The Demon Hunter favoritism is real

Starting a mythic reset the cool-down of Meta, but others with burst Cool-down don’t get this.

Demon Hunter have no weakness in PVP

Demon Hunter are BIS for Mythic Plus, Visions, Solo questings, Solo Dungeons, PVP and Raids.

Demon Hunters are only ones allowed to Mog Walglaives even though they where wielded by Rogue and Warriors over a decade before they existed.

Demon Hunters are the only class that can see through stealth

Demon Hunters are the only class that can mana burn

Demon Hunter are the only class with double jump

Demon Hunter are the only class that have passive slow fall that not effected by damage and is off GCD.

Demon Hunters AOE rotation and Single target rotation min max rotation is the exact same leaving no room for error or skill play.

Demon Hunters scale incredible with Corruption side effects due to survival and mobility


Wouldn’t say favoritism

Would just say not giving much of a damn in class design, i mean their main thing is demonform which was just ripped from warlocks, they feel like a class that was added bcuz ‘‘we add a class every 2nd expansion’’ which is why im kinda happy they wont just throw another class in shadowlands because of traditions


Sounds like you should roll a Demon Hunter.


Wait a second , it’s still too early for this thread . I still don’t have my popcorn ready


:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:


Can i grab some of those?

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If you can’t beat them join them!

DH should have a heal spec!


Soon… Don’t forget the range spec too. Waiting for the day we can form groups by just having dhs

Red here is mine xD

That’s what i did xD

It’s fine. People who can’t cope with more than 2 buttons need something to play too.


Somebody sounds like they’re jealous over meta. :eyes:

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Honestly I feel we’re a bit on the weak side. We could use some more mobility maybe, and some survivability powers.


Nah, I’m good, thank you. They got a piss poor, brain dead version of it.

Biiiiiitteeeeeeeerrrr. It’s ok, they’re going to merge the classes at some point anyway. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Another day, another DH thread.

Fun stuff.


They maybe OP like this, but i still play classes that are fun for me.

… true I am gearing DH up for the visions mount and 5 mask run down the line. :crazy_face: But of course I did not tell you that… nor I said this in public.


Hmm wonder why :thinking: Of course it’s not because it sucks to play against an ape who spams 2 buttons.


I think they just should give other classes also cool stuff. DH just feels over the top with all their unique abtilities.

and yet i kill demon hunter so easily in pvp and my gear is not so much op .

Ok… :confused:
DH and Rogue teamed upped in 2v2s are op AF xD :sob: