Hello guys,
I don’t know and don’t what to be short, so DISCLAIMER: big wall of text incoming, grab your ladders/eye glasses/wine/whatever if you want to climb it. Else, thank you for the short visit, cya next time. GL HF
As I said back in december, Shadowlands it is a great expansion for me, and I’ve praised the devs working on it. Simple expansion, simple legendary, with no infinite power grinding systems is the way I like my WoW, gives me TBC/WotLK/MoP vibes.
But the more I try playing the GAME, cause if no infinite power systems in place, I actually have time to play the way I want and need to play it, the more I struggle to enjoy it, and my biggest problem with WoW is related to a system that has been in the game for a while and it is the worst of all systems I’ve ever seen in games. And that is the overall PvP MATCHMAKING system.
The MatchMaking system appears to be working, just appears, ~only for the first month of every expansion, but not because it is a great/intelligent build system, or becasue it was build to work smart, NO. It just works for ~one month of every expansion, becasue most people are quite equally geared and the content is mostly gated.
The rest of the time is just a useless, worthless, 50IQ system that even my 5yo child could build beter with just some simple logical filters preset in it.
Let me put down my experience with it:
So in the first month I’ve leveled and geared my Feral to ~200 without any problems, without any struggles, without having any bad feelings during battlegrounds.
But in january, after I’ve started playing some alts, I’ve actually realised, again, how basic and obsolete the PvP MM system is.
My best experience in battlegrounds has been while actually leveling the caracter, because all have templates of x9 lvl and most players there have BiS gear (either hierlooms or dungeon/quest drops), so we all are playing on an even ground and the experience is the best you can get out of this game. The same goes for leveling in Skirmish arena aswel.
The moment you finished leveling your alt, and want to gear it naturally, with the PvP gear that the game has to offer, hell breaks loose. The MM system is so broken, so basic, so obsolete and so brainless, that it just blindly “matches”, lotto-style, players without not even 1 tought put in the proccess. 32/35/40k HP players with fresh 20k players can only result in disaster, frustration, tears :). Even if I WIN a bg, it doesn’t make me feel better, or more reliable, still feeling like an unwanted weight for the allready geared guys.
I need to say that I never play BGs while beeing high geared for the same reason, whats the point in literally one shotting fresh 60s ?
So, why can’t we have an intelligent, smart, reliable, friendly matchmaking system that can actually make the level 60 Random Battlegrounds or Arena Skirmishes feel actually enjoyable for fresh dingged players ? Either bring back PvP Templates or insert some ilvl intervals from which the MM system can actually add players.
Maybe 140-170, 170-200, 200-230, dunno, just a quick tought.
Or, #BLIZZARD, if you don’t want to be responsible for a good matchmaking system, because you are affraid that alot of people would riot becasue of longer queue times, then at least ADD US LOADS of filters so we can decide what and how we want to play the game.
Some examples:
- add the possibility to have healers in a BG, or not having them, cause if my team has a 20k-25k healer, and the other team has a 32k-37k healer, then the game could end from the start just like a slots/casino gamble;
- maybe I want an even ground, like the ilvl in my BG to be with a maximul 10-15ilvl between players, but I don’t want to have a healer, or wait for a healer so I can lower the queue time just by checking the “no healers/tanks” box;
Blizzard doesn’t want to add #SOLOQUEUE for the time sinking minigame called LFG. saying that the solo queue is obtainable in Random Battlegrounds and Arena Skirmishes, but did any Blizzard WoW Dev actually played those modes with a fresh dingged character ?
How am I supposed to gear an alt, with PvP gear, I the mode that should let me do that is full of crazy, elitist players that are bad at rated arenas but are so overgeared that they think they are good because they are killing low geared 60s in Ramdom Battlegrounds or Arena Skirmishes ?
Again, it is so bad that the most equilibrated, fun, enjoyable part of the PvP soloqueue Matchmaking system is found in the leveling bracket and not at end game character level. It should be equilibrated, fun, and enjoyable at all times.
And ofc, if any #BLIZZARD WoW DEV read untill here, give us the #SOLOQUEUE OPTION for rated pvp content
For the moment, for me, as a PvP-only,no-ingame-friends player, playing at weird times. the game offers me no way to keep playing the game the way I enjoy playing it, no way to enjoy it at the max level character:
- The rated pvp games are a disaster time sink for solo, no-ingame-friends payers, because you need to waste more then half of your play time just to try to start the rated content (DAMN YOU souless, brainless LFG TOOL);
- The actuall soloqueue pvp games are a disaster mix with frustration, and incapacity to actually enjoy the game because there are no borders between fresh low lvl geared 60s and elitist highend geared 60s that play “RANDOM BATTLEGROUNDS”
TLDR: just change topic, from my perspective, there is no short way to put this.
Hoping for the best. GL HF. Thank you for reading.