Anyone else sick of this? Your guy yells every time you use any of the following:
Any shout but weirdly not thunderous roar
Ignore Pain
Thunder Clap
Bitter Immunity
Heroic Leap
Probably a lot more i forgot about
pre Legion i pressed these abilities and they just made their own sounds. my guy was mute outside of when i swung my weapon or was hit by a melee attack.
it gets really bad any time thunderclap demo shout spam is the meta for prot warrior. Every other global causes your character to yell - and ignore pain, which is off the global, causes them to yell as well. You end up yelling like 17 times in a row every single pack, its absurd.
So, lets have a glyph. Don’t remove it - just give me a glyph. “Glyph of the Stoic”, turns off all yells, either for your client only, or for everyone that might hear you yell.
As fury its mostly fine but sweet babby jesus your guy is constantly yelling as Arms in pvp.
I simply don’t notice it myself, I know my character is yelling but my brain is filtering it out most of the time.
Though when I play with other people they keep pointing it out.
So a glyph or setting to turn it off is probably a good idea since others are bothered by it even if I am not.