The Dracthyr Spread their Wings to New Classes

Honestly the only change I care about right now is that a Dracthyr should be able to have its Visage form around that login screen campfire. I don’t want to have to see that Dragon model, it’s just not for me.

Seeing the Visage form would inspire me to play the character.

The Dragon form should only be required for flight.

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Are they gonna be able to fly with their wings in Visage form?

Allow me to bring this issue here as I did to the official forums in Spanish. Congrats for the new classes, wiii. Unfortunately, let me interpretatively quote:

Dracthyr Evokers will continue to use “be forced to endure” Dracthyr form during combat, as many of their abilities emphasize their draconic nature.

And thus, one of my biggest hopes for this expansion has been thrown down the drain to the molten corruptable core of Azeroth. For the love of quick-and-dirty game design: why? Why blizzard, why? It’s pretty clear the lizard form is at least controversial at most disliked and the evoker class is already far on the top most played classes. So why do developers keep insisting on restricting it to a forced furryfest?

I want to keep playing my draktir but it’s hard to enjoy the class when all my transmogs look aweful in combat and the visual vibes are off half of the time. A cinematic in lizard form kills the momentum, a flying mount in lizard form looks stupid, the loading screen of the lizard form (with that clipped belt) looks off.

There is no single “fantasy” related reason I should be forced to endure the lizard skin as an evoker EXCEPT for the mount form (which is, not just for evokers), the rest of the skills can be easily turned into normal-animated spells. If you’re too lazy to program the couple more complicated ones (such as the wing and tail CCs) just transform me 0.5 secs and then revert the character back.

Aham, do excuse the tone of the post, I’m genuinly dissapointed. To those that enjoy playing lizard form, congrats you have the choice to do so. For the ones that, like me, would like to play as hot semiscally elves, guess we’ll keep using macros lol.

Pre-emptive answer to the most common “argument”: No I don’t want to make a priest blood elf (I already have one!), I wan’t to play as a healer evoker, I love the theming, fantasy and how it plays around the mechanics. I adore how the human form looks with everything it has. I just hate being a twinky furry.


Well, I’ve been waiting to play a dracthyr since they were announced, but apparently the only choice of tank I get is the one tank I don’t play. Please say this is just the beginning and we’re going to get at least a couple of other tank classes soon.

Why can’t you just make Evoker switch to the dragon form during “XYZ Breath” spells only (reverting to visage as soon as the cast is over) and give the same wing effect during hover/rescue and similar spells.

The above + optional always on dragon forms seems like an easy win?

Evoker is very fun to play but the dragon forms don’t offer the same appeal the Druid Shapeshifts do (at least you can make those look different with werebear/owlbear/etc).

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I don’t particularly care for being able to stay in the Visage form during combat since this isn’t what I play this class for. Good for other people who enjoy it, though. But what I personally want more than anything else is actual transmog on the dragon form. Like come on, Blizz. If I just wanted to play a belf I would’ve picked a belf, not a bipedal dragon. Why can Worgen have full armor but Dracthyr apparently can’t? It just seems insanely lazy to take that away from them.

cries in shaman and DK and monk

Now unlock the Paladin classes that the Tyrhold questline hinted at!

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Can we have Evoker Orc or Zandalari now pls? I don’t want to play as rat-lizard. Thanks

Please let Shamans choose the form they want to use!

Also the order hall mount… let us use any as Shaman not be locked in by spec.

Please add Drackthyr Druids! It’s all my friend wants.


Wait so they are breaking their, every race can be monk or dk thing? WHY?!?!?!

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im toying with the idea of benching my evoker
even after getting the elite mogs through the whole of DF

mainly because i cant see my mogs

its a shame really, i kinda wish i could see my Mog, or have combat in visage form as evoker

kills all desire to play evoker

Sucks . Its like five min ago they made it s thing lol.
Probably gonna be a headliner for a dry patch

I wish we could do class swaps … I have a level 70 evoker which I would love to play in TWW, but as a priest. Almost all my alts are shadow priests as my memory’s not up to playing different classes now. One day, maybe Anandormu can join the rest of the SP gang …

so finally made the decision

i have official benched my Evoker,
the not seeing your mogs in dragon form is too depressing

good riddance

Lore wise makes no sense for them to be a dk or monk. Also animating the rolling of the monk for the dragon form is probably pain in the a.

Now normally I agree, but umm… lightforged warlocks?

We are talking about dracthyrs not lightforged. I was sharing my opinion and not 100% facts. Idc if they did other race class mixups in the past.

Well yes but I’m refferecing the fact that lore is atleast from previous encounterrs, somewhat irrelevant. I don’t doubt that it might’ve been a reason I simply don’t understand myself, but we’ll see I suppose how they choose to approach it.

My bet is monk simply has a ton of unique animations

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