The Dreadlords true master(not Denathrius)

As we all know, the Dreadlords were once Ven’thyr turned into Dreadlords.
Many couldn’t connect the story at first since back then, Denathrius stood with the Eternal ones to imprison Zovaal.

Their mission, the Enemy Infiltration of the Cosmsic forces began after Zovaals downfall. We all know that the Dreadlords who was sent away long ago was most likely not Sire Denathrius own loyalist… They were loyal only to the Jailer since Denathrius was against Zovaal back then.

But I think it’s pretty clear that upon Zovaals imprisonment, the Ven’thyr loyal to Zovaal, somehow escaped the Shadowlands and maybe even with the Voids help,
counquered a world that they would later make their own.
So the Venthyr reach out in the cosmos, conquers a world with their manipulating skills, starting to consume large amounts of Fel-overdosage to be transformed into demons.

Later most of them uses their own planet as a staging ground for their eternal task of the Jailer and sends a smaller force to another planet to seeks contact with the Void-aligned creations, untill they find a great source of power from an Old God-infested planet. This grants them formidable powers over the shadows,
something they spread upon return to their breathren.

This later leads to their magnificient corruptions over the singleminded Titan Sargeras and leads to the Burning Legion which the Dreadlords join.
Due to their nature of intelligent vampirical creaturs that can infliltrate and consume other mortal beings, they are granted the intelligent apparatus of the Burning Legion, which is crucial to what, why or when the Demon Lords go through with and what attacks, depending what your intellegince officers advise.

They already controlled the Legion more than most could realize.
They with the Old Gods help, put the sense of doubt and fear into Sargeras mind that would lead him to his downfall.

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The things I never knew I knew…


Isn’t this speculation based on speculation based on obscure ingame books at this point in time?
For real confirmation of any of these theories we’ll have to wait for 9.1.


No. Danuser has kinda confirmed it during one of the Blizzcon interview. It’s almost certain at this point that Enemy Infiltration is written by a dreadlord.

As for the OP speculation, I doubt that. Blizzard is very careful about how they give hints and teasing through things like the Varimathras dialogue in Antorus or Il’Gynoth whispers. The dreadlord writing enemy infiltration is cleary addressing -SIRE- Denathrius. “To our most noble and resplendent Sire”, “The reason you’ve sired us”, yada yada. Whichs hints as Denathrius sending them as his agents and by extension agents of the Jailer within the realm of the living.

Are there some inconsistencies ? Yes. However, do remember this whole dreadlord thing is one big retcon and not everything is bound to fit for what was once a group of Burning Legion intelligence officers basically.

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I obviously meant that they were created by Denathrius, but when he did what he did, maybe some turned their backs on him? Or joined Zoovals rebellion?
Who knows? But its likely Denathrius at this point, yes.

What I don’t understand now is how the Dreadlords affiliated with the Burning Legion when they die reformed in the Twisting Nether.

This runs counter to the idea that beings created from a different plane of existence revert back to it when killed/destroyed in another.

Does consuming that much fel energy literally turn you into a demon?
Even for beings manifested in the Shadowlands?

If you look at how the current cosmology chart is drawn in official literature, the Shadowlands form a trinity with Reality and the Emerald Dream. If they were created in the Shadowlands at the behest of the Sire, it would imply their essence should go back to the mortal (infinity?) circuit.

Again this is pure speculation at this point without knowing more about their origins; or how reality and those two (pocket?) dimensions relate to one another. Both of which sit just on the edge or reality as described in the imagery.

From what we know of the eternal ones so far, they are capable of creating sentient “life” (beings). In the case of the Venthyr, they were supposed to be created in the image of the Sire. Although, you could argue the Dreadlords based on appearance alone are a much closer fit.

Could it be the Dreadlords were preliminary or 1st generation prior to the creation of the Venthyr as we see them today? …or were they created at a later point in secrecy? Both likely at some point within Sinfall or with Sinfall being a focal point for their operations in the past. This occuring at some point before the incursion of the Light (Naaru) and the subsequent devastation leading to the creation of the ruinous Ember Ward.

Same as how regular eredar became sort of bound to the Twisting Nether instead of the Shadowlands it seems.

I do not know where would Lothraxxion go after becoming infused by the Light. Maybe? Closest to the whole pricliple that I know of would be

Xal’atath (Val’sharah): Here you will see why the Legion’s invasion is ultimately futile. All can be corrupted, dreams and demons alike.

gl hf


Well, the Nathrezim was most likely created by Denathrius (just because he isn’t uberstrong like Sargeras, people tend to forget that strenght isn’t always pure destructive fel magics or physical strenght.
Denathrius power lies within his ability to create. I think he created the Nathrezim specifically for Zovaal. And later Denathrius obviously had to cut all the ties to them aswell.

When Sargeras found them on the Old-God infested planet, they might’ve already had been consuming fel prior to that to transform fully into demons.
Even though they were revelling in shadow magics.

I mean I’ve always noticed how the Dreadlords were corrupted by Fel but also were the most prominent shadow magic users in the Legion, since it fit well with their sinister nature.
So even though they were basking in Void magics, they may already had been transformed into demons, since alot of it points to that (or rather lack of any other possibility).

The Dreadlords are cunning, scheming and it makes complete sense that they would be the ones who would be perfect to corrupt Sargeras.
After all, Sargeras is a singleminded, logical Titan. Many paint Sargeras as both super intelligent and incredibly powerful, when numerous sources points to the opposite.

Just because you are a gigantic Titan being and your size and natural power is considerable due to the fact that you are a giant, doesn’t equally mean he is more intelligent than beings like the Dreadlords, the Lich King with his tremendous telepathical powers, vast consciousness and necromantic powers that allowed him to not only read minds but the more souls he enslaved, the more his consciousness grew.
Same goes for the Old Gods, there is no denying their strenght isn’t in their physical power but their vast and intelligent minds.

People seem to forget that, even Kil’jaeden and Archimonde I would say were more cunning and intelligent than Sargeras. But Sargeras stod for the power…

Fel is dangerous for its addictive powers and potential for wreaking destruction on a large scale.

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