The Demon Hunter feel

So as we know WoW has been here for lots of years, but the DH hasn’t. During legion it was awesome being a DH in terms of transmog, because everything was tailored around us. The BFA released with the removal of class sets. Now that’s really a shame.

Imho then you need to bring back those class sets, because it is like a visual evolving of the classes. Yes, we get new mechanics and the feel is evolving, but the visuals aren’t when every armour class is just the same…

I was looking at mogs for my DH and it’s so limited!

Bring back the class design. Not just for the sake of DH, but for everyone :smiley:


Same here! You know there is a problem when players run old raids to get the t-mogs


Ion said they aren’t plannig it for 8.0, but probably asap afterwards. I do hope he wasn’t bs-ing and spoke the truth, because removal of class-identity tier sets was one of the things I hated most about BFA


I agree.
I see no reason for there to not be class sets other than Blizzard being lazy and not wanting to make new sets. I think that the DH set from Mythic Nighthold looks so good and I wish I could say the same for this expansions sets but I just can’t.

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How much do you think they can provide? This exact same thing happened to Monks and Death Knights.

WOTLK has great aesthetic for DKs, and then Cata gives them practically nothing of note. Most plate sets are fire theme, which is the least appealing theme for DKs.

Monks were also had good flavor in MoP, but were shafted in WoD.

Time and possibility of new armor and weapons is the only thing that can fix it.

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I actually think that Legion had awesome sets for both DK and monks. Just look at DKs set from the Nighthold. Which is why we need these class sets to return. Keeps for classes flavour through out the different themed expansions :wink:

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Blizz have confirmed that while tier sets won’t be returning in 9.0 they will return at some point in SL.

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I don’t know what ‘class design’ means per se, but my old idea has always been that ‘transmogging’ should be free for all.

There’s no real reason to LIMIT paying customers’ options. Let anyone wear -anything- they want, and let them choose it from a menu and be instantly wearable instead of having to painstakingly go through 80 dungeons to get just the right item.

Oh well, I am all for CUSTOMization for paying CUSTOMers… but knowing this world, this game, these players and the rest, I am sure there will be a lot of heated opposition to this simple idea for this or that reason.

In my opinion, people should be FREE to look like whatever they want to look like (and Gnomes should be able to be DHs and Paladins and Druids should be able to be humans, etc. etc).

Maybe I think too much ‘out-of-the-box’ or something…

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