The classic will advance to tbc... do you think it will end up moving to wotlk?

I have read a theory out there on reddit, that they continue until they reach wotlk, and leave it frozen, in such a way that you have the first part of the game, until the big change, “cataclysm”, and this, right now pandaria, ends up reaching battle foz azeroth, which is another turning point due to the level issues, and therefore, you would somehow have the option to play… more or less… all the expansions…

What do you think about this?

Yes , I mean it would only be a click of a button for Blizz

But … knowing classic communities , they will probably want fresh vanilla next year

because bob , tony and Jody didn’t start this week and feel left out


Probably will not finish with wotlk.they are doing it quickly so most probably it will sync with current classic sometime in future .

I honestly thought Classic was going to end at Wrath and stay frozen since that was when WoW had 12 million subscribers and was the peak of the game. Seeing Pandaria coming makes me worried that we’ll get a trailer saying “You’re going back to Torghast” in like 2027 and I really hope not


Ofcourse it will, in 10 years we will have 4 versions of Classic IMO, Blizz will milk the hell out of it


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