What is “Classic+”?
Back the days of TBC announcement a part of the WoW community set themselves claiming that TBC, as it was planned, will ruin the game for ever.
These players said that the game should not evolved as Blizzard was announcing, but in other way, with the past of time that divergion was called Classic+.
What is covered by Classic+?
The starting point is the Vanilla end phase, finishing on the kill of Kel’Thuzad within Naxxramas raid.
Then what happens is:
- New content is added to Azeroth: new zones, new quests, new dungeons and raids.
- Level cap is freezed at 60.
This way all the old content still has a real worth. People will have to run all through Azeroth as it was known to level from 1 to 60. And once you get into max. level you still have to go into dungeons for some pre-BiS gear, followed by at least 2-last-raid-tiers. OK, ok … with the time, some raid tiers will be completely abandoned by the majority, but some few will still have some progress on them.
Part of the content that can be added are those items that were discarded in the original vanilla release:
- Karazhan, as neutral city, dungeon or raid.
- Emeral Dream.
- Scarlet Crusade raid.
- Aszhara PvP zone.
And new content that can be developed are:
- Uldum.
- Ghostlands, Everson Woods, Isle of Quel’Danas.
- Gilneas.
- Northrend.
- Dragon Isles.
With this iteration over lore, we players do never go into Outlands after Illidan, but we can face Lich King in Northrend and finish the quest line for the Ashbringuer (maybe).
Also, many quest that were not-concluded during the WoW Vanilla development, now have their time to be properly finished, as for example The Essence of Eranikus.
Other nice point will be to add extra classes quest up to max level and beyond.
Game play
Some of you may state that vanilla was full of game play bugs.
Well with Classic+ Blizzard has an oportunity to fix those bugs and improve the game play.
How? Well, here are some nice bullet points that may can be covered:
- Re-shape talens trees, as max as possible to be similar to WotLK expansion, but keeping the level cap into 60.
- Give new skills and talents to those called meme-spec so they are now useful classes.
- Balance DPS meters and statics so it is worth to be another DPS class rather than Warriors in raids.
- Balance PvP mechanism so is possible to kill a counter-class.
Some players may state that current vanilla classes distribution are fine, but some others think that in a Classic+ there’s space for other classes distribution or even new classes:
- Hunters for Humans and Forsakens.
- Demon Hunters and Death Nights for both factions.
What’s important, with the classes/races balance is that Paladins are for the Alliance and Shamans for the Horde.
Also, new races can be added to the game:
- Goblins
- Worgens
- Ogres
Some players would love to have a better customization, talking about the characters themselves. So maybe the barber shop is something to consider.
Around the transmog of items, some players may consider it a nice thing to have, others not. As I don’t have an strong opinion on this, I would suggest to have trasnmog but with limited options, for example: weapons and upper-tier item sets (shoulder, header, chest and legs) can’t be modified.
Loot tables
Making meme-specs worth is something that must be completed with extra items for those specs, specially raid tier-sets.
Also, would be really awesome to add legendary weapons to those classes that back in vanilla never get a shot for getting one.
Most players opinion is that mounts, pets, tabards or toys are a good set of items to hunt for …
But they should not be rewards to any kind of achievement or purchase in-game. So if you want them, you will have to work for them.
Please, no.
And if so … leave out of achivements all related with dungeons/raids.
Flying mounts
This topic is a big one.
Obviously flying around Azeroth is a nice idea, it makes it faster to move from one point to another and having a new set of collectable mounts is an extra feature.
But the major handicap is that this feature completely kills outdoor PvP and kills part of the social enhancement required.
IMO is a 100% no.
Game textures and models
One of the greatest points of World of Warcraft is its cartoonish style. Maybe there are players that would love to have real textures in game, but that will make the game itself to look old and out-fashioned really fast as the game engines improve with time.
Keeping the cartoonish style, maybe Classic+ could improve some details as the trees and vegetations …
Life-saver tools
This is completely open to debate, some players would love it, some others not.
- LFG tool as it was at the end of TBC (no-auto-transfer).
- Summoning meeting stones.
What do you think?