The current state of WoW's PvP Matchmaking System, by TheScepticOne

Yeah, I’m sure there’s nothing like WoW. If it were, I would have been gone long time ago. There are games like Dota2, LoL, BRs, but they don’t need a more intelligent matchmaking system since those games don’t involve power gear and ilvl, and all differences that an RPG has because of character building progress.
In dota2/lol you level your character every game and you itemize it every game, and if you fail, you start over again, from even ground. While in WoW, that itemization progression means 4-6 months, if you had a bad start, you had issues in your life that didn’t allowed you to play at the start of the season/expansion, or just want to play an alt, with all “catch-up” covenant gear mechancics, it is a real hard, long, and tedious way to climb the ranks.

Still, that doesn’t mean that WoW needs to use the same mindless system. It could have some logica, basical smart additional filters, like I said:

  • templates for pvp; the ones used during leveling that make every character level x9 and give all players highest ilvl is the best, equal ground for a PvP GAME/MODE. that is the best experience that lets players differentiate one from another with the use of communication and skills.

The way WoW’s competitive scene always worked is similar to having no weight divisions in the boxing scene. Imagine a heavyweight champion vs a minimumweight champion, what are the odds of that match ?

  • if templates is not a wanted thing, then add multiple “divisions” by making matchmaking taking in account ilvl ranges, current MMR in any PvP category (rated arena 2v2, 3v3, RBGs), history of PvP achievements r1, or tiers reached in past seasons/expansions.

Dunno, it feels so simple to implement and to make the PvP part of the game much more then it is, more balanced at least at the ilvl starting point, more easy to try it out even if you haven’t played PvP at all.