I wake up, go into the game and guess what I see? I don’t see it more precisely, that’s right, the hp and mp numbers have disappeared. I see focus, I see target, but the eigenvalues have flown away. For my part, before writing to the forum, I checked the game files, disabled all addons and then reinstalled the game. Everything is unchanged. Please correct it.
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this should fix it temporarily
/run SetTextStatusBarText(PlayerFrameManaBar, PlayerFrameManaBarText) SetTextStatusBarText(PlayerFrameHealthBar, PlayerFrameHealthBarText)
You need to die for it to work after running it and if you /reload you have to run it again.
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edit: you don’t actually have to die, just lose/gain health/mana
Thanks man, it helped. But still, why should the blizzard jamb be decided by an ordinary player who pays every month in addition?
Answer to your concern, have look into like . . .
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