The Dracthyr Spread their Wings to New Classes

Let Evokers play in Visage form.

Let Evokers choose their visage race and use transmog in dragon form.

Let Evokers be more classes.

Let Evokers be happy.


The fact they totally ignored Druid when many of them chose to protect the Emerald Dream is a huge oversight. This makes me sad.

I feel like Druid has the least amount of love too. I want more Druid races. If we can have a spore dwarven Earthen druid why can’t we have more druids?

I think there’s a mistake in the post, surely monks were not left out, right

They could do some King Fu Claw maneuvers!

Stop asking for Draktyr visage form in combat

If you want to look like an elf or a human just play human/elf. Simple.

If you dont like to looklike a dragon in combat
 reason is you dont like the draktyr race so just dont play it. sounds logic


Druid would make kinda sense since he’s already a shapeshifter.

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Requires for the Dracthyr to have a connection to nature though. Just being able to shapeshift isnt enough. And god forbid if they try to get into the Worgen form as thats a recipe for disaster (they won’t be able to control it and go berserk if they don’t drink from the moonwells in Gilneas)

However they have Amirdrassil right in front of their door so I don’t see a reason for them not to be in touch with nature. So ye Druid would make sense.

Wait, they’re actually letting us stay in visage form forever even during combat? Sign me the F up! Will finally after all these years get a mage to max level then x) Can’t wait!

Excuse you, have you missed the fact that humans and especially belf’s look plain and boring compared to the dractyr’s visage form? Why would you even prefer them over a visage dractyr? x)

Still not transmog for gecko form

I don’t know how to even save aWOKErs I mean Dracthyrs from becoming the least represented race amonng basic classes, without adding at least partial transmog and new body 1 and 2 types for the dragon form. I mean people here just ask to give them another Elves with permanent vision form. Blizzard made draconic race from Worgen female animation mech it seems, yet we see almost no transmog on the model that used to have it all except on feet.

You mean Dracthyr.

Evoker is the class and nor the race.

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You can’t be serious, Blizzard.

When will you stop doing these ill-considered random moves? “Oh but people asked!” Yeah people ask for stupid things all the time, woop-woop.

Allow me to explain myself:

Firstly, we all know that you picked these classes because they’re the easiest to implement for a new race. You don’t need any totems or unique forms or mounts of anything else. In other words, you made the classes generic, and now you’re handing them out to everybody because they’re generic. Good for you, yay.

Secondly, just one of these racials alone are vastly superior to any other racial in the game by miles. Having them both is so insanely good, even at a 3 minute cooldown, that if are you playing any other race you will be accused of trolling. What on Earth gave you the idea that being able to gauge one enemy every 2 minutes is as good as an AoE knock-back + an AoE knock-up every 3 minutes, respectively? When we’re all doing content where we AoE people a ton as well?

I feared this day would come and alas, it has.


I distinctly remember a statement by one of your employees through one of official communication channels that evokers (only dracthyr can be evokers so it is implicit I refer to dracthyr evokers) will be able to engage in combat in their visage form.

Now you post information that is in direct contradiction to your company’s previous official statement.

This undermines your credibility - you have further confirmed that it is rational to not take seriously the contents of any official communications message you post.

I was considering maining an evoker this expansion after the previously mentioned official info about player choice on my combat form - I decided to level a mage instead since I didn’t believe in your earnesty at delivering said promise due to history of your communication with your custommer base - now you confirm it had been the correct choice.

As to the rationale you’ve provided for cancelling on your promise - bullsh#t. You have specialists in the field of VFX - they would make it work if they gave them such a task - that’s why they’re specialists right?. Make evoker transform into dracthyr form during deep breath? Your people made dracthyr visuals work on other classes while not in dracthyr form - you showed the results of your work in the same announcement.

Blizzard backed on a promise made before TWW launch.
Blizzard further shows whatever they write in official communications messages is not worthy to be taken seriously by their custommers.
Blizzard has specialists that could make the promise they backed out of work in-game, they chose not to utilise their time for that goal - they choose not to spend the resources on delivering on the promise they made.


Visage form is actually a cooler version of that, since it has unique customization options that neither male BE or female human has. So no, i don’t want to look like an elf or a human, i want to look like a dragon in visage form, with my horns, my scales, my cool hair decorations

This is funny considering that this thread is about an announcement from them adding more classes with one of the highlights being that they can remain in visage form.

If they truly believed that dracthyr should look like a dragon in combat, then among the changes one would be that dracthyr form is toggled automatically as soon as you enter combat. In fact, one of the changes is that the two active racials will no longer toggle the dracthyr form. Unless you are an evoker, because of reasons.


Other races you mean? And also. No!

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It would be great if newly released armor sets would match color wise with colors of sets available for the dracthyr form. For example, some of the upcoming raid sets and the announced anniversary set don’t seem to match colors the available at the hairdresser armor options. So please, either release sets that match with the existent palettes or, better, add many more available color palettes for the armor in the dracthyr form.

It’s disappointing that the dracthyr didn’t get shamans, paladins and druids. But since those three classes are going to be unlocked for all races at some point, dracthyr will probably also gain access to them.

I still hoping that they will add full transmog for the dragon form. It will feel weird playing cloth or plate class without appropriate armor showing in main form.
I know that you will be able to see full armor in visage form, but if I wanted to play as human female or belf male, I’ve had ability to do that for many years now.

Technically you are correct but also incorrect, because as of right now only Dracthyr Evoker exist, so they’re the same.

But yes I should have said Dracthyr.

can you please just remake the Dracthyr its trash and we all know it