that all gays and all trans belong to this political crap and worship it from their guts.

I have never been to a gay bar nor I have intentions visiting one. Like, why would I? I don’t need to prove anything.

It’s tyranny when your values are getting removed so that others may shine and it’s done, extremely badly. On top of that, they ban you for speaking freely about your own values. It literally became - “YOU MUST LOVE ANYONE FROM LGBT COMMUNITY OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES”, mhm, no thanks. It’s lunacy.

You also want to know a fun fact? LGBT is minority, no matter how you flip it.
Pay attention, we are toying with equity, and we are going to pay for that and I will wait for that moment, eagerly.

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But the thing is, that is how it works. ‘Times Change’ to quote Garrosh… Yes, I remember Scarlet Monastery, but I also remember being able to do the siege of Undercity the first time round after the Wrathgate. Now that wasn’t removed to make the game more childish, or prudish. It was just removed. The game does have changes. I mean that itself was a change, a purely Classic player would not know that scenario existed…

But again, that isn’t how it works…I mean that is almost like the history of cinema, How many years were we allowed to see explosions, people killing each other, wars? Decades, absolutely decades. How long before we were allowed to see full frontal nudity? A lot, lot later. They’re two different things, and have always kinda been regarded that way in any media. You want an actual honest guess as to why they’re gone? It probably -is- to do with the investigations going on into the ‘Frat Boy culture’, and just like as happened in real life you used to get girlie pin-ups in the workplace. Which you don’t anymore, because of sexism rules. To be honest I do find it silly, but that is probably what it is, not ‘childization’ as the OP said, but an attempt to distance themselves from what could be -contentious-.

Uh…so that is kind of a deal breaker, or contributory to one. Look at all these threads people keep starting. I would put good money on none of this faux outrage existing if Blizz had just done it without a word being said about pictures. Why? Because most people would not have even noticed. So if they didn’t notice before, why is it suddenly a big issue now?

Yes the game has a lot of issues, but it ain’t going to be the same people working on them, they’re not going to be like “Hey Jeff, I know you’re working on PvP mechanics, but can you just stop and edit all the pictures of naked women?”

So the ‘Other concerns’ thing isn’t really a concern at all. Those would be problems anyway, with or without this.

They’re also not really removing anything related to sexuality are they? Last I checked my female characters looked female, my male characters looked male. Sure, I can’t see either of them naked, but that was never the case anyway in the game. Plus ehh, it’s not like the Internet has nothing to fulfil those urges in people now is it? So the sexuality is still there, all that was removed is a few (badly) pixelated small pictures. It is such a non-issue, and yet suddenly the sky is falling in some people’s minds.

Yeah but…I mean why? What is so inherently funny about that? I mean that -is- something that happens in real life…all the time. Galleries often trade art works to showcase talent (Usually not the ‘Grand Masters’ ones though) So what is there one week may be gone the next. Or in a home or a bar, someone might just get bored of a picture and hang a new one up instead…

Yes it was a ham fisted move by Blizz, but it is hardly worth all this fuss.

You’re assuming I’m not. Come on, they posted these finding to whip up a storm, everyone knows it. Look at the forums, a storm they have indeed whipped up.

A Slightly bold statement I would say, did I wrong you in a previous life to generate this ire?

Heh hey hey, as a Straight White Male I feel threatened by this…victimised even! :stuck_out_tongue:

Ahh…those pesky Leftists eh? Are they also…‘woke’?

Oh I don’t know, some of the one’s I’ve been to have awesome 80’s music nights, that is in itself a good enough reason! :smiley:

Like which ones? Which values?

OK ‘Values’ is a really sketchy term, because it doesn’t really nail anything down. I have values, they are not the same as a friend who is Christian, They also have values. We have a mutual friend who is Muslim, he too has values. Japanese culture has values vastly different to all three of us. So you’re going to need to explain which ‘values’ it is, that you think you can be banned for speaking freely about. Otherwise we won’t know. I know -I- haven’t lost any values, but my values are different to others…

No it didn’t! I mean I assume you meant ‘figuratively’ rather than ‘literally’ but even then, it didn’t. You don’t have to love anyone from that community at all. It just means treating them equally, you don’t have to gushingly love them, there’s no law saying you have to like -anyone- on the planet, whether LGBT or Straight. I know Gay people who are terrible human beings, just as I know Straight people who are terrible human beings. It doesn’t mean they get a ‘free pass’, just because they’re Gay. If they’re a terrible person, they’re a terrible person.

I’ve got no intention of flipping it, I already knew it. I think it is larger than people expect, as people are still in the closet, or just don’t generally talk about it, but so what? If someone’s a minority that doesn’t mean we should automatically be nice or nasty to them…

Here’s a fun fact though, talking globally you can play around with the numbers game to reflect anything. I’m a white straight male. You know that actually makes me a minority in the bigger picture. 12% of the world population is white, 50% of that is male (Figures vary by country due to life expectancy).

So there you go, I am a minority, one of 6% Does that give everyone the right to have a go at me then?


Blimey it’s Marigold!!!

(THREE gold stars if you get that reference without googling)

Giving my own 2 cents towards this topic (aside from it being away from the original post topic and please go back to the original topic unless you want this post to be closed by mods), I had once a conversation about that on one of the discords I am part of. I said clearly “I respect people outing themself as transgender, be and all that stuff, but I will NEVER consider such people as possible partners for relationships”. The response of the other members was kinda the one mentioned by Feltwist:

Not saying it is right or wrong, but some people do actually think that way. If you filter or exclude certain people because of your own preferences, you get quickly seen as a hater or “intolerant”.

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OK, so that’s a more sensible matter, so I will address it in a similar manner of respect. Bear with me.

Let’s say for example, that I don’t find Redheads attractive (Before Souldefiler jumps to attack, I do, my first girlfriend is a redhead! Still mates on FB :stuck_out_tongue: )

Now I wouldn’t have to explain that. Assuming I really didn’t find redheads attractive, I am entirely entitled (as anyone is) to refuse someone as a partner based on whether I find them attractive or not. It would however, be a bit weird if I were approached by a red headed lass and turned them down saying “It’s because you’re redheaded” Likewise I wouldn’t make a point of it on a discord, if someone mentioned they were redhead, I’d never be “I would never consider you as a partner for a relationship” It just wouldn’t crop up, unless they were actively hitting on me, in which case it would just be “Naah, I like you more as a friend” rather than making a point of it.

This said, I can understand your stance. By understand I mean I genuinely do not know what my response would be. I know several people transitioning from MTF, and have a relative who is going FTM. Now I don’t have to worry about the relative, because, well, He’s my young cousin, that would be …weird…and also would mean I’d have to be gay, or Bi I suppose. I don’t know how I would react to one of my friends who were MTF. Situation has never arisen. I imagine if one did, she would be as weirded out by it as I was. Maybe, maybe not. But we’d already have a shared history, it would be, essentially at that point a -mental- transition for both of us.

Now the situation may be very different if it was someone I had not known who was MTF in the past, because I wouldn’t have that previous history with them. Again, I don’t know, I have no frame of reference to work with. If they never told me, would I even know? (I’m talking fully transitioned here) if they -did- tell me and we had already formed an emotional connection, would that be a deal breaker? I’m not sure it would. But I don’t know.

Besides, what do I know, I’ve only got three years left and I’m spending those trying to get with the lass who lives in the flat over the village shop! :rofl:

Nobody should be forced into a relationship they don’t want to be in. That’s all relationships, of any type. Your preferences are your preferences. If I don’t find someone attractive, I shouldn’t be made to feel bad for not doing so. I don’t find men attractive, that doesn’t mean I should feel pressured into a relationship with one. It also doesn’t mean I dislike gay men. But that’s not what’s happening. No one is being forced to love anyone from any community (I’m not even getting into ‘Arranged Marriages’ )

Hopefully that makes sense?

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I think you would be covered by pan :kissing_heart:

Do you mean Pansexual or the Greek God Pan? I mean either is fine :stuck_out_tongue:

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The former haha :stuck_out_tongue:

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B. is pansexual satyr? :o

How am I not surprised?..


Well the quote does go “From forty to fifty at heart a man is either a Stoic or a Satyr”…

this has to do whit, kids beeing to safe now, almost no education on how RL is, so when they come to school, and things doesnt go their way they flip out, this is happening in Eu also, seen some realy insane kids already, heck I saw a 10 year old, who got freaked out, becuse some person told him, you cant climb the shelfs in the store, he whent totaly berserk.
reason this happens is becuse you can not scold your kids at all now, omg if someone sees it you can be arrested. the SJW culture needs to be removed, becuse it doesnt work at all.


Your antipathy for Illidan doesn’t add up then… Unless someone’s jealous about his big… horns. :smirk:

I’d settle for the bat wings, that would be pretty cool…

Idk, they’re pretty useless when perforated. I’d go for the feathered version. In black, of course. Still think Shadow Priest should get these instead of that ugly shadow form and holy / disc can have the white ones.